this day, there were 28 new American citizens, and we were able to register
half of them to vote. One of the most poignant parts of the ceremony for me is
when each candidate is asked to stand when their country of origin is called. They
then all remain standing with right hand raised, and repeat in unison, their
pledge to become American Citizens. I am always amazed by the number of
countries represented at each event, and the range of experiences and cultures
the new citizens bring to our communities. On this day, our new citizens were
from 22 different countries: Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica,
Cuba, Ghana, Guatemala, Iraq, Italy, Kazakhstan, Malta, Pakistan, People’s
Republic of China, Philippines, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Somalia, Sudan,
United Kingdom and Vietnam.
the words of Tiffany Greco, one of our league volunteers that day,
“Volunteering with the League of Women Voters affords me the invaluable
opportunity to attend Naturalization Ceremonies and register new citizens to
vote. Today's quaint ceremony at the Windham Veteran's Center was full of all
the best stuff of this country. The community welcomed 28 new citizens from 22
countries. It was beautiful and incredibly moving. The room could barely
contain all of the joy, love, and pride. A family member of a new citizen
offered cupcakes to us all. It was a good morning of people being kind and
welcoming to all.”
learn more about the League of Women Voters of Maine, visit: www.lwvme.org. The bottom of that page also provides links to
read about our work and volunteer opportunities. We are also found at: www.facebook.com/LWVME/.
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