Sunday, August 16, 2015

Windham Police honor guard takes the field at Fenway - By Michelle Libby

Windham Police Department’s honor guard represented Maine on Maine Day for the Red Sox game against the Tampa Bay Rays. Although the Red Sox lost 4-3, the memories the honor guard have will last longer than the outcome of the game. 
Detective Gene Gallant makes it to two or more games each year. When seeing the honor guards on the field, he thought that Windham good do a good job at that. “I thought, ‘How do we get into that?’” With the two year wait, some help from Sheriff Kevin Joyce and only a two week lead time when called. Gallant was excited when two weeks ago he received a call asking if Windham’s honor guard could come down for Maine Day. 

“Absolutely,” he told them. Eight officers went as the honor guard and there were a few guests who were also allowed on the field to take pictures. “I’d never been near the field,” Gallant said. 
Two things stood out for Gallant and the other officers participating, first was when the National Anthem finished playing, 38,000 fans erupted with applause. “On the field it was deafening,” he said. Instead of being ushered back the way they entered the field. “They are very protective of their field,” he added. The guard was lead through the stands with their flags and gear. 

Gallant recalled that people clapped when they walked by and told them “thank you.” 

Fenway gives a great fan experience, Gallant said, but being on the field was a totally different and awesome experience. 

Gallant plans to put Windham’s name on the two year waiting list again.  

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