When Mr. Day’s job takes him across the globe, he brings
Marco along and challenges the kids
to find him. The clues, sent by Mr. Day are posted on a website run by Morton. As
soon as the clues are posted, the kids set out to locate Mr. Day and Marco
using whatever resources they can. Some of the kids use EarthView, some use Google
Earth, and others use the atlas. Whatever they decide works best for them is ok
with Morton, who reminds them “As in life, there is rarely only one way to do something.”
Mr. Day came
up with the idea for "Where in the World is Mr. Day?" when his
son was in the fourth grade. He would correct his GROW (Geographic review of
our world) homework and thought he could help make learning about geography
more fun and more personal. “When I was a kid the world seemed like such a huge
place, and to me countries where just names on a map. Because of the nature of
my job the world has gotten a lot smaller and I've learned a lot about many
different cultures. I hope that through this game I can pass on some of my
experience to the kids,” Mr. Day said.
“My favorite part of this game is engaging with the kids,”
he said. “I've learned so much with my job and love the opportunity to share
it. Knowing that I can add to what Mrs. Morton is teaching is rewarding.”
Since every
child has access to an Apple laptop, they can access technology such as
Google’s Street View and virtually do things such as walk across the Golden
Gate Bridge as they did when they narrowed in their search to San Francisco.
They also learned about the Gold Rush and Alcatraz at that time. “It has really
has evolved into a dynamic learning experience,” said Morton, who also doubles
as the school’s technology coordinator.
“Every year I
try to do something new and exciting for the kids. I get excited when the kids
get excited,” said Morton, who has been teaching for 37 years. She speaks in
terms of adoration when referring to her students. She keeps photo albums of
all her classes going back to 1976. “I’m now teaching my former students
children. It’s like I am their grandmother and I love it,” said Morton.
Morton wanted to acknowledge her fourth grade students
who are participating in this project: Sam Baker, Colby Connolly, Audrey Day,
Emma Debrosse, Lauren Deluca, Marshall Dillon, Mercedes Dyer, Wyatt Flibbert,
Juliane Fuller, Xander Greslick, Gianna Howie, Kylee Keene, Alexa Lachance,
Preston Linscott, Tayshawn Lindsay, Alexis Livingston, Dylan Mathieson, Xander
Paradis, Norberto Ramos, Tyler Reynolds, Tanner Simagna and Kiara Stuart.
Morton and Mr. Day have created a very special way for the students to learn
not only geography, but also a broader awareness of the world including other cultures
and religions. The kids were especially excited when they discovered the iconic
McDonalds golden arches in China, only the letters were in Chinese, not
English. “It’s really about solving a mystery, and who doesn’t love a mystery?”
asked Morton as she pointed out exotic places where Mr. Day and Marco had been
previously, places such as Dubai and South Korea.
“It has also
been a fun for the parents, who can access the site with their kids at home. I
try to encourage those parent/child conversations,” said Mr. Day. The website
is accessible for anyone who would like to see the clues on the webpage
and are welcome to guess along.
The website address is: https://sites.google.com/a/grsu14.org/dmorton/home/mr_day