2024: A year of adjustment and change
Reviewing what happened over the past year is always a significant opportunity for all of us to assess and reflect on what has been achieved in the Windham and Raymond communities and to determine the direction of where our towns may be heading in 2025.
Sherma Moody, left, joins her husband, Pat Moody, after the dedication of the 'Pat Moody Basketball Courts' in Windham on Sunday, Nov. 3. Thousands turned out that night to express their love and admiration for Pat Moody, who through the years has been a tireless champion and advocate for Windham youth. He died a week later on Nov. 10 sending the community into mourning for the loss of one of its greatest supporters. PHOTOO BY MATT PASCARELLA |
For residents of the Lakes Region of Maine, there were plenty of milestones and newsworthy accomplishments in 2024 to celebrate but much more could be attained in the new year ahead as changes and potential adjustments await our communities. Windham and Raymond have sworn in new elected leaders and representatives following November’s election and changes will soon be visible in the towns with a new middle school under construction, new roads and bridges about to be built, Maine’s new Paid Family and Medical Leave Program starting for employees and the countdown is on until REAL ID enforcement for travelers begins May 7, 2025.
Following a thorough review of all issues of The Windham Eagle from 2024, we’ve chosen to highlight the top story for each edition as featured in the newspaper and we wish everyone a healthy, safe, and prosperous year ahead in 2025.
July 5’s top story was about Tayla Pelletier of Windham High School, a junior who finished seventh in the nation in the triple jump at the Adidas Nationals at North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University in Greensboro, North Carolina in June after winning the Maine State Championship and the New England Championship this spring. Pelletier won the Triple Jump event at the Maine State Championships at Thornton Academy on Saturday June 1 and went on to win the New England Championships at the University of New Hampshire on Saturday June 8 in the triple jump. She then traveled to the Adidas Nationals where she competed in the 100-meter hurdles, 400-meter hurdles and the triple jump events. “Competing in sports has definitely shown how hard I can be on myself,” Pelletier said. “I set very high expectations and always strive to do my best.” Pelletier began competing in the triple jump during the spring season of her freshman year at WHS. “What I like most about being an athlete is the goals I am able to set for myself, and the team and coaches who push me to and support me with achieving these goals,” Pelletier said. Competing at the Adidas Nationals was a great experience, and Pelletier said she’s happy with her times in both the 100-meter hurdle and 400-meter hurdle events, considering it was her first time running the 400-meter hurdles. As for her triple jump, she started seeded ninth and came out of finals placed seventh overall.

The top story for July 12 was the announcement that Robin Mullins, the President/CEO of the Sebago Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce, is stepping down from her chamber position to focus on her new role as Marketing Manager for Octagon Cleaning & Restoration in Windham. Mullins has led the chamber since 2019. “Now seems like the right time to leave my chamber President/CEO role as I was offered a position too good to turn down,” Mullins said. “It was hard turning down no more nights or weekends for a bit more money and a company car. What I love about my current role is all the relationships I have built and the marketing I have done for the region. In my new position I will do what I love and continue to build and foster relationships, and instead of marketing hundreds of businesses in eight communities, I will be able to focus all of my efforts on just one company.” SLRCC Board Chair Jonathan Priest said that Mullins has left an indelible positive stamp upon the chamber. “I am excited for her in her new role, but I know we will all miss her boundless energy, her giant heart, and her passion for the people and businesses of our region,” Priest said. “She has worked tirelessly during her time with the chamber to support our area businesses, grow our membership, expand chamber member benefits, boost attendance at our Business Breaks, and raise money for worthy causes like Feed the Need.”
July 19’s top story was about an upcoming concert at Lenny’s in Westbrook to be performed by three Windham High School graduates who turned their passion for music into a thriving musical career. David Young (Class of 2017), his younger brother, Deven Young (Class of 2019), and their friend Seth Martin (Class of 2017) are members of the Nashville-based band called David Young and the Interstate Kings and perform vintage American music with a modern indie focus. They have recently embarked on their first “Vintage American Tour” which includes a stop in their home state of Maine. The folk/rock group are performing songs on the tour from their latest album recorded in Nashville entitled “Vintage American.” Upcoming dates will see the Interstate Kings play in cities throughout Ohio, Pennsylvania, Upstate New York, Illinois, and Kentucky, including a stop in Kansas City, renowned for its blues legacy. However, the stop they are most looking forward to is their homecoming performance in Maine. “We are pumped to be coming home to play for all of our friends and family again – all those who loved our music and believed in us,” said David Young, guitarist, vocalist, and lyricist. They are eager to perform their homecoming show at Lenny’s, it’s the venue where the band perfected their performance skills. “We are especially excited to do the show at Lenny’s,” Deven Young, the drummer, said. “We played there several times over the years, and it was there where we honed our sound as a band.”
The top story for July 26 was about the Raymond Boy Scout Troop 800’s involvement and activities, community service and enriching experiences, all while developing strong character, leadership skills, and a commitment to service. Raymond Scoutmaster Jason Moreau said that this summer, Troop 800 has already completed two camping events at Rangely Lake State Park and hiking Tumbledown Mountain in Weld. Another trip is planned in August where the troop will start planning activities for the upcoming year. “What we do is highly driven by the scouts themselves; the adult leadership works to help them implement the program,” said Moreau. Assistant Scoutmaster Matt Engelman agrees. “To me, one of the greatest things about Scouting is the focus on troops being youth-led. Our meetings as well as our camping trips and other outings are planned by the youth in Troop 800,” he said. “What, when and how of our outings are all worked out by the Scouts, right down to preparing the menu, shopping for the food, and preparing meals. I believe scouting is unique among youth organizations in that regard,” said Engleman. Camp William Hinds in Raymond provides a great resource for the Scouts to attend events such as the Fall and Spring Camporees, and the winter Klondike Derby. “Camp Hinds is special in a lot of ways. Having the camp in our ‘backyard’ makes it special to our Troop but it’s also played an important part of the Scouting experience for youth across the state and beyond,” said Moreau.
AUGUST Aug. 2’s top story covered the appointment of Windham Town manager Barry Tibbetts to serve as chair of the Windham Middle School Repurpose Advisory Committee. The committee will undertake the important job of making recommendations to the Windham Town Council about how the existing Windham Middle School can best be used once the new Windham/Raymond Middle School opens in 2027. Tibbetts’ role will be as a non-voting, impartial and objective member of the committee. Windham Councilor David Nadeau had originally proposed having either a town councilor or the town manager or the assistant town manager chair the committee but ultimately withdrew that idea in an amended motion during a July council meeting. “We’ve gone through this before and want to make sure this committee has a little bit of structure and stays on task,” Nadeau said. Councilor Jarrod Maxfield said having Tibbetts to chair Windham Middle School Repurpose Advisory Committee makes sense because he is not an elected official. “I don’t want people to say the council is hijacking it,” Maxfield said. The purpose of the Windham Middle School Repurpose Advisory Committee will be to serve as an advisory body to the Windham Town Council for the analysis of potential re-uses for the Windham Middle School’s renovation design, documentation, construction and its potential benefit as a Community Center for the town. The committee will provide a comprehensive recommendation to the council for consideration in making a final determination for the school building, which was first opened to students in 1974.
The top story for Aug. 9 reported that swimming remains closed at Dundee Park in Windham as a gate malfunction at the dam there resulted in the pond being drained in May. The Dundee Dam at Dundee Park is a hydroelectric project on the southern end of Dundee Pond, and it experienced a gate malfunction resulting in water being drained out of the pond there. The New York-based company that oversees the dam at the park, Relevate Power Management, explained what happened. “Dundee Pond is currently drained, and the performance of critical maintenance on the dam is underway,” said Matthew Wenger, Chief Executive Officer of Relevate Power. “The Dundee Dam is owned by Presumpscot Hydro, the licensee of the Dundee Hydroelectric Project, and is operated by Relevate Power Management.” According to Wengert, on May 17, one of the dam’s two deep sluice gates, used to pass large amounts of water during flooding events malfunctioned, sticking in the open position. “These gates are original components of this historic 1913 dam, over 100 years old, and while proper maintenance has kept them in service for over a century, one of the gates reached the end of its useful life unexpectedly,” Wengert said. “While the dam was at no risk of failure, the malfunctioned gate caused water levels to drop until the pond was completely drained.” He said given the location of the gate at the very bottom of the 52-foot structure, repairs could only safely begin once the pond had been emptied.
Aug. 16’s top story was about the Town of Windham preparing to convert to a new automated trash collection system. Trash will be collected curbside starting in September by a Casella driver using an automated retrieval system. Under the existing system, trash and recyclable waste is manually collected at the roadside which requires a trash truck driver and a trash laborer for more than 5,400 stops in Windham. The town also uses the Pay As You Throw (PAYT) system, requiring the purchase of blue bags for residents. Windham Town Manager Barry Tibbetts said this new collection system will be a big change, but he believes residents will find it efficient and convenient. He said that the blue “Pay As You Throw” trash bags will no longer be needed as of Sept. 9 and thereafter. “The use of the Windham trash bags has been required as a way of controlling the total volume of trash deposited at the curb,” Tibbetts said. “Once implemented, the cart system will accomplish the same volume control that the trash bags now create and is what Casella has contracted with the town to do.” The new system was supposed to be in place last fall but was delayed as Casella Waste Systems obtained automated trucks from an out-of-state manufacturer. Tibbetts said residents possessing blue bags after the new system is implemented will be able to sell unused bags back to the town. All trash routes in Windham have been evaluated before the new system becomes effective.
The top story for Aug. 23 was about a gathering at Smith Cemetery in Windham on Sunday, Aug. 18 by Daughters of the American Revolution regents and members to remember the life and accomplishments of Edith Pride Elliot, a lifelong resident who was valedictorian of the first graduating class at Windham High School in 1897. Elliot, who died at the age of 100 in 1977, was honored with a special engraved DAR designation on her headstone at the cemetery, a bouquet of flowers and graveside remarks by the regent at a DAR chapter in St. Cloud, Florida that she helped to found. DAR members from Maine, Vermont, and Florida attended the remembrance event. Regent Julia Smythe of the DAR’s Elizabeth Wadsworth Chapter in Portland introduced members from the other states and said that Elliot deserves the attention because her legacy is far reaching and relevant years after her death. “We who continue the work of the National Society and carry the responsibilities have been inspired by the lives of those whose tasks are completed, especially Edith Pride Elliot,” Smythe said. Windham’s Edith Gertrude Pride was born June 24, 1876, and as a child helped at Windham’s first library which was founded by her mother and grandmother. She completed her high school studies ranked first overall academically in her class and was among the first group of students to graduate from the school. Every winter Elliot would travel to St. Cloud, Florida and helped to organize a DAR chapter there.
Aug. 30’s top story was about a 21-year-old college student from Windham, Rosie Haibon, who won the 2025 Maine Academic Scholarship Pageant and will compete in Orlando, Florida next July in the USA Ambassador National Pageant. Haibon captured the title during the Crossroads’ Maine Academic Scholarship Pageant in South Portland in July. During her reign, she will volunteer throughout New England to promote the Crossroads platform Crown CARES program, creating a respectful environment in schools and society. Haibon is a junior attending the University of Southern Maine and is studying history education and minoring in dance. She also earned the Silver Presidential Award during this year’s competition and shared the “Mom and Me” competition award with her mother. She previously held the MASP Teen title and the YAWOS International Teen title and has competed in pageants for 10 years. Her platform involves Autism Education and Awareness, and she said that she believes mental health is an essential topic of conversation because of how strongly it affects our society and being transparent about her own struggles. She graduated from Windham High School in 2021 and was first diagnosed with autism at age 12 as she was getting ready to go into sixth grade. “Knowing that I can personally relate to my cause and who I’m doing it for, it makes me feel good knowing I’m doing something they will love, and it makes me feel happy,” Haibon said. She attributes her ability to overcome her diagnosis to her participation in pageants.
SEPTEMBER For September 6, the top story was about a controversy surrounding the Windham Town Clerk job and whether it should be an elected or an appointed position. During the Windham Town Council meeting on Aug. 20, comments were received from the public and a motion was discussed by councilors to place a referendum on the General Election ballot for Nov. 5 to change the position from elected by voters to an appointed position by town councilors. The proposed referendum would have included language to amend the Windham Town Charter to grant councilors the ability to appoint and remove the Town Clerk on a vote of five members and to remove the Town Clerk position from provisions related to elected officials, making the position essentially by appointment without a residency requirement. Councilor Jarrod Maxfield was not present for a vote about the issue on Aug. 20, and councilors deadlocked, 3-3, effectively killing the issue from going to a referendum. But per council rules, a councilor can petition the Town Council chair to bring up an issue again if there is a substantive change from its original language. Council Chair Mark Morrison said this was done and councilors voted 4-0 to authorize a referendum for the Nov. 5 ballot. Councilor Bill Reiner did not vote because of a previous commitment and Councilor Nick Kalogerakis walked out of the meeting and did not vote. Councilors Maxfield, Morrison, David Nadeau and Brett Jones voted for the referendum. Councilor John Henry did not attend the meeting.
September 13’s top story was about living organ donor Barbara “Billie” LaVallee of Windham. She donated a large portion of her liver to save the life of a person suffering from acute liver disease. This makes her a so-called “living donor.” Most people are familiar with posthumous organ donation, where organs are harvested from a deceased person and transplanted into a recipient. But many are less familiar with the notion of donating an organ while the donor is alive. Billie shared her story and her experience in the hopes of raising awareness about this life-saving endeavor. LaVallee, 54, grew up in Windham and has deep roots here. She and her husband, Dan, recently purchased a home and moved back to Windham. She says she has done lots of noteworthy things in her life, but perhaps none as incredible as her choice to become a living donor. LaVallee said the real heroes in the realm of organ donation/transplantation are the individuals who persevere through daily pain and hardship while waiting in the hope of a donation to be available. Billie credits a friend and former co-worker with inspiring her interest in exploring living organ donation. "This friend spearheaded our office's participation in National Donate Life Blue & Green Day, which is celebrated every year in April,” she said. “We would wear blue and green that day to raise awareness about organ donation. Sadly, my friend became ill and in an ironic and tragic twist of fate, she died from liver disease."
For September 20, the top story was about Brian Eastman of Windham, who was part of a group of 42 barefoot waterskiers towed behind a powerboat who established a new Guinness World Record at Lake Dubay in Wisconsin on Sept. 14. The team set the world record for the most barefoot waterskiers towed behind a single boat. Eastman lives on Highland Lake, and he grew up in Windham. He’s been waterskiing on Highland Lake for 50 years and has been a barefoot waterskier for 42 years. He learned to waterski when he was 8, has been a barefoot water-skier since he was 16, and has been in and out of the water ever since. “I think it was the excitement, the adrenaline, that made me want to start,” says Eastman. “The difference between regular waterskiing and barefoot waterskiing is essentially the fact that you are going without skis, but you are instead going on your two bare feet. To go on two feet without skis, you need to go much faster. So, for example, if you are typically going 20 mph with water skis, then you would be going 40 mph without skis. It is much faster, and you also need to have the correct body posture for it to work. Once you are going, you are on your bare feet skimming across the surface at a much higher speed than regular waterskiing.” The event was called “The Big Pull” and attempted to beat the previous record of 38 barefoot waterskiers.
September 27’s top story was about Cole Robie of Windham, 16, a sophomore at Windham High School, who won the Nelcar Tour Race at Star Speedway in New Hampshire on Sept. 14 and that came after he won the Legends Feature Race at that same track on Aug. 30. He comes from a racing family and has won five championships in just three years, starting at age 13. Robie has since then built a resume of success on the racetrack including winning five different championships so far and counting. Racing cars in Legends, Late Model and Super Late Model divisions, he continues to rack up wins and gain experience as he aims for a racing career. His chances of doing that are excellent as racing is a family tradition with his grandfather, father, and uncles all having raced professionally. “I have always wanted to race,” Robie said. “My dad had a lot of interest in getting me into racing and was the one that made it happen. We started in 2021, and racing is just in my blood.” His exceptional driving skills and will to win at such a young age show that Windham remains at the forefront in state for developing championship auto racers, a fact not lost on Robie. “There are a lot of race families born and raised in Windham, and I just happen to be part of one,” he said. “Racing has just gone from generation to generation in those families which is pretty cool.”
OCTOBER Oct. 4’s top story covered Amber Rankine, the new President and Chief Executive Officer for the Sebago Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce. Rankine started in her new role on Oct. 1, succeeding Robin Mullins in the leadership position for the chamber. She previously served as the Executive Director at the Greater Fort Kent Area Regional Chamber of Commerce. “She is eager to collaborate with local businesses and stakeholders to enhance the economic vitality and quality of life in the Sebago Lakes Region,” said Jonathan Priest, chair of the SLRCC Board of Directors. “Amber brings a wealth of experience and a deep commitment to community growth.” She will work in collaboration with the SLRCC’s Board of Directors and will be responsible for all facets of the organization’s performance. Her primary objectives will include implementing strategic initiatives to promote the economic prosperity of the Sebago Lakes Region through promoting, marketing, and advocating for the interests of the membership, developing a strong membership base, and supervising all Chamber of Commerce staff. “Sebago Lakes Region has always been my happy place,” Rankine said. “From the time I could walk we gathered here every summer as a family to visit a camp on Watchic Lake. Since then, most of my immediate family has all migrated to the area and my family has had a desire to live and thrive in the area alongside of them.” In her new position with the SLRCC, Rankine says she is bringing new ideas and a new perspective to the organization.
The top story for Oct. 11 was about Windham Middle School’s new School Resource Officer, Windham Police Officer Devyn Rogers. As a school resource officer, Rogers will serve as a valuable resource for students, parents, teachers, staff and administration. His mission is to gain the students’ trust and respect and become a positive role model in their lives. His work is more than breaking up fights and ensuring the physical safety of the staff and students. It also involves being a teacher, counselor, and law enforcement officer, and much of his duties result in conversations that help students navigate tough situations. He’s in charge of the physical security of the entire WMS facility, student safety, emergency operations planning for the school district, safety training, education on various topics for students, and the day-to-day operations of the middle school community. “I wanted to become a school resource officer to help provide a safe school environment, interact with a different part of the community, and work with students to provide a potentially different perspective on law enforcement,” says Rogers. “As an SRO, I help provide a safe and secure environment for students and staff, assist school staff with resolving conflict and problems, and as a resource for the students if they have issues that they don’t want to bring up to other staff.” Married and the father of two children, Rogers grew up in North Yarmouth and graduated from Greeley High School and the University of Southern Maine before entering law enforcement.
Oct. 18’s top story covered the death of the oldest resident of Windham, Hazel Gilman, who died Oct. 9 at the age of 106. Gilman was born July 20, 1918, and graduated from Windham High School in 1935. When Hazel was 2 years old, her parents moved in with her grandparents to help take care of them. “My grandfather was deaf and blind, so my mom and dad wanted to be there and help them out in any way they could,” After high school she stayed in Windham and in 1941 she married Kenneth Gilman, and they enjoyed 55 years together until his death in 1996. The couple did not have any children of their own but helped to raise Hazel’s three younger brothers in the family’s home. “My mother died at the age of 50, leaving my father a widower, so Ken and I stepped in to help raise my younger brother,” she said in a 2021 interview. Her father remarried and together, he and his new wife welcomed two more sons into their lives. Gilman was employed by Universal Watkins and National Medical Care and upon her retirement she volunteered at Brighton Hospital. In 2018 at the age of 100, Windham Town Clerk Linda Morrell presented Gilman with the town’s Boston Post Cane, for her being the oldest living resident of Windham. She was reticent about receiving that distinction, saying “It’s nothing I’ve done to deserve it. I just happen to be the oldest person alive in Windham.”
The top story for Oct. 25 reported about Windham varsity field hockey coach Cory DiDonato earning her 100th career victory as Windham High School’s coach. She had previously coached Windham’s varsity field hockey team from 2003 to 2008, and then after taking time off to have her son, returned in 2016 and has been the varsity coach ever since. On Tuesday, Oct. 15, DiDonato earned her 100th career win as her WHS team defeated Sanford, 2-1. “I come back every year because they are like daughters for me,” said DiDonato. “I love them, and they give me the competitive drive. It’s the best group of girls; a lot of them I’ve had in class as middle schoolers, and I’ve gotten to see them grow all the way up through (varsity). I come back every year because I enjoy spending every fall with them and I get to help hopefully mold them into good people who know how to work hard for something that they want.” DiDonato served as an Educational Technician at Windham Middle School from 2003 to 2008. Since 2016, she’s taught sixth grade English Language Arts and Social Studies at Windham Middle School. “Cory embodies dedication to the program,” said WHS Junior Varsity coach Lyndsay Stretch, who has been with the program since 2017 and has coached alongside DiDonato since 2021. “She has instilled in me the values of perseverance, community, and cultivating leaders off the field. Her lifelong passion for athletics has fostered incredible teams and athletes.”
NOVEMBER Nov. 1’s top story was about the Raymond Comprehensive Plan committee producing a preliminary draft of a proposed new Comprehensive Plan in time for the fall 2024 projected deadline. Residents on the email list received a copy of the draft and it is also available on the town website. Town of Raymond staff, the Comprehensive Plan Committee, and North Star Planning have been working together since May 2023 to update Raymond’s comprehensive plan. This draft plan includes mandatory Maine state requirements along with goals, policies, action items, and a Future Land Use Plan based on what the Raymond community through online surveys, workshops, informal polls, and the Committee has formulated. The CPC draft features several top Priority Goals and Actions that emerged through community surveys and workshops held over the past year. CPC Co-chair Peter Leavitt discussed the progress of this long-term and much-anticipated project. Leavitt highlighted the priority actions of the committee’s work and proposal as building a more resilient Raymond regarding extremes in weather and natural disasters; protecting Raymond's natural and water resources; investing in road safety and traffic improvements; and strengthening Raymond's sense of community. “While these are intentionally broad goals, the data and detail of the many initiatives necessary in achieving them are contained in the section of the draft entitled Goals, Policies and Action Items,” Leavitt said. Once the public comment period has ended and state review is complete, edits and updates will be made to finalize the plan to include on the Town Warrant.
The top story for Nov. 8 was about an outpouring of affection and love for coach, father, husband and Windham’s most enthusiastic supporter, Pat Moody, who was surprised when the basketball courts he championed for were officially named the “Patrick Moody Basketball Courts” at a gathering on the basketball courts next to Windham’s Public Safety Building on Sunday, Nov. 3. Moody has received some difficult news that his cancer has returned, and he has been given just a few months to live. People showed their love and support for Moody as the dedication to him was made through tears, applause and laughter. “I love this town, and I love this sport,” said Moody. “To come out here and have this dedication, it basically just made my heart explode seeing everybody’s faces here and all the love. ‘Gratitude’ isn’t a strong enough word; It’s just super, super special. It’s too special for me to put into words.” Moody said that his goal was always to give back to Windham basketball and do whatever possible to better Windham so that people could enjoy the greatness he enjoyed growing up. Windham residents Tyler Graves and Windham High varsity boys’ basketball coach Chad Pulkkinen wanted to do something lasting to honor Moody. He was a big part of the blue basketball courts by the Public Safety Building being built. Moody had wanted lights on the blue courts and Pulkkinen and Graves, along with the help of various companies, organizations and donations, made that happen.
Nov. 15’s top story reported on the death of Pat Moody, exactly one week after more than a thousand supporters gathered to dedicate basketball courts in Windham to him. Moody died of pancreatic cancer on Sunday evening, Nov. 10. Immediately upon hearing the news about Moody’s death, a flood of support, condolences and stories poured in. Many residents have shared the positive affect that Moody had on their lives and the lives of the many children he coached. “Pat and I first met in 1993,” said Windham High School varsity assistant basketball coach Geoff Grigsby. “I had just moved back to Maine and was playing in the first basketball game of the season against Windham. We started out as rivals, and it was such a big rivalry that he was actually my ‘pet peeve’ in my senior picture in the yearbook. I ended up going to Windham’s prom with a friend of Pat’s and she introduced me to him for the first time off the court, and he was just the friendliest guy, so I couldn’t hate him anymore. We’ve been friends ever since. When I moved to Raymond and became part of the Windham community 17 years ago, he started recruiting me for Windham Youth Basketball and other roles. He pushed me to join the Windham High coaching staff, and more than anything, we’ve just been friends forever.” Others expressed gratitude for Moody being so positive and that he was able to see WHS win the state basketball title.
The top story for Nov. 22 was about Carroll McDonald, the last surviving World War II veteran living in Windham, who died at the age of 99 on Nov. 14. He was born on his parents’ dairy farm in South Windham on March 1, 1925. From an early age he was fascinated by airplanes, and it was a passion he never lost sight of. “When I was about 4 years old, I heard a biplane flying near a school,” McDonald said. “The sound of it going up and down and buzzing all around stirred my interest and it never left me when I was growing up. At first, I was scared, but the longer I watched that old biplane, the more impressed I became, and I knew from that moment that I wanted to be a pilot.” He graduated from Windham High School in 1942 and was commissioned as a 2nd Lieutenant in the U.S. Army Air Force and then trained as a P-51 Mustang fighter pilot at Page Field in Fort Myers, Florida. He received his flight wings in 1944 and spent the remainder of the war in Fort Myers flying P-51s, a long range, single-seat fighter-bomber used during World War II and the Korean War. Following his active-duty discharge in 1945, McDonald returned to Windham and joined the U.S. Post Office as a rural postal delivery driver, a job he worked at for 32 years. In 1951 McDonald joined American Legion’s Field-Allen Post 148 and eventually served as Post Commander.
Nov. 29’s top story was about Windham VFW Post 10643 honoring local students as winners of the Patriot’s Pen and Voice of Democracy essay competitions. The first-place winner of the 2024 Patriot’s Pen competition for area students in Grades 6 to 8 was Zoie Gabriel Hougaz-McCormick, a sixth grader at Windham Middle School who wrote her essay on the theme “My Voice in America’s Democracy.” Sixth grader Brenna Wheeler of Windham Christian School was second in the Patriot’s Pen contest also writing about “My Voice in America’s Democracy.” Taking home first-place for students in Grades 9 to 12 was Windham Christan Academy junior Amber Sands for her audio-essay on the theme "Is America Today Our Forefathers’ Vision?" Each of the winners got to read their essays before an audience of more than 200 attending events at the Windham Veterans Center on Veterans Day. As local winners from Windham, Hougaz-McCormick, Wheeler and Sands advance in the contest to compete at the VFW district level in Maine. The girls also were presented with checks by VFW Post Commander Willie Goodman for winning the local contest. Hougaz-McCormick received a first-place check for $200, while Wheeler took home a second-place check for $150. Sands received a first-place check for $250. Goodman said that the annual competitions are open to all middle school students from Windham and Raymond attending Windham Middle School, Jordan-Small Middle School in Raymond, Windham Christian Academy, Baxter Academy for Technology and Science, and other public and private schools and home-schooled students.
Dec. 6’s top story was about a Windham family, the Morrisons, who were honored with the Fogler Legacy Award by the University of Maine in Orono. The award is presented to a family with a strong tradition of attending UMaine, usually spanning at least three generations, where multiple members have demonstrated outstanding service to the university, alumni association, community, and/or their profession. Greg Morrison, a 2012 Windham High School graduate, had dreamed of attending the University of Maine in Orono and he was waiting for a response after submitting his application. Despite being accepted by two other colleges, Greg’s heart was heavy since an acceptance letter had not yet arrived from UMaine. “All I ever really wanted is to be a Black Bear,” Greg said at the dinner table one evening to his mother Candace and his father Mark, UMaine Class of 1986. A few days later, Greg was relieved to receive his acceptance letter from UMaine, fulfilling his lifelong dream and following in his family's footsteps. He graduated with a business degree in 2017. His sister, Kristen, a 2008 WHS graduate, also earned a business degree in 2012, marking the fourth generation of Black Bears. “I’m proud of my family,” said Alola Morrison of Windham, a 1959 UMaine graduate who is Greg and Kristen’s grandmother, as well as Mark’s mother. "I’m very proud of my family and education, but education isn’t just college,” she said. “Education is in the trades, too. We need each other for a successful society.”
The top story for Dec. 13 was about three Raymond residents who recently had their works chosen for a selective exhibition hosted by Maine Audubon. The “Taking Flight” exhibition features abstract and realistic bird art, which is being displayed at the Gisland Farm Falmouth Audubon location through the new year. The juried art show and sale is currently running and open to the public. Most of the pieces in the show are for sale and 20 percent of the proceeds serve as a fundraiser and go to help support various Maine Audubon programs. Bruce Small’s metal print is entitled ‘Piping Plover with Chicks.’ It is an image he took while volunteering as a beach monitor, helping to educate and protect the endangered, nesting, piping plover population at Higgins Beach in Scarborough. Trish Kohler‘s watercolor entitled “Yellow Warbler” was handpicked for the show. “It is a significant honor to have artwork selected for display by the Audubon organization which was spawned by the great artist John James Audubon,” she said. “I am inspired by the bird paintings of J.J. Audubon, Roger Tory Peterson and JF Lansdowne.” A photograph by Brien Richards called “Snowy Owl” was taken in a snow-covered field south of Ottawa, Canada. “The owl was looking right at me, and he will be looking at anyone who sees the image,” Richards said. Jenn Schmitt, Gisland Farm Gallery Curator, said this is the first time they have featured bird art at the gallery and shows are held twice a year.
Dec. 20’s top story related the story of a Windham mother and daughter whose cat, Noodle, became lost Aug. 31. Neighborhood searches and their efforts to try and find him were unsuccessful and as the weeks tuned into months and the weather turned cold, their hope of ever recovering him and bringing the cat home became bleak. But about a mile away, a mother and her son noticed in early November that a large orange cat was hanging out in their neighbor’s yard. The cat had eaten some leftover chicken from their backyard grill. They determined that the cat was lost and a stray and began feeding it. They eventually gained the cat’s trust and were able to pet it while finding it a warm spot to sleep in their garage. A family from Raymond contacted them on Facebook and thought it might be their lost cat, but as it turned out, it wasn’t. At 5 a.m. on Monday, Dec. 9, the woman who found the cat read a Facebook post by the mother and daughter looking for Noodle. She contacted them and they agreed to meet later that day at the veterinarian’s office to see if the cat was theirs. It seems Noodle had been microchipped and the vet could determine if the cat that was found was the lost Noodle. It was and by some sort of what Noodle’s family calls “a Christmas miracle”, they were reunited after more than 13 weeks of the cat being missing.