Milfoil is an invasive species of weed that grows in the water and if left untreated chokes and kills the lake it inhabits.
Raymond Waterways
Protective Association (RWPA), a volunteer, non-profit group, is doing its best
to stem the spread of milfoil in Raymond.
In 2009, the Maine
Milfoil Initiative gave RWPA $13,000 and said they would give them an
additional $10,000 in the next three to four years.
The first allotment of
money went to purchasing the supplies needed to get started with a diver
assisted suction harvesting (DASH) boat. Port Harbor Marine donated the boat
and the motor and work began clearing milfoil in the Jordan River.
“We were a bit naive
about how much effort and amount of funds you need,” said Severn. “Everybody
owns it and nobody owns it.”
Diane and Gary Potvin of
Turtle Cove have donated money for RWPA to remove the milfoil in front of their
property as well as the rest of the cove.

To run a DASH boat, RWPA
has to hire at least one diver, but two would be better, a captain, someone on
the boat to manage the way the weed comes up and then someone in the water
looking for fragments, usually in another smaller boat. It costs between $600
to $1,200 a day to run a DASH boat including MEMIC costs and insurance, said
“We now have been
struggling,” said Severn. “Jordan River is like a road we have. Instead of
potholes and ruts, we have milfoil.”
RWPA knows that they
have made some mistakes in their milfoil collection, but Severn said they have
learned from their mistakes and “we are prepared to employ what the Lake
Environmental Association (LEA) is very successful at. We’re ready to go.” They
are going to use the LEA approach for the whole season this summer, which
involves the sucking up of plants, then going back a few weeks later and
collecting what was missed. It is recommended that the work is checked three
times through the summer.
Milfoil is a business.
From Citizen Boat Inspectors (CBI) to DASH boats and someone to organize the
work, Severn said that RWPA has hired Jeff Stern to be the program manager for
those two aspects of RWPAs mission.
RWPA would like lake
associations to take greater ownership of the lake and put money into the
efforts to tame milfoil. RWPA also would like to see an increase of $5 on each
milfoil sticker with the money going directly to control the milfoil.
“It’s a political game,
a bit,” said Severn. “We did have an amazing quasi victory this legislative
session thanks to Diane Potvin and Mike McClellan spear heading the push to get
the State to provide more funding. But, even if we get a significant increase
in State via DEP funding for each of the lake associations battling
milfoil, there still will be the need to get the private and
municipal public sectors stepping up their contributions if we are to be
successful in our fight to control milfoil and protect the quality of our
recreational and economic environment along what I call the North
Windham-Raymond-Casco Sebago Lake 302 corridor.”
Severn estimates that it
will take five years to say they have milfoil under control. “We can’t say we
have eliminated it. We’re going to have milfoil always,” he said.
So far Panther Pond,
Crescent Lake, Raymond Pond and Thomas Pond do not have milfoil and with proper
inspections and maintenance, they will remain free from invasive species.
For more information on
RWPA, visit or to donate, use Paypal or send checks
made out to RWPA to PO Box 1243, Raymond, Maine 04071.
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