Top Teens of 2015
Tara Carroll
Junior at Windham High School
Tara amazes people around her by her willingness not to
give up. When a trip to Costa Rica came up last fall, the $3,000 price tag
didn’t sway her. She sought scholarships and because of her scholarship letter,
her teacher raised the rest of the money by asking the local business
One trip in high school wasn’t enough though. This past
spring she decided to go on a bike trip to Quebec.
“An outstanding
person is someone who is considerate of all of their surroundings, including
both people and the Earth. A person can't be outstanding without first
respecting all of the outstanding things around them,” said Tara.
Challenges to being a teen: “There are many challenges a
teenager has to face throughout high school, many revolving around making your
own decisions rather than following crowds. Finding your place in the world is
tough but also one of the most thrilling parts to becoming a young adult.”
Tara wants to continue exploring the world and taking
outdoor adventure trips such as biking and hiking. “These things have helped me
to grow as a person in the past, and I can't wait to continue this is in the
future.” Not being able to travel seems like a hardship to Tara. She loves
Maine and it has been a great place to grow up, but she is eager to explore the
world. “Maine will always be my home base.”
“She is making dreams come true for herself despite
economic hardships. She simply does not take no as an answer.”
Genevieve Delano
Age 15 Windham High School
Genevieve has been a competitive,
champion gymnast since the age of four. When she turned 14 she had to make the
tough decision to stop gymnastics due to injuries. This past year, Genevieve, a
freshman, made the varsity cheerleading squad, all the while keeping her grades
up as an honor student at Windham High School.
“Beyond taking a full load of honors
classes, being on the Spanish Honor Society, and cheering, she has followed her
passion of working with children. She
coaches aspiring gymnasts at Maine Academy of Gymnastics. She is in Teen Trendsetters and is teaching a
precocious first grader to read. Her
ongoing love is working with children with special needs and has donated weeks
of her time at summer camps as a one-on-one counselor so that the kids can
attend. She also volunteers with Root
for Me, an open gym program that supports recreation and socialization for kids
and families with special needs.”
Being called outstanding is only a label.
According to Genevieve, “Someone that is outstanding has a
constant drive and motivation to get better at what they are doing and to open
up more and more opportunities. Someone who has the correct balance between
selflessness and considering their own needs. A person who takes every opportunity
even if it isn't handed to them.
An outstanding person is humble.”
Being a teen is: “It is a challenge to
stay on the right path and not fall into the traps that society is setting.
Society’s standards are to be perfect. Perfect hair, clothes, relationship,
grades, weekends. Everything must meet a standard. However, we are all made
different and that is a good thing that we should embrace. We all have our
goals and there shouldn't just be one bar for us all to meet. Being a teen is
quite the task because it is the time of your life where you are given the
reigns. It is your responsibility and that can become overwhelming.”
Genevieve thinks Maine has a lot to
offer, but she wants to see the world to experience a different atmosphere.
“[Mainers] are very independent, which is not beneficial to people who need
support.” After high school, she would like to attend George Washington
University and major in public health or nutrition.
“For me it is not just a list of successes
and activities that makes Genevieve an amazing young woman, it is her heart,
her faith, and her dedicated perseverance to look beyond her current struggles
and find joy in giving joy to others.”
“There are so many opportunities out
there that I feel like I am missing out on. So much going on that I wish I was
a part of,” Genevieve said.
Emerson, Jr.
14 - Windham High School
Emerson was nominated for his kindness and good morals. Sometimes the things
that make a teen standout are the things he does for others and the way he
treats them.
is a very deserving young man. Family means a great deal to him. He’s always
willing to help without question. He is very respectful to elders. Not
extravagant with his money; more than willing to work to add to his savings.
Darren’s mind an outstanding person must have an impact on others. “Friends are
important to have and to offer help to them whenever they need it. Touch as
many lives as you can because someday they will return the favor.
does all his homework without being told. He does this regularly, considering
the fact that he has high honors classes and does well on all grades. He’s smart
with computer projects.”
is a sophomore at Windham High School. He has taken on new challenges this past
year and wants to continue to improve in his endeavors.
the past year I have opened myself to a new opportunity. Riding horses. It
is the greatest challenge I have taken. In one year I have come further than
expected. I owe it all to my trainer Nikki Karlsson for teaching me great
horsemanship and learning true friendship. It has given me something to strive
for. I would not be where I am today without Nikki.”
challenges: A big challenge of being a teen in 2015 is technology
straining yourself from life. I am grateful for the world to have these
advancements, but it takes the attention of people our age away from
opportunities that can forever change our lives. Each morning will bring a new
opportunity, wake up and take it.”
wants to have a future in Maine and would like to graduate from Windham High
School and then get his Bachelor’s degree in law enforcement. “I hope to
achieve great accomplishments that will be recognized by many,” he said.
future consists of living life with a new challenge and opportunity every day.
I want to continue to touch as many lives as I can. I am striving to
become a law enforcement officer to make a bigger impact on those around me. I
want to help those that can't be helped.”
Lexis Elston
Age 19 - WHS class of 2014
Lexis Elston is on her way to fulfilling her dream of
being a fashion model, but to take that step she had to put herself out in
front of an audience. She graduated from Windham High School in 2014 and is
enrolled at UCLA.

Lexis talks about what makes someone outstanding. “For
me, it's all about the qualities in an individual that make them special.
Everyone is different and outstanding in their own way. It is important to
remember to always be kind to others as you may not know their struggle.
Overall, an outstanding person is someone who commits to honesty, loyalty and
integrity with everything they do.”
Being a teen today has many challenges. “As a young teen
in today's society, I must say it's not always easy to stay confident in the
success of your future. So many aspects of life have shifted into something
they were not before, the main focus being social media. These days you can
text instead of walking to a door, email instead of sending letters, and Instagram
instead of telling stories. It makes it tougher on young teens to make the
social connections that are vital as part of growing up. It is important to
draw the line between ‘Internet life’ and the reality of it. Join clubs,
participate in charities, or try out for a local sports team. Authentic
connections and true friends will push you to make your goals come true.”
Although Lexis is in California right now, her roots are
in Maine and she still has hopes for her home state. “As a Maine native, I am
confident our education system will continue to expand its branches and
discover all the different paths of learning. I hope our teachers and professors
get rewarded and acknowledged for all the hard work they put in to make a
brighter future for the next generation.”
Noah Estey
Windham High School class of 2015
Noah just graduated from Windham High School and will
attend Saint Joseph’s College of Maine in the fall, majoring in secondary
education with a focus on history.
“Noah is a pillar of his community already at such a
young age. An honor roll student, an athlete, a volunteer, a worker, Noah was
accepted at numerous colleges for his outstanding credentials and received many
grants and scholarships for all his hard work to date.”
Noah’s thoughts on being an outstanding person: “I believe
that someone is outstanding when they are doing everything in their power, to
become the best that they can be, whether that be a great athlete, musician,
scholar, community member, or a combination of these abilities. When I
think of outstanding individuals, I think of someone who is compassionate,
unselfish, and who has, humility, integrity and respect for themselves, as well
as others,” he said.
Challenges of being a teen: “I believe that the two
biggest challenges to being a teen in 2015 would have to be high expectations,
and multi-tasking. Growing up, I always had high expectations of myself
to do well in everything I do, whether it is academically, athletically or
musically. I always wanted to be the best student, the best athlete, and
the best musician wherever I went. I shortly realized that I couldn’t be
the best in everything, or realistically in one thing, so I had to change my
perception. I changed it to being the best student, athlete and musician that
I could personally become.”
“The other challenge would be multi-tasking. I was
always involved in various activities growing up, and throughout high
school. Finding a balance, and dealing with all of the stress that comes
at this age is the hardest part of being a teen in 2015.”
“Throughout high school, I was a member of the Windham
Chamber Singers. It helped me develop my confidence, and gave me wonderful
new experiences and adventures. Another involvement that I had throughout
high school was coaching at Jordan Small Middle School in Raymond with Jim
Beers. I have been able to help kids overcome not only obstacles in basketball
and baseball, but in the classroom, and socially. I have had the honor
and privilege to work with such amazing kids from the town of Raymond…”
Noah would like to continue to work with kids, but is
concerned about finding a teaching job in Maine after graduation. If he can
find one, he will be a Mainer for the long haul.
“Noah is going to be a leader as an adult.”
“My goal for my future is to be able to not only teach my
future students about how important history is, and why we must learn from it,
but I want to make a difference in every student’s life. I want to help
shape the future generations of this planet in a positive and supportive
nature. I want to be the teacher that kids can say made a true impact on
their lives, and helped guide them to a successful future.”
Emily Gagne
2015 Graduate of Windham High School
Emily Gagne is a versatile member of the
Windham community. From staring in the fall musical her senior year to being
her class secretary, she has made the most of her school years.
“Emily has worked extremely hard over
the past several years and had fun along the way.
Emily has been a top performer in the
classroom while enjoying as many after school activities that time would
As President of the Windham Chamber
Singers, member of the National Honor Society, Spanish Honor Society, team
member on Science Olympiad, class secretary , Four years of enjoying the
Windham drama program, lacrosse team, four years of fun on the WHS Swim team,
she still found time to volunteer at Maine Medical Center last summer.”
For Emily an outstanding person has
“strong leadership abilities. They face some challenges with a positive
attitude and tackle anything that goes their way.”
She looks up to both of her parents.
“They face adversity with poise and elegance. They are very much role models in
my life,” she said.

Emily plans to stay in Maine with a full
scholarship to the University of Maine at Orono.
“Her academics and extracurricular
activities have earned her eight Presidential Scholarships from colleges all
over the country.”
“I want to make sure that I always keep
the ties with my home. It’s a great place to live,” she said. However, she also
wants to explore, see the world and study abroad, but then will come back to
where it all started in Raymond.
activity that influenced her the most over her four years of high school was
the WHS swim team. “Just because it’s the only sport that doesn’t cut anyone. I
swam on the team with kids with autism and Downs Syndrome. No one gets cut. It
has an all-inclusive feel. Everyone is welcome on the swim team. It inspires me
to act that way in my life.”
“Emily is always willing to help anyone.
She was always willing to help coach the young kids of the Poland Track Club
when she had time.”
After college, where she is starting as
a biology and journalism double major, with a minor in theater, she hopes to be
a science journalist and do medical research. She’d like to work with Doctors
without Borders to “keep the lines of communication open between science and
the general public.”
Maura Gallagher
Age 18 - WHS class of 2015
As a 2015 graduate of Windham High School, Maura
Gallagher is the epitome of well rounded. She has been involved in everything
from volunteer groups to theater, sports to volunteer work.
When asked what makes someone outstanding, she responded:
“Their personality and desire to be the best they can be.”
“Maura is a very well round young lady who not only is a
hardworking and dedicated student in Windham High School, but also should be
recognized for her help in her community as well.”
Teen challenges in 2015 in Maura’s words: “The idea that
society has of how teens should be and the reality of how teens actually
are. There seems to be an expectation that a teen should know what they
want to do in their future. Not everyone knows what they want to do and
that creates a lot of pressure.”
Maura has been in many theater productions, most of them
backstage where she ran the show. Theater has had the most influence in her
life to this point. She has been the makeup designer for shows, stage manager
for American Family Holiday concerts, lighting designer on One Act plays, and
has been the assistant producer on many performances.
She has also been in honor societies and on varsity
sports teams, including the SMAA all academic field hockey team. She also was
on the indoor and outdoor track teams.
Her concerns about being in Maine after graduating from
college is finding a job with adequate pay for the degree she obtains.
“Not only is she committed to her school, but to her
community as well.” She was a volunteer at Riding to the Top Therapeutic Riding
Center, at the Windham Public Library, at various fundraisers and assisted
coaching youth field hockey. She is a member of her church youth group. She has
been 200 hours working with kids at Little Dolphin Daycare and has spent 400
hours at Bright Horizon’s Day Care. She volunteered at Maine Medical Center for
the junior volunteer program and with the kindergarten Jump Start Program in
Maura’s goal in the future is “To be able to make a
difference in people’s lives.”
“As you can see, Maura Gallagher is a very unique
individual with wonderful attributes. I can see, and hope you can too, all of
the potential she has, to continue to make a difference in this world.”
Arlene Goff
Age 13 - Windham Middle School

“Arlene is a sweet girl that cares a lot
for her family.”
An outstanding person to Arlene is: “If
they are a good person. If they are nice. Always trying their best and are a
nice person to everybody.”
“She is a straight A student.” With that
comes some pressure, she said. “It’s hard trying to manage everything. Making
sure to spend enough time in everything you do.”
Arlene would like to see other places.
“I like Maine a lot for easy access to lakes, forests and places. I’d like to
see somewhere with beaches and palm trees,” she said.
In the future, Arlene would like to be a
specialized teacher. Maybe art or swim or teach little kids in preschool, she
“I always love to do my best. At the end
of the day it’s about fun and laughing. Not taking everything too serious, but
get good grades,” she said.
grade at Windham Christian Academy
is a creative and passionate young lady who uses her gifts to be a blessing to
others. In the past she has made handmade
greeting cards. She then sold the cards,
and the proceeds went to purchase a stove for an orphanage in Uganda,
Africa. It was the first stove in the
history of the orphanage; replacing charcoal fires as their primary means of
Rose being an outstanding person means “being courageous and not backing down,
and doing what God told them to do without question.”

is an officer in her class's juggling troupe that perform at hospitals, nursing
homes and churches throughout southern Maine.
(She can lower herself into a full split while juggling three machetes!)For
two weeks last summer she was part of Joshua Generation, a dance and drama team
that did street performances throughout the Bronx and other inner city venues.”
has influenced her the most, especially since she’s been doing it since the age
of three. “It’s given me courage to not stay in the background, but to do my
best and stand out.” Ballet is her favorite type of dance, she said.
is an honor roll student at Windham Christian Academy. She hasn’t decided where
her life will take her, but she said she will probably not come back to Maine
after college. “It’s not where I want to be the rest of my life. I want to do
overseas mission work in India. I feel like that’s where God is calling me.”
Analyse Harris
12th grade - Windham High School
Analyse Harris is an all-around teen. From sports to
clubs, honor societies to volunteering, she spends her time wisely and has a
plan for her future.

are many things that can make someone outstanding, one of these being
leadership. A person with leadership skills can handle tough situations, be the
voice of a group or cause, and serve as a role model for others. Another
characteristic of an outstanding person is their role in the community as a
volunteer. Outstanding people are service oriented, thinking of others before
themselves and always doing their best to help in whatever way they can. An
outstanding person also works hard to excel in the classroom. Someone who does
their best and puts a lot of effort into their work will always exceed,”
Analyse said.
Teen challenges: “Being a teen in 2015 can be
challenging. It can be very difficult to balance friends, family, work and
school. Time is one of the biggest pressures as a teen. Finding time to devote
to individual aspects of one’s life is stressful and can cause anxiety in
teens. Another challenge of being a teen in today’s society is social pressure.
It can be very difficult to stay true to yourself and what you believe in when
you are surrounded by peer pressure situations.”
is concerned about her future because of a situation that most college students
find themselves in. “One of the biggest concerns that I have of my
future in Maine is paying off my college debt once I graduate. Paying off debt
can be very challenging and stressful for a young adult. Although I come from a
middle-class family, I fear the challenge of paying off my college debts while
also maintaining a steady income to support myself.”
is always the first person to lend a hand when her family and friends need it and
is always there with a smile.”
aspires to be a registered nurse. “I have always had an interest in
nursing since I was young. I believe it is a fitting occupation for me as I
enjoy helping others and have an interest in human anatomy.”
Aiyanna Maciel
Age 18 - 2015 graduate of Windham High School
“Aiyanna is a true modern-day
Renaissance woman! She's a gifted dancer, excels in the classroom (is ranked number
five of the WHS Class of 2015), volunteers countless hours in the community and
in her school, and is always looking for ways to improve herself and the lives
of others.”
Outstanding people to Aiyanna is someone
who can recognize there’s more going on in the world that what’s in your home.
“Being able to recognize life isn’t about pleasing yourself all the time.
Everyone is fighting their own battle. Be compassionate.”
also well traveled and speaks multiple languages. Name a club, Aiyanna's in it.
Need a volunteer? Aiyanna will be there. Need a trustworthy student to help
with a project? Aiyanna will help! Her altruistic nature is also exhibited by
the fact that she wants to devote her life to helping those in need by becoming
an immigration lawyer.”
The struggles with been a teen this day
in age is the “pressure. Whether that’s peer pressure to cheat on tests,
parental pressure to be the perfect student or media pressure, a lot of girls
put a lot of pressure on you to look a certain way. Everyone goes through some
kind of pressure. May teens rebel. Other people in their lives pretend to be
something they’re not.”
Aiyanna was impacted by her
participation in Interact Club, for which she was an officer for two years.
“Being able to organize community events
and encourage our group and volunteer groups helped me to solidify my desire to
help others. I’ve never felt better than when I’m doing volunteer activities.”
At Stetson University, Aiyanna was
accepted into a volunteer program where they will place her with a non-profit
organization that fits what she wants to do in the future and provides
opportunities that she wants. “I was able to stand out and be accepted to that
program.” She’s very excited to get started.
Eri Martin
Age 18 - 2015 graduate of Windham High School.
“Eri Martin is a man of integrity, who
stands up for what he believes in. He’s a hard worker and has earned many
accolades including the rank of Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America.”
A recent graduate from Windham High
School, Eri plans to attend Unity College to major in conservation law
enforcement so he can better serve his community.
When asked about what makes someone
outstanding, he said, “I believe someone who is truly outstanding goes out
every day to put happiness into the lives of others. A simple smile can change
someone’s day and that is truly outstanding. I also believe that it’s about
service to the community and giving of yourself to others.”
This summer, Eri has developed new
programing in his job as an area director at Camp Hinds. He has taken on the
task of teaching other Scouts about wilderness survival and other outdoor
Challenges to being a teen: “I believe a
lot of teens are cut off from finding out who they really are because they are
inside watching TV and playing video games. I think it’s more important for
teens to go out into the real world and experience real life. I feel technology
also cuts teens off from each other and makes it harder for them to learn how
to communicate taking away basic social skills.”
Boy Scouts has overall made the biggest
impact in Eri’s life. “Working at Camp Hinds in Raymond, Maine has taught me
skills in leadership, management, outdoors and overall life. On top of that, achieving
my Eagle Scout is something that will help me out throughout my whole life.
Scouts has helped me find who I am today and helped me become a better member
of the community and put others in front of myself.”
Eri plans to stay in Maine. It is his
home and the place he would like to serve in the future as a game warden. “I
know as long as I have a community all problems can be solved. I also know in
my future I will never stop Scouting because I cannot think of a better, more
supportive and rewarding community than that I have found in Scouting.”
Elizabeth “Libby” McBride
Age 15 - Windham High School
Reason for Nomination: High Honor Roll, WCS, All Play's,
Church choir
“Libby McBride is a great student landing on the high
honor roll, is in Windham Chamber Singers, sings in her church choir and acts
in many local plays. Her success in all of these activities makes her a top

Libby has grown up in Windham and will be a sophomore at
Windham High School this fall.
“There is no other town than Windham that I would want to
call my hometown. However, I am concerned about continuing my future in this
state. Maine is currently the oldest and whitest state in the country. I am
afraid that as the state continues to age, business will drop and it will be
hard to get a job. Also, with the lack of diversity I feel that I am missing
out on all that different people have to offer. I believe that Maine needs to
find a way to welcome more young people and those from diverse backgrounds. It
is a great state and I think a greater variety of people should be exposed to
all of its potential.”
The challenges to being a teen in 2015: “My generation is
constantly under pressure from all areas of our lives. Although I am only 15, I
am working really hard to prepare for college, maintain high grades, keep up
with my social life, dedicate myself to extracurricular activities, complete
all my homework, and somehow fit eight hours of sleep in every night. People my
age are constantly busy whether it is with school, sports or friends. The
biggest challenge is having to manage all that we have on our plate, while
still trying to grow up and enjoy our teenage years.”
In the future, Libby isn’t sure what she wants to do, but
she will go to college and is interested in pursuing psychology, possibly in
either a corporate or university setting. “This summer I studied psychology at
the Center for Talented Youth through Johns Hopkins at Lafayette College. Not
only was I captivated by the material, but it opened my eyes to the vast amount
of opportunities in the field.”
Age 16 - Windham Christian Academy
Williamson “is a girl who is always willing to give of herself.” Whether it’s
at Smiling Hill Farm taking care of animals or on one of the Christian mission
trips she takes each year to Guatemala, she helps those who need it most.
[in Guatemala] she ministers to and plays with children, helps with church
activities and is basically a ray of hope for these underprivileged children.”
Windham Christian Academy high-schooler thinks that being outstanding happens
by “What one does as a person and how they impact their community and friends.”
challenge that she faces as a teen is that “people think we’re all reckless
troublemakers and that can be kind of difficult.”
mission trips she takes have made the most impact on her life thus far. She is
happy that when they go the people are so happy to see them. “When we go there
to help others, we get help in return,” she said. “We get blessed in return.”
They serve the missionaries meals and provide them places to stay. “They go out
of their way to make sure we are comfortable.”
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