Those who live or work on Windham Center Road near the
intersection of Pope Road may hear a lot of ringing in their ears on Friday,
December 14 between the hours of 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. If this is the case for you,
be reassured that you most likely do not have tinnitus
(serious case of ringing or buzzing in the ear). What you will be experiencing,
instead, is the chime of the church bell from the belfry of Windham Hill United
Church of Christ (WHUCC) as they celebrate their 275th anniversary.
“We will begin ringing the bell 23 times at 9 a.m. this
Friday,” began WHUCC Historian, Laurel Parker. “And we will continue to ring
the bell 23 times on the top of the hour every hour until 8 p.m., at which time
the bell will ring 22 times – adding up to a total of 275 rings.”
When that church was built, it gained a bell that also
contains historical significance. “It [the bell] has been a part of our church
since it was built in 1834-35,” explained Pastor of WHUCC, Sally Colegrove, in
a previous interview. “The bell comes from a foundry in the Boston area out of
one of the workshops of Paul Revere. The bell rings every Sunday but is also
rung on special occasions for the community with the hope of peace. It was rung
at the end of the Civil War, World War I, World War II and on 9/11.”
Parker further explained that whenever there is a call to
ring bells across America for other momentous and time-honored events, the bell
at WHUCC will always be heard ringing in unison with other bells across the
nation. “Of course, the bell always rings every Sunday morning at 9:20 for the
call to worship,” Parker said, referring to the 9:30 a.m. weekly service.
The Windham Eagle newspaper’s very own historian and
writer, Walter Lunt, offered a bit of background history on Windham’s first
church in his bi-weekly history series that was published in the March 24, 2017

Lunt also stated, “Attempts to
construct a church atop Anderson Hill, off present-day River Road, were
hindered by hostilities related to the French and Indian Wars. The partially
framed edifice was torn down and the timbers used to help construct a fort to
protect the early families. Under the pastoral guidance of Rev. John Wight, a
1729 graduate of Harvard College and the township’s first minister, the first
services were conducted inside the fort. Early records indicate Rev. Wight was
highly respected and remembered for his dedication and loyalty to the needs of
the infant settlement - a devotion that impaired his health. Wight died in the
fort, leaving behind a congregation that grew from seven to 25 members during
his tenure.”
With such a rich Windham heritage
and history, the ringing of the bell is a celebration that not all communities
can own. “As I sit in the pews every Sunday morning, what amazes me the most as
a historian is the fact that this congregation began before George Washington
was President,” stated Parker.
WHUCC raises funds and participates
in numerous social and charitable causes on local, national and worldwide
levels. This includes support for the Windham food pantry, the free Monday
Meals program for seniors and others, E-waste collection and the international
Heifer Project, which distributes live animals to third-world countries – to
name just a few organizations that benefit from their missionary outreach.
“But you must always keep the
original/paper source safe, if possible,” warned Parker. “Although we believe
digital access will remain an obtainable resource forever – we must remember
that we once thought of that with the floppy disk. Now, anything that has been
placed on a floppy disk is not easily accessible.”
As for the ringing of the bell on
Friday, December 14, Parker joked that those in the congregation who have
offered to ring the bell this Friday will face a certain challenge. “It’s a
heavy bell and I’m certain those who will be pulling on the 1-inch thick rope for
a very heavy bell with 23 or 22 repetitions will surely be exhausted when they
are done.”
Happy Birthday, Windham Hill United
Church of Christ. Thank you for providing the historical and spiritual roots to
Windham. Based upon the rules of 17th century New England, the town
would not be here without you.