Throughout the country only 34 schools were nominated for this reward. “We were very surprised to win this award,” stated Reilly. “The American Egg Board had been following our presence on social media and the menu innovations that we highlight on our social media channels, led them to nominate us for this award.”

Reilly and her team work to create menus that are interesting with creative names and fun themed events, entertaining facts and delicious recipes, setting them apart from other schools. “We truly believe in social media marketing and we frequently post information and pictures and promotionals about our school meals across 3 social media platforms: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter,” said Reilly. “We are incredibly fortunate to have a chef on staff who works alongside our staff and me - inspiring, training, developing recipes and working with students in the classroom and in after school activities.”
Reilly and her staff serve approximately 1000 breakfasts and 1800 lunches every school day, using approximately 500 or more eggs each week. The eggs are served in various forms including breakfast sandwiches, breakfast pizza, breakfast wraps, scrambled eggs and egg pops from a recent themed event surrounding the Super Bowl.
“As a school system we are egg-cited to share that Windham-Raymond Schools Nutrition Program is in the recipient of this years “Eggcellence in Menu-Innovation Award,” states Sandy Prince, Superintendent RSU 14. “Thank you to the American Egg Board for recognizing Jeanne Reilly’s leadership efforts with providing creative and nutritious meals to all of our students. Jeanne’s vision strikes again whereby she is brilliant with taking a vision and creating the future of ‘greatness’ with RSU 14 School Nutrition Program.”
Congratulations, Jeanne Reilly, and staff on your hard work.