many hours of behind the scenes work, Windham firefighters and their families
pulled out of the East Windham Fire Station with three decorated fire trucks
and more emergency vehicles following behind on their way, with Santa, to drop
off presents for four families, including six children.

department also donated to the cause. This year they were able to provide
Christmas for four families.
was outstanding that we got so many gifts,” said Jones. “Next year we’ll go a
little bigger.”
stores were not able to donate, but the managers pulled money out of their
pocket to help the cause. Waitresses at Bucks Naked BBQ bought gifts with their
own money and according to Jones, “They went way over board. There was an
overwhelming response from Windham.”
the way to visit the first family, the trucks stopped to pick up homemade
cookies and treats. Then, the caravan of emergency vehicles paused to pick up
two more trucks at the Windham Public Safety building before continuing on to
visit the first single mother and her three children.
family was pre-qualified by the Windham Food Pantry. Many families can only
afford to buy one gift for their children. This year these kids are going to
get 15 to 20 gifts each, Jones said. “It’s pretty amazing.”
the lights going and the sirens calling out, Santa and the fire truck
procession arrived at the first house.
kids are going to be happy,” said mom Amanda Perrin. “It’s nice to know there
are good people out there.”
house is full of hundreds of presents!” exclaimed Jacob, age 7.
the second house, the mother and daughter came out to greet Santa and say thank
you while the gifts were taken inside.
wasn’t expecting all of this at all,” said the mother, who asked not to be
third family was Stephanie Smith and her 41/2-year-old daughter, Arley, who
didn’t have tree, but were assured that they would have one by Monday.
can’t believe we don’t even have a tree. We’ve never really sought help at
Christmas. It was just really tight this year,” Smith said.
got her everything on her list,” said volunteer Melissa Wing. “We get just as
excited about it as they do.”
fourth family came to meet the fire truck and volunteers at the end of their
driveway. “This is more than I expected,” said mom Nicole Adams. “It’s pretty
awesome. It’s not something that happens to you every day. I’ve seen other
people get gifts, but nothing like this…a bunch of firefighters come to bring
you gifts. It’s a real big help to me with the gifts.”
final stop for the lighted trucks was to the home of Lisa Duncanson, whose
husband worked for the fire department before his passing three years ago.
Santa made a special trip to see Duncanson’s grandsons.
Windham Fire Department would like to thank the following businesses for their
Sub & Grill, Gorham Windham Professional Firefighters Association Local
4095, South Windham Firehouse, North Windham Firehouse, Cyclone Hose Company,
East Windham Firehouse, Latin Honor Society at Windham High School, The Nail
Spa, Lee’s Auto, Benny’s Barber Shop, Molly’s Cupcakes, Buck’s Naked BBQ,
Payless Shoes, Marshall’s, Pizza Hut, Dominos, Friendly’s, Hannaford, Shaw’s,
Walmart, Windham Jewelers, Innovations Salon & Spa, Dena’s Lobster House
and Tavern, Lowes, Applebee’s, Danielle’s Sebago Diner, Smitty’s, Heaven &
Earth Day Spa, anonymous donors and family members of the Windham Fire Department.
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