Friday, April 28, 2017

Windham Wellness Fair and Earth Day a Perfect Match by Stephen Signor

Life Coach Jackie Winant

Despite a less than perfect day weather-wise, many celebrated a portion of Earth Day 2017 by going to St. Ann’s Episcopal Church to attend the Windham Wellness Fair. 

In keeping with the theme, those environmentally conscience folks who attended the fair were offered a complimentary filled water bottle that was made from recycled materials. But the real target audience here was those seeking to improve their physical and mental well being. Once inside, that search was over. Several vendor booths were ready to offer up suggestions as well as solutions. 

Jackie Winant, who has been practicing several forms of wellness since 2003, was one of them. “I am a life coach, polarity energy and a Reiki Master,” shared Winant.

Fern Dyer
That’s just for starters. She also finds the time to teach Yoga. Reaching out to those with the desire but not the motivation can be a daunting task. As Winant explained, “Coming to a fair such as this can be, for some, intimidating at times but should be just the opposite. There is a commonality associated with being here. If you have a moment to spare, you will meet a lot of people with a lot of different qualities. Everybody is here for the same reason.”

Then there are those who have made that decision to pursue some kind of approach to improving their wellness but are unsure of making the right choice. One alternative healing technique is through the use of stones. Fern Dyer, whose wellness practice comes primarily in the form of healing with stones and crystals, was on hand to offer her expertise. She was also willing to share how she got started. It began from a personal experience resulting from injuries sustained in a serious motor vehicle accident. The rest is history. “When I started doing healing 11 years ago, it all came together at the same time; learning Reiki and learning energy therapy, the stones came my way. I was also guided to take photos. They all have their specific healing properties and it works energetically. You don’t have to know what a stone means; just whatever you are drawn to.” This is what she tells people prior to her healing sessions where clients are given five stones to look at.“Sometimes people will think too much. They need to stop doing that. I tell them the one stone that pops out is the one that is for you. Then when they read the meaning, which accompanies each stone, they get validation. You are drawn to what you need.” Clients are then made comfortable on a message table in a meditative state from whatever makes them relax. This may be subdued lighting and or soft mood music. This is when she channels her energy. Energy is abundant and everywhere. “Energy is catchy and can be obtained and disseminated simply by being in a room full of people,” continued Winant.

For those looking to look good as well as feel good, there were a couple of available options to ponder. A major contributor to someone’s health or lack thereof is unwanted extra pounds, those seemingly unstoppable invaders who prey on us, particularly during the long winter months. Getting rid of them can be challenging. 

Amber McDonald, Program Director for ChiroThin of Maine, explained how this does not always have to be the case. “This is a six week program that is doctor assisted. Patients are guaranteed to lose 20 pounds but some people may lose more that. The program is geared for anyone regardless of their weight loss goals; as some people may only want to lose 10 or 15 pounds in a couple of weeks.  It is also a nutritional program. We help keep their diet under control and teach how to eat healthy. The main difference between this and other programs is that it is doctor created and supervised and there are no crazy supplements or shakes. It’s focused primarily on getting the appetite under control. 

Included is a four week maintenance program. This insures our patients will keep the weight off.”
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For those interested in receiving further information and alternatives, additional topics ranging from meditation to chiropractic practices were available from wellness representatives who were on hand to provide demos and talks throughout the scheduled for hours of this event.

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