“We’re in quiet mode,” said Ben Smith,
town planner. “It’s still a public process.”
As the review team sorts through the
different sections of the comprehensive plan, community members are asked to
come in and speak about areas they have an interest in, like the Windham
Historical Society, transportation or municipal facilities.
“This is the most important municipal
document a town has. This helps the council set priorities and focus on the
areas the community decides they should focus on,” said Smith.
The comprehensive plan is a 10-year plan
an appointed committee devises with community input. The plan is certified by
the state. The state also recommends that the town revisit the plan every five
years or so to make sure it’s heading in the direction that meets the town’s
objectives. The plan looks out 10 years, but can be updated and added to before
the time is up. The timeline for the
project has been a survey in October that all of Windham was asked to complete.
In November, the committee held visioning forums and in January and February
the committee devised a vision and values statement. This statement will “serve
as the cornerstone of Windham’s updated comprehensive plan.” The council
approved the vision statement and now the review team is working on the 11
chapters. “There is potential for local input,” said Smith.
The biggest surprise Smith found with
the survey given back in October was that what people loved the most about
Windham was the convenient access to Portland and recreation opportunities in
the mountains and lakes. People found more to like about the location and
access when thinking about Windham, rather than thinking about things in the
community. One of the biggest concerns was traffic.
By the end of the year or beginning of
2016, Smith hopes to have the first draft of the plan ready for another
community forum. Between now and then, meeting notes, draft chapters, lists of
plans and studies are all put online for the community to view. There should be
no surprises.
“We need to think about what these facts
are telling us. What can we do that will have the most impact?” Smith asked. The
comp. plan also has to take into consideration all of the groups in town, from
youth sports to senior housing to historical societies, and strike a balance between
them all.
“It is now more clear that Windham is a
town made up of many interconnected communities,” Smith said.
In the past with comp. plans, only about
one-third of the recommendations have been implemented. “I’d like to see a small,
more focused set of recommendations and that the town council buys into this
document and they do them all. It’s important for the town and the town
council, it’s their document,” Smith said.
The top answers to the questions asked
in the survey are “advantages to living in Windham –“Proximity to Portland.”
Top disadvantage to living in Windham – “Traffic problems.” Top threat to
Windham’s quality of life – “Development and congestion in North Windham
commercial corridor.” Top priorities for Windham moving forward – 54 percent of
people want to keep Windham’s present tax level. The second priority was
“improving the traffic flow in the Town’s commercial district” and 46 percent
said it was a priority and 57 percent they would raise taxes to fund it.
To review individual chapters as they
become available or to see any of the documents, visit the comp plan document
library page or contact the planning department at 894-5960, ext. 2 or email plan@windhammaine.us.
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