Boston Terrier Who Thought He Was a Loon” - A children’s book by Windham
teacher Michelle Patch
Walter Lunt
year ago, the furthest thing from Michelle Patch’s mind was to become an
author. It was the heartbreak of losing a beloved family pet, 15-year old
Rollie, her Boston terrier that compelled Patch to write his story. It became
therapy to overcome grief.

story charms the reader with its subtle, yet powerful themes of friendship,
sense-of-place and the delight and pleasure of family pets.
tried to capture the energy, fun and magic that was Rollie,” Patch told the
Eagle in her office at Windham Primary School, where she is a counselor; “It’s amazing
to me how it’s having the effect of joy on the kids. I haven’t yet had a
negative review.”
book is a hit with the K-3 classes at the school. “I liked the details,” said
Mallory, a first grader; “Rollie swims with the kids and the loons eat the fish.”
She pointed to a picture of Rollie jumping off a boat to greet a loon that
quickly disappears under water. “I liked when he jumped,” she said, then added,
“It was cool, but dangerous.”
Rollie died last year, I couldn’t stop thinking about him,” said Patch. “Then I
made the connection - he was one of my three great passions: Thomas Pond, loons
and Rollie. They meshed together into this story.”
and successful children’s books exhibit characteristics of strong characters, a
relatable story, wholesome messages and striking pictures. “The Boston Terrier
Who Thought He Was a Loon”, has all
of them and is recommended for kids of all ages.
Patch will be at Windham Public Library on March 6 to discuss her maiden
journey as a writer and to sign copies of her book. Readers can also visit: www.michellepatch.com. <
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