To accomplish this he and other Eagle
Scouts have to complete 21 merit badges, some which involve camping out for at
least 10 days or keeping track of physical fitness for 90 days. All Eagles are
required to do a community service project that helps the community and they go
before a board of adults to answer questions about Scouting and the completed

In his speech, Josh spoke about trips he
had been on, including hiking all 100 miles of the 100 mile wilderness on the
Appalachian Trail, in two trips.
A sophomore at Windham High School, Josh
is in Troop 805 in Windham, which is also the same troop where his father
earned his Eagle Scout award. Josh is also a member of the Order of the Arrow,
the honor society of the Boy Scouts.
Eagle Scout Josh Libby stands with
Veterans from the troop’s chartering organization who attended the ceremony on
Eagle Scout Josh Libby stands under the
covered sandbox he built as his Eagle Scout project.
Congratulations to Josh and to his proud parents. Truly a great accomplishment for a Scout so young. More to come from this young man!