have busy lives, busy schedules. We’re bringing it to the streets. We’ve had
some incredible grace filled moments,” Higgins said. “There’s something about
praying on the sidewalk in front of God and nature.”
stopped to be prayed over and have ashes put on their foreheads. Some drove up in
cars because they were too weak to get out and others were not going to be able
to make the Wednesday night service.
people were brand new and saw it in the paper,” said Rozene. “Others are
regulars now.”
pair stood in front of the post office with a table with a “Lent in a bag”
which was sand, a person, a candle and a rock, and literature about Lent.
prophet Joel blew a trumpet as a wake-up call. “Lent is a wake-up call to us,”
said Higgins. “We stick out like a sore tooth. It’s startling. It’s a wake-up
call that the Lord is near.”
ashes are the burnt remains of last year’s Palm Sunday palms. For Higgins and
Rozene, coming to the people also gives them the opportunity to do some
teaching. Some people stop to ask what they were doing.
a very cool outreach,” Higgins said.
trend has always been to give something up for Lent, but recently there has
been a movement that instead of giving things up, people are taking things on,
said Rozene. They look for projects that reflect what priorities are important
to them.
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