Annabelle Riley & Elliott Schulz |
In the bubble blowing contest, everyone made their own V-shaped measuring tool, called a divider, out of construction paper and a fastener. They chewed a piece – or perhaps two pieces - of gum, then tried to blow the biggest bubble they could.
They used the divider to measure their bubbles, which ranged in shape and size from 1 inch to 6 inches. No winner was crowned, though from what I could see, everyone was blowing some pretty good-sized bubbles.
Organizer Diana Currier, said they had done this event five years ago and it was a big hit, so they decided to do it again.
Children of ages joined in all the fun, chewing, blowing bubbles and measuring and laughing. A good time was had by all – even the parents.
On Tuesday, August 21 a science exploration event was held to teach children about energy by seeing how many elastics it would take to create enough pressure outside a watermelon to make it burst.
“I’m scared!” “I’m excited!” was overheard.
After 100 elastics had been put on, no reaction from the watermelon. 200 elastics, no reaction. Once 300 elastics had been put on, the children were getting nervous. They would put their elastics on and back away as quickly as possible. There was a lot of speculation about what and when it would happen. Some children were taking extra precaution by wearing goggles or looking away as soon as their elastic was put on, to prevent any watermelon splash that might get in their eyes if it burst.
Gavin and Cole Williams |
Currier, who orchestrated this event as well, got the idea from a friend of hers who home schools and does a lot of activities similar to this one.
The final number of 404 elastics was a lot more than Currier thought it was going to be. “My job is to make sure the kids have fun [and this event was] excellent,” she remarked.