We all may know someone whose alcohol
consumption causes disruption in our lives, whether the individual misusing the
substance knows it or not. A loving spouse or parent who overconsumes can
exhibit harsh personality changes that include, but are not limited to, outburst
of anger creating physical and/or emotional abuse and harm.
Alateen is a part of the Al-Anon Family Groups, commonly
referred to and known as Al-Anon. It is a support group
specifically for teenagers whose lives have been affected or disrupted by the alcohol
misuse of a family member or any individual close to the teen.
“Alateens share their experience,
strength, and hope in order to gain a better understanding of alcoholism and to
lessen its effects on their own lives,” the Alateen website said.
Al-Anon member, who is a certified
adult-member chair and chaperone of Greater Portland area Alateen groups, Barry
Wolach, reignited the teen organization in Southern Maine a little over a year
ago. He is looking to invite Windham and Raymond area teens who may need
support and/or are interested in gaining knowledge regarding alcoholism and its
effects on others around them.
“I realized how much I have gained being a
member of Al-Anon and wanted to extend the same benefits to area teenagers,” Wolach
said. “Alateen
teaches teens how to take care of themselves and not the alcoholic. I wanted to
help in some way, so I became certified as an Al-Anon member
in Alateen Service to help start Alateen groups across Maine.”
Before the COVID pandemic, Wolach and
others initiated Alateen groups at Noble High School in Berwick, Bonny Eagle Middle
School in Standish, as well as St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Falmouth.
This online Alateen group will begin at 7
p.m. every Tuesday beginning Sept. 1. The groups will eventually return to
meeting in person once it is safe to do so. Online and in person meetings are
safe, private, and only first names are used.
“I want to extend the invitation to any Windham
and Raymond teen who may need support – especially during COVID,” Wolach said.
“This is the reason why I recently reached out to Laura Morris for her
assistance in getting a group started in this area.”
is the Director of Be The Influence, a Windham/Raymond coalition of parents,
educators, business owners, government personnel, area clergy and other sectors
whose primary focus is on reducing access to and substance youth use in the
community. The organization offers fun and engaging activities that emphasizes
healthy choices.
is a huge need for Alateen services in Windham and Raymond and I was so pleased
to connect with Barry and his mission as it aligns with our own objectives,”
Morris said. “Be The Influence will help him in any way we can to begin an
Alateen group in Windham and Rayond.”
explained that to have an official Alateen meeting in Maine, there must be two adult
certified Al-Anon members who act as chaperones, but he made it clear that
teens are in charge.
teens run and facilitate their own meetings,” Wolach said. “The chaperones are
only there for protection and assist with requests by the teens, when needed.”
is not a religious program and there are no fees or dues to belong to it. For
more information, contact Barry Wolach at bwolach@gmail.com or peruse the
national website at https://al-anon.org/for-members/group-resources/alateen/
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