Beal has lived in Windham for a long time, but her New England roots run much
deeper – by almost 400 years. In her Tandberg Trail home, Beal prominently displays
a framed family tree on her living room wall. Next to it, at eye level, is her
most precious and glorious prize: The official certificate naming Beal a member
of the General Society of Mayflower Descendants.

years later, when her last grown son had left the household, Beal entered her
maiden name into a search engine on her computer. From there, an eight year journey
of research began. The investigation through genealogical records, marriage,
divorce, birth and death records revealed the lives of long ago family members
that now bring pride and admiration to Beal’s modern day family. “There are no
horse thieves,” Beal boasted. “They were landowners, politicians, constables,
church-goers and fishermen – lots of fishermen, and all captains of their own
vessels.” One was a Capt. Doggett who died as he “stuck to his post” when his
ship, the Olympian, sank after being broadsided by a steamer in heavy fog in

lot of people don’t know who they are, but I do. And I can prove it. Now I can
pass this on to my children, my grandchildren and my great grandchildren.” Beal
turned to a picture of great granddaughter Scarlet (shown here), who is the 15th
direct descendant of Elder William Brewster of Plymouth Colony.
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