
Showing posts with label Dundee Pond. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dundee Pond. Show all posts

Friday, August 23, 2024

‘Lost River’ temporarily flows again in Windham after 100 years

By Abby Wilson

When a dam malfunction resulted in the emptying of Dundee Pond at the start of the summer, a lost river took its place.

Whitney Falls has reappeared in Windham as part of the 
'Lost River,' a portion of the Presumpscot River which was 
swallowed up when a dam was built creating Dundee Pond
more than 100 years ago. The 'Lost River' returned this
summer when a dam gate malfunction drained Dundee Pond.
Located in Windham and flowing past Dundee Park, this “lost river” is part of the Presumpscot River.

Recently the Friends of the Presumpscot River, whose mission is to protect and restore the waterway, held a series of guided walks for the public along the river called “The River That Flows Below: A Presumpscot River Walk & Talk.”

On Sunday, Aug. 18, both Rob Sanford, a Professor Emeritus for the University of Southern Maine’s Environmental Science Department and Michael Shaughnessy, a founding member and the President of the Friends of the Presumpscot River, explored the lost river landscape with more than 50 community residents.

"The town didn't know this was going to happen," said Shaughnessy. “The disappearance of the pond came as a total shock to everyone, but the formation of this river and what was revealed below, even more so.

Sanford who is also the author of “Reading the Rural Landscape” and the editor of “River Voices: Perspectives on the Presumpscot River,” said that the stumps along the path of the river are 110 to 120 years old.

He is skilled in understanding the story and history of a landscape. Standing at Dundee Park and looking out over the lost river, it was difficult not to notice its dramatic features.

This area of the river was the site of an original canal project dating back to the late 1700s. During this time, many dams were being built along the Presumpscot River for hydroelectricity. The pond was not flooded until 1910, however, which means the last time this landscape featured a river was over 100 years ago.

The former pond’s stark delineation and water line is a very dramatic feature. But it’s the tree stumps and fissured soil that resembles a different planet, or perhaps our planet but in an apocalyptic time.

In the flat areas where the stumps were scarce, Sandford said that these would have been fields filled with grazing sheep. During the time before the area was flooded, sheep would have been valuable commodities.

“In the Civil War a lot of wool for uniforms came from New England,” said Sanford.

A “wolf tree” stump was spotted in a clearing on top of a knoll. Such a large tree would have been where farmers rested with their horses.

Much of the dry soil in the area is gray “Presumpscot Clay,” which was in demand many years ago when Gorham had eight different brickmakers.

In minutes, the features of the landscape can be recognized by the human eye, but Shaughnessy questions the environmental impacts created by the dam malfunction.

"A lot of environmental remediation is going to need to happen here," said Shaughnessy.

He pointed out that the freshwater mussels scattered underfoot were at one time living in the benthic zone of the pond, filtering and cleaning the water.

The color green is returning to the landscape, however, and life can be seen all around. Small flowers and grasses are pioneering their way into the bare landscape.

A Great Blue Heron was spotted in the distance. It triggers the memory of birds that once thrived among the shores of this river.

Presumpscot is the Wabanaki word for “many rough places” and prior to colonization, the river may have featured up to 18 waterfalls. Only three falls are now visible including Presumpscot Falls in Falmouth, Saccarappa Falls in Westbrook, and Wescot Falls near North Gorham Pond.

In the rapids of this 100-year-old river near Dundee Park, “Whitney’s Falls” have reappeared and are now the fourth set of modern-day waterfalls in the area.

This name dates back to a time when fish such as salmon, trout, eels and herring dominated the river. Bear, otters, eagles, and osprey flocked here to claim these fish as their meal.

“This is a unique and historic moment," said Shaughnessy. "The Presumpscot River at Dundee has been dammed for well over 100 years. For the first, and possibly last time, a wild river with vibrant rapids and falls is revealed. In addition, the historic lands, eerily barren, cracked and shorn, but so well preserved, are likewise momentarily seen again. What is revealed is indicative of what lays under many of this river's still waters."

The company that manages the dam that malfunctioned unveiling the “lost river,” Relevate Power Management, has estimated that dam repairs will be completed by the end of August and the impoundment will be refilled thereafter, thus reforming Dundee Pond.

Meanwhile, take a walk back in time through this small valley and visualize a landscape that’s more than a century old.

On Sunday, Aug. 25, Friends of the Presumpscot River will be hosting another informational walk along the "Lost River." Meet at Dundee Park at 3 p.m. and the public is welcome to attend.

To learn more, visit the Friends of the Presumpscot River website at <

Friday, August 9, 2024

Dundee Pond water level may be restored by October

By Ed Pierce

As the end of summer nears, Windham residents hoping to go swimming at Dundee Park may have to wait to do that until next year.

Swimming is not allowed at Dundee Park in Windham this
summer as a gate malfunction at the dame there resulted in
the pond being drained in May. The dam's owner expects
the water level at the pond to be fully restored by October.
In early spring, the Dundee Dam at Dundee Park, which is a hydroelectric project on the southern end of Dundee Pond, experienced a gate malfunction resulting in water being drained out of the pond there. Dundee Park is a popular spot in summer for Windham residents to swim, have a picnic or attend free weekly concerts hosted by the town’s Parks and Recreation Department.

Now the New York-based company that oversees the dam at the park, Relevate Power Management, has issued a press release explaining what happened.

“As many residents and recreators on the Presumpscot River in Windham, Maine are aware, Dundee Pond is currently drained, and the performance of critical maintenance on the dam is underway, said Matthew Wenger, Chief Executive Officer of Relevate Power. “The Dundee Dam is owned by Presumpscot Hydro, the licensee of the Dundee Hydroelectric Project, and is operated by Relevate Power Management.”

According to Wengert, on May 17, one of the dam’s two deep sluice gates, used to pass large amounts of water during flooding events malfunctioned, sticking in the open position.

“These gates are original components of this historic 1913 dam, over 100 years old, and while proper maintenance has kept them in service for over a century, one of the gates reached the end of its useful life unexpectedly,” Wengert said. “While the dam was at no risk of failure, the malfunctioned gate caused water levels to drop until the pond was completely drained.”

He said that given the location of the gate at the very bottom of the 52-foot structure, repairs could only safely begin once the pond had been emptied.

“To expedite the repairs, we accelerated procurement, hired local contractors who could start immediately, and put all our Presumpscot River staff on the project,” Wengert said. “Furthermore, while the pond is drained, we’re taking the opportunity to conduct additional preventative maintenance, including completely overhauling the other gates, to minimize the likelihood of other gate-related shutdowns over the coming years.”

Wengert said that the current estimate is that all the repairs will be completed by Aug. 31.

“Upon completion, the impoundment will be refilled. Per our consultations with agencies such as the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, and the Maine Department of Environmental Protection, we expect this to take a few weeks,” he said. “The refill rate being critical to minimize potential negative environmental and structural impacts. If all goes well, we expect the pond to be back to normal operating level by early October.”

In the press release, Wengert said that Relevate Power understands the impact this unanticipated and unavoidable event has had upon the Windham community.

“We know our dams play a central role in both the enjoyment and safety of our waterways and we are working diligently and expediently to return Dundee Pond back to normal operating conditions as soon as safely possible,” Wengert said. “In the meantime, we will provide additional updates should there be any material changes to the plan. We appreciate your patience and support while we get the job done.”

Michael Shaughnessy, Friends of the Presumpscot River president, told The Windham Eagle in July that the surrounding ecosystem will suffer long-term as a result of the pond being drained.

“Biologically it’s set back for years,” Shaughnessy said. “You need to have upstream and downstream remediation.”

He said that the Friends of the Presumpscot River group wants the town to conduct an environmental study to determine the lasting and expansive impacts and determine future costs of infrastructure or programs that are needed for the park, river, and pond to get back to full biological health.

“If they just focus on filling it up and think it will be just like it was and that won’t happen,” said Shaughnessy. “The major concern is the impact on the fisheries by virtue of the water level going down. Other wildlife will be impacted such as turtles, clams, and birds of prey. The biological life that was lake oriented has been destroyed. The silt is going down impacting the lower impoundment. It’s a lake and there’s lots of water over many acres, then it goes down and now it’s all dried mud.” <