warmer than usual weather brought out the buckets and plastic tubing hanging
from trees earlier this spring than in recent memory. Syrup producers were
ready for Maine Maple Weekend this year, their sugar houses boiling down sap to
make the sweet treat.
At Balsam Ridge in Raymond, they boiled
on February 21st, which was the earliest they have ever boiled. On
Saturday and Sunday they had demonstrations of how the sap is boiled and poured
off. They also had many treats to sample and purchase to take home. From fudge
to cotton candy, hot dogs steamed in sap and maple baked beans, no one left
Owners Sharon and Dewey Lloy have been
participating in Maple Syrup Sunday for 16 years. The maple trees on their 50
acres provide enough sap to have syrup for tourists in the summer and even some
for the holidays. They are always trying new ideas and new products. New last
year was the sweet mustards and BBQ sauces. This year it was maple cream cones,
said Sharon. They also ship syrup year round.
All of the trees at Balsam Ridge are
tapped directly into tanks that are pumped into the sugar house 100 gallons at
a time.
“We’re a family run operation. We’re
small and personable,” Sharon said.
Dewey was boiling the sap on Saturday,
but usually that is Sharon’s job, he said. Unlike some sugar houses, this one
boils using oil instead of wood giving a consistent even heat. Dewey explained
that knowing Sharon was going to make 70 percent of the syrup, she wanted it
simplified so that she could pick kids up from school or practice. All she had
to do was turn the oil off and the entire operation shut down. Sharon was also
the reason for the sap running into storage containers instead of buckets on
the trees.
This year Maine Maple Sunday fell on
Easter, prompting some sugar shacks to close on Sunday and only have visitors
on Saturday.
“Ideal? No. We’re going to be fine. I
think it’s a wonderful thing for the state to do,” said Dewey of the marketing
of Maine Maple Weekend. “With Saturday and Sunday, it gives them an option.
Saturday is not quite as crazy. It’s more relaxed,” he added.

Different sugar houses have different
treats. “Everyone offers something different,” said Sharon. Balsam Ridge has
horses Ginger and Rex adding a special treat for guest to pet and look at,
while eating their complimentary vanilla ice cream topped with maple syrup.
“The end result is the same. Going to
different places you’ll see some different technology,” said Dewey.
Custom pieces of art were on exhibit
from Steven Brooks Art and the artist was there to discuss his unique
sculptures with visitors to the farm.
Michelle Mulcahy of Gorham, was dressed
up as a leaf at Balsam Ridge. “I volunteered,” she said. “They pay me in maple
The weather was perfect and many people
were out to sample some of the best of Maine. Syrup is still available and
being boiled for a little while longer. Call a local sugar shack to get some.
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