
Friday, March 12, 2021

State greenlights Windham Middle School construction project

RSU 14 has learned that the state has moved ahead with
funding for construction of a project to either rebuild or
renovate Windham Middle School by 2026.
By Ed Pierce

The next five years will probably have some unexpected twists and turns, but what is known for certain is that by 2026, Windham Middle School will either be renovated or rebuilt, according to RSU 14 administrators.

After several years of being ranked at Number 5 overall among state-approved and subsidized construction projects, RSU 14 has learned that the highly anticipated project is moving forward. How much state funding for the work is yet unknown and that will be the determining factor on whether the aging 44-year-old school will be rebuilt or renovated.       

RSU 14 received some wonderful news this month about the Windham Middle School construction project. After two years of waiting, the Maine Department of Education announced that the project to replace the school will be moving forward,” said RSU 14 Schools Superintendent Christopher Howell. “The district took the first significant step of the process last week when it officially advertised for architectural services for the project.”

During the RSU 14 School Board meeting on Wednesday evening, the district formed a School Building Committee to oversee the project, which is expected to be completed by 2026.

Howell said that the original Windham Middle School was completed in 1977 and was built for a capacity of 483 students.  That number has now grown to 636 students, with sixth graders housed for some classes at the adjacent Field Allen School, which was built in the 1930s.

“Over the years, the Field Allen School has had several minor renovations and has been incorporated into the programming of the school.  Most recently, two new classrooms were added to the building to accommodate a large sixth-grade class,” Howell said. “The building has served the district well over the years but is starting to show signs that it is reaching the end of its usable life cycle as a school building.  Aside from the inability to have all students in the building under one roof, the main middle school building has small classrooms, outdated science rooms, restroom facilities that do not meet modern requirements, a worn-out heating system, outdated windows, and a less than adequate electrical system.”   

More than 200 students currently transition back and forth from Field Allen School to Windham Middle School for classes in art, music, science, STEM, gym and other activities including the school cafeteria.

RSU 14 originally applied for the Maine Department of Education’s Major Capital Construction Program in 2016 for funding for construction and has ranked as the being fifth-highest priority among 74 proposed school construction projects statewide.

“The program is highly competitive as a positive rating in the process can lead to a significant financial savings for school districts,” Howell said. “A majority of construction costs for school projects selected through this program will be covered by the state.”

Once a district applies for funding, Maine DOE reviews and rates the project based upon need. The State Board of Education then funds as many projects from the list as available debt limit funds allow. Working with the State Board of Education, Maine DOE establishes both size and financial limits on projects.

Local school districts may exceed these limits at local expense through municipal bonds, but the state bears the major financial burden of capital costs for approved school construction projects. As such, Maine DOE first looks at the possibility of renovations or renovations with additions and new school construction projects are only considered in instances in which renovation projects are not economically or educationally feasible.

According to Howell, there are 21 steps in the school construction process for state funded projects.

“The first three steps are steps related to the application for a building.  The project started step 4 last week when an advertisement was completed for architectural services for the project,” he said. “Once an architectural firm is selected, the district will work with that firm to complete an analysis of new versus renovation and to conduct an analysis of possible sites in the district to construct a new building.”

He said specific work by RSU 14 toward developing a vision for the new school building started more than a year ago. 

“The district engaged the services of an experienced school planner named Frank Locker who has worked with teams across the world to design and build new school buildings,” Howell said.  “Frank has been working with a group of stakeholders through a process of examining middle level programming, student grouping, functionality and equipment, environment in the new learning space, future learning, and how the building can be used for all members of the RSU 14 community.  A final report from the work of this group will be presented this spring.  The document will be used by the architects to develop concept designs for the new building.”

Once an architect has been chosen by the district, RSU 14 representatives will then meet with the Maine DOE in a pre-design conference to discuss methods that can simplify construction through use of efficient engineering systems, designs, and come up with realistic construction schedules for the project.

It’s been a long road for RSU 14 to reach this point in the process, but one that the Windham Middle School principal says he is happy to see becoming a reality.

“I am very excited to begin working with the state on our school construction project. Not only will we be able to create a safe and welcoming school, but we will have the opportunity to design a building that meets the educational needs of our students in this current age and for generations of students to come,” said Drew Patin, WMS principal. “We will create spaces that promote lifelong skills, such as collaboration, problem-solving, creativity, and perseverance.”

He said the intention of the project is for Windham Middle School to be a place of high engagement for students by focusing on teaching the skills needed for our students to be successful in the workplace and post-secondary educational settings.

“Our mission is for school to not look like the typical school setting and for students to go home excited to tell their parents, guardians, and friends about their experiences that day,” he said. < 

Windham could add two new districts later this spring

A map is shown of possible new districts that
could be approved by the Windham Town
Council later this spring. Under consideration
and discussed during a public forum on March 3
are new districts including a Windham Residential
District and a Windham Center District,
By Ed Pierce

Based upon recommendations from the town’s Long Range Planning Committee developed following a public webinar on March 3, the Windham Town Council could vote later this spring on a proposal to add two new zoning districts.

During the March 3 rezoning webinar conducted on Zoom, Windham residents were asked to comment on creating a new Village Residential District and a Windham Center District. The Windham Long Range Planning Committee is charged with implementation of the Town’s Comprehensive Plan and mapping out where growth and changes are desired and where they are not desired is a central component of comprehensive planning.  

“The Future Land Use Map in the plan shows the general areas of Windham that should be targeted for growth and those that are important to the community to keep at low development levels,” said Amanda L. Lessard, Windham Planning Director. “Windham Center is one of the identified growth areas and is described in the plan as an area serving as the civic core of the community and as such, more walkable, connected residential development should be encouraged in this area.” 

Lessard said that the Windham Center Growth Area is mostly currently zoned as Farm District and Farm Residential District and these rural areas are zones that the town wants to direct growth away from.  

“A specific Comp Plan goal is to amend local ordinances to clearly define the desired scale, intensity, and location of future development using the descriptions provided in the Future Land Use Plan,” Lessard said. “Additionally, state law requires that a municipal zoning ordinance must be pursuant to and consistent with a comprehensive plan adopted by the municipal legislative body.”

She said that the LRPC reviewed the current zoning in other growth areas and determined that based on the existing lot sizes and land uses in the area and the Vision for Windham described in the comprehensive plan that Windham Center is different from other growth areas and should have its own zoning standards that are distinct on either side of the Pleasant River.

Another aspect of changes the council may be asked to approve are refining affordable housing standards, Lessard said.

“One of the Comp Plan goals is to encourage the development of affordable/workforce housing in Growth Areas,” she said. “The proposed standards would apply in the zoning districts that align with growth areas shown on the future land use map: Commercial 1 (C1) and Commercial 2 (C2) in the North Windham Growth Area, Medium-Density Residential (RM) in the Residential Growth Area, Village Commercial (VC) in the South Windham Growth Area, and the proposed Windham Center (WC) District in the Windham Center Growth Area.”

Lessard said that the proposed standards would allow for increases in residential density and height and decrease lot size, frontage and setbacks for developments that are served by public water and meet federal Median Family Income standards for affordability. 

“The affordability of the units must also be maintained for 10 years for ownership units, or 30 years for rental units,” she said.

Under the proposal that the council could take up would be the Village Residential District, to the west of the Pleasant River which could be intended to be a residential area with a limited number of small businesses. 

“The proposed zone slightly reduces minimum lot sizes and road frontages to allow for more residential development that is consistent with the older subdivision developments in the area,” Lessard said. “The Windham Center District, to the east of the Pleasant River, is intended to be the primarily residential civic village with a mixture of uses intended to complement the cultural, public, and institutional uses with other small business that meet local neighborhood needs.”

This proposed zone further reduces minimum lot sizes and road frontages (to be the same as the Town’s current Medium-Density Residential zone and proposes to allow additional commercial uses that are limited in size, Lessard said. 

“Both districts are proposed to require pitched rooflines, all new streets must be public streets, and new development on existing public streets must provide sidewalks along the frontage of the lot,” she said.  

It will be several months before Windham town councilors could vote on the rezoning proposal as there is a process to follow.

“The LRPC will consider revisions to the proposal based on public input and make a recommendation to the Windham Town Council,” Lessard said. “The Land Use Ordinance specifies the process for amendments, so the Council will forward the proposal to the Planning Board for review and recommendation.”

As part of the process, a public hearing will be held as part of the Windham Planning Board’s review.  The board’s recommendation will be sent back to the Windham Town Council for discussion and a public hearing before a vote is held.      

Windham’s Comprehensive Plan Update was adopted in June 2017 and included numerous policy and implementation strategies to achieve the vision for Windham in the next 10-plus years. 

“These were distilled into the 4 Big Things, one of which was ‘Change the game for Windham’s Growth Areas: North Windham, Windham Center, South Windham.,’” Lessard said. “This zoning change would expand the range of options available in Windham by allowing for different types and scales of neighborhood development and provide more options for people to choose from when considering Windham for a home or a place to start or expand a business.” <

Friday, March 5, 2021

Quilts of Valor recognize trio of local ‘Greatest Generation’ veterans

Members of the Maine Quilts of Valor organization presented
quilts to three local veterans honoring their military service
during World War II and the Korean War. Shown from left with
their quilts are Korean War veteran Jerry Black of Standish, 92,
World War II veteran Carroll McDonald of Windham, 96, and 
World War II veteran Bob Miehle of South Windham, 98.
Eagle Cane also presented during special gathering in Windham

By Ed Pierce

Members of the “Greatest Generation” fought to protect America from tyranny and oppression during World War II and the Korean War and their bravery, sacrifices and valor are shining examples of what patriotism truly means. On Wednesday morning, a special gathering at the Windham Veterans Center showed heartfelt appreciation to a trio of local veterans over the age of 90 who gave unselfishly to help preserve our freedom.

World War II veterans Carroll McDonald, 96, and Bob Miehle, 98, both of Windham, and Korean War veteran Jerry Black of Standish, 92, were awarded Quilts of Valor for their service to our nation and McDonald, who celebrated his 96th birthday on Monday, March 1 was honored by American Legion Field-Allen Post 148 with the presentation of a special Eagle Cane for his time as a U.S. Army Air Corps P-51 pilot.

Donna Brookings, the Maine State Coordinator for Quilts of Valor, told those gathered for the occasion that the organization was founded in 2003 by the mother of a soldier deployed to Iraq. She had an idea that a quilt could be given to veterans who have been touched by war as a means of comfort to them.

The idea took off and there are now Quilt of Valor chapters in all 50 states, including Maine. Each Quilt of Valor is a quality handmade quilt made of three distinct layers.

According to Brookings, each quilt’s colorful top featuring unique shapes and fabrics representing the many unique communities and individuals of America, with second underlying filler area representing warmth, comfort, and peace. The third backing layer symbolizes the strength of each recipient of this honor and the support of each family, the community, and our nation. Each stitch in the quilts holding all the layers together represents the love and gratitude of the person who made them. 

In presenting the quilts to McDonald, Miehle and Black, Brookings told them there were three reasons they were being awarded these Quilts of Valor.

“First, we honor you for your service in the United States military. We honor you for leaving all you hold dear and to stand in harm’s way in a time of crisis, protecting us from the effects of war,” Brookings said. “Second, we know that freedom is not free. The cost of freedom is the dedication of lives of men and women like you, and this quilt is meant to say thank you for your sacrifice. Third, these quilts are meant to offer comfort to you, and to remind you that although your family and friends cannot be with you at all times, you are forever in our thoughts and our hearts.”

Brookings said since its inception, Quilts of Valor has now presented more than 268,000 quilts nationwide and will continue to do so for as long as veterans continue to serve America.

American Legion Field-Allen Post 148 Adjutant David Tanguay then awarded McDonald with a handcrafted Eagle Cane to recognize his contributions to the nation as a World War II veteran.

The Eagle Cane Project originated in Oklahoma and was introduced in Maine in 2008. Woodcarver Jack Nitz of Tulsa, Oklahoma launched the Eagle Cane Program after watching an ABC News television segment in 2004 about post-Sept. 11 veterans. Nitz, who served in the Navy from 1948 to 1957, said he realized there was "a little something" that he, as a woodcarver and cane maker, could do to let injured veterans know they had support from people in their community and to also honor them for their service. The Eagle Cane program has now spread to 32 different states, including Maine, and is a collaborative initiative that awards quality hand-carved personalized Eagle Head canes to deserving veterans in recognition for their service to the United States.

On Veterans Day in November 2020, Black received an Eagle Cane and Miehle also received one during a special parade in South Windham in recognition of his 98th birthday on Jan. 25.

During Wednesday’s festivities, McDonald and Miehle said that they both attended Windham High School and they graduated together in the same class in June 1942.

McDonald was born on a farm in South Windham and said for as long as he can remember, he was interested in learning to fly and airplane.

“When I was about 4-years-old, I heard a bi-plane flying near a school and was fascinated by it,” McDonald said. “The sound of it going up and down and buzzing all around stirred my interest and it never left me when I was growing up.”

Knowing that he was about to be drafted, McDonald volunteered to join the U.S. Air Army Air Corps as long as he could train to become a military pilot.

In 1943 he was given a commission as a 2nd Lieutenant and sent to an Army flight school in Alabama and then for training as a P-51 pilot at Page Field in Fort Myers, Florida. He received his flight wings in 1944 and spent the remainder of the war in Fort Myers flying P-51s, a long range, single-seat fighter-bomber used during World War II and the Korean War.

“I joined because it was an opportunity to be well-trained and a chance to fly every single day,” McDonald said. 

Following his active-duty discharge in 1945, he attended business school using the GI Bill and in 1951 while fulfilling his military commitment in the U.S. Air Force Reserves, was promoted to the rank of 1st Lieutenant.

He returned to Maine and joined the U.S. Post Office as a rural postal delivery driver, a job he worked for 32 years, delivering mail in South Windham and on River Road until his eventual retirement. He joined the American Legion’s Field-Allen Post 148 in 1951 and served as Post Commander and performed many other jobs for the group through the years.

After his retirement, McDonald also logged more than 20 years delivering Meals on Wheels to area seniors for 20 years and is a regular at the Weekly Veterans Coffee every Wednesday at the Windham Veterans Center.

“I’m very appreciative to everyone for recognizing me in this way and remembering my birthday,” McDonald said.  

Miehle also grew up in South Windham and was drafted in the U.S. Army, serving through 1945 in the U.S. Army’s European Theater in England, France and Germany. He worked as a T5 Signal Corps Early Warning Radar Operator tracking enemy aircraft and German V-1 buzz bombs. He went on to own and operate Patsy’s store in South Windham for many years and volunteered as a fireman at the South Windham Fire Station.   

Black served in the U.S. Navy for four years during the 1950s and the Korean War and following his time in the military, he attended Gorham State Teacher’s College and became a teacher. He taught shop, drafting and woodworking for many years at Falmouth High School before retiring and was awarded a trip to Washington, D.C. to tour the military memorials there by Honor Flight Maine. <    

Four Windham children demonstrate how money can buy you happiness

Four local children crafted bracelets made
out of pipe cleaners and sold them for 25
cents. After earning $100 they donated 
100 percent of the proceeds to the Animal
Refuge League of Greater Portland. Shown
are students Ben Dubois, Jackson Dubois,
Lily Kuusela and Jackson Kuusela.
By Lorraine Glowczak

In his November 2011 Ted Talk, Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School, Michael Norton, shared some fascinating research on how money buys happiness. The data he shared regarding fiscal currency and its relationship to joy and bliss would be surprising to most.

“If you are not happy spending money,” Norton said in his Ted Talk, “then you are not spending it right.”

According to Norton’s research, four delighted Windham youth are spending their money wisely.

The young money-making entrepreneurs in question include second grade student, Ben Dubois and his brother Jackson who is a fifth-grade student, along with first grader, Lily Kuusela and her older brother Jackson, also a fifth-grade student.

These four youthful businesspersons created a small enterprise of making bracelets out of multi-colored pipe cleaners and sold them to the community as a creative way to occupy their time during the pandemic when they were not busy doing their schoolwork. As for the money they made? They gave it all away to the Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland (ARLGP).

“Logan has made bracelets in the past and he thought about selling them so we all decided it would be fun to do this as a business together,” Jackson Dubois said, who is a longtime family friend and classmate of Logan’s. “We built and set up a stand to sell them for 25 cents each. We were going to split and keep the money but decided to donate all of it.”

This entrepreneurial turned philanthropy endeavor began in mid-November. By mid-December as Lily Kuusela noted, the stand was set up at the end of the Kuusela family driveway. They made $100.

“We made $2.00 on the very first day,” Logan said.

Although the four youngsters were successful at selling bracelets at their stand, news got around quickly and individuals within the community started making orders via the children’s parents’ Facebook pages.

“In some cases, we had people donate money after they realized the kids were making the money to give away to the animal shelter,” one of the mothers, Kim Kuusela said. “We even had someone donate a package containing 350 pipe cleaners, but we do not know who the doner was. No one is owning up to that.”

The $100 was delivered on Wednesday, Feb. 17.. As for the choice to give the money away to the ARLGP, the decision was easy.

“We all love animals and we wanted to be able to help the shelter feed the animals with that money,” the children said. “And we got Oliver from there,” Ben Dubois said of his family cat.

As for the parents Kim and Jon Kuusela and Jon Dubois and Jodi Mitchell-Dubois, their children sparked wonder and amazement.

“I was very surprised when they decided to donate their money to the ARLGP,” Jodi Mitchell said. “They worked hard and had fun, and they could have decided to buy something for themselves or split it and each take a share. None of them hesitated to donate the money, and while I was surprised, I was also incredibly proud of them all for coming together and looking outside themselves.” 

“I should not say I’m surprised because they are very kind children and always have been, but I was…… well - surprised” Kim Kuusela said. “It’s not often that people think about others before themselves. We have been blessed a lot in our lives and we believe God has given that to us. If we have more than we need, we try to instill in our kids that we should help those who do need. It was a proud moment that this message has resonated with our children. It has produced in me wonder and pride.”

The Kuusela and Dubois youngsters are not stopping here, and they spoke with excitement about their next endeavor.

“The next time we want to sell bracelets and give the money to a homeless shelter,” Logan Kuusela said.

Although bracelets made out of pipe cleaners may seem insignificant in the grand scheme of things, Norton ends his Ted Talk with this powerful statement, “The specific way you spend on other people is not as important as the fact that you spend money on other people. You can still do small, trivial things and you can make yourself happy.”

The parents of the children wish to give a shout out to all the community members who encouraged the youngsters in living their dream of philanthropy. “They helped to make this possible, too.”

To purchase bracelets from the Kuusela/Dubois children, with all the proceeds from their current endeavor going to a homeless shelter, email orders at:

Interested in watching Norton’s Ted Talk? Go to: <



Friday, February 26, 2021

Polar Dip plungers plummet into Sebago Lake for 'Feed the Need'

By Ed Pierce

Hannaford employees embrace the icy waters of Sebago Lake
during the Polar Dip event just offshore from Raymond Beach
on Saturday, Feb. 20. Hosted by the Sebago Lakes Region
Chamber of Commerce and the Sebago Lakes Rotary Club, the
event helped raise more than $5,000 for 'Feed the Need,' which
provides funding for food pantries across the Lakes Region.

Plunging into the icy waters of Sebago Lake in February isn’t everyone’s idea of a good time, but for some intrepid individuals last weekend, diving into the lake was a moment of fun they simply couldn’t pass up.

Swimmers and a crowd of volunteers gathered on Sebago Lake near Raymond Beach on Saturday for the Polar Dip, hosted by the Sebago Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce and the Sebago Lakes Rotary Club. Proceeds from the event raised more than $5,000 to benefit “Feed the Need,” which benefits food pantries in the Sebago Lakes Region in Casco, Gray, Naples, New Gloucester, Raymond, Sebago, Standish and Windham. 

Jumping into a large rectangular hole cut into the foot-thick ice and 34-degree water, swimmers took pledges to take the plunge and one team went beyond that and took pledges for how long they could stay in the near-freezing water. 

“Although COVID-19 limited the number of jumpers we could have at this year's Polar Dip, it didn't limit the generosity or the spirit of the people in the Sebago Lakes region,” said Robin Mullins, executive director of the Sebago Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce. “From the Sebago Lakes Rotary, especially George Bartlett, who partnered with us on this event, to the volunteers who helped set up, to the folks who came to watch, and to the brave souls who took the plunge into the 34-degree Sebago Lake, I say, ‘Thank You’ and I feel so blessed to live and work in such a great region where people come together to help one another.”

This marked the first time that the chamber has hosted the Polar Dip and Mullins said the opportunity to stage a fun outdoor event safely during the pandemic while helping alleviate hunger in the Sebago Lakes Region made it a perfect match for the chamber.

“George Bartlett from Busy Bee Laundry in Windham is a member of the Sebago Lakes Rotary Club and wanted to bring the Polar Dip back as part of the Sebago Lakes Rotary Fishing Derby for 2021, Mullins said. “He approached me and asked if I would help. I quickly jumped at that and asked if proceeds could benefit the Sebago Lakes Region Chamber's Charitable Trust, or what we call ‘Feed The Need.’ Food insecurity in our communities is at an all-time high and the $5,000 the event brought in will go a long way in helping the 11 food pantries in Casco, Gray, Naples, New Gloucester, Raymond, Sebago, Standish and Windham.”

Sam Speirs of Portland heard about the Polar Dip event through a friend and said she immediately knew that she wanted to be a jumper.

“I’ve done the Lobster Dip in Old Orchard Beach to help the Special Olympics every year, but that was done virtually this year because of COVID-19,” Speirs said. “For this, I was able to raise about $60 through pledges from my friends and that’s why I’m out here today.”

Bartlett said he was pleased to see so many people show up for a good cause and thanked participants, the chamber and everyone who helped stage the Polar Dip.

“Everything out here today was set up by volunteers and they deserve a lot of gratitude,” he said. “We had a heater for the changing tents for the jumpers donated and the tents themselves were also donated. We also are appreciative for public safety personnel who are out here today standing by to assist if needed.”

Several members of Raymond Fire and Rescue were on hand and wore thermal-insulated wet suits just in case of an emergency. Volunteer crews also directed traffic into the Raymond Beach Boat Launch off Route 302 so participants and their families could park safely.

A group of five women from South Portland calling themselves the “Even Keel Committee” wore colorful Mardi Gras costumes when they took the plunge and despite the chilly temperatures, remained in the water for 10 minutes. Members of the group said they have been swimming in the ocean throughout the winter and that was ideal experience to prepare for the Polar Dip. They actually took in pledges for how long they could stay in the lake during the event.  

Zach Conley of Raymond said he wasn’t expecting to be the final jumper of the event, but as it turned out, he was.

Conley serves as president of the Sebago Lakes Region Chamber of Commerce and when asked to be a participant, he politely declined.

“I was asked months ago to jump in the lake, and I told them there’s no way I’m going to do that,” he said. “But they came up with some challenges for me that were hard to say no to, especially when it came to increasing the amount raised to more than $1,000. I received a text message last week that they had surpassed that amount, so here I am. I’ve never really done anything like this before but it’s for a good cause and just a few minutes of my time to help others.”

He bounced in and out of the water wearing a thermal shirt and a bathing suit and afterward said he could sum up his experience in two words.

“Really cold,” Conley said as he dried off. <

‘Greatest Show on Ice’ hooks 2021 Ice Fishing Derby participants

Greg MacIntosh of Nottingham, New Hampshire
displays his winning togue caught during the
2021 Sebago Lake Rotary Ice Fishing Derby.
It weighed 10.78 pounds and was 32 inches
By Ed Pierce

The ‘Greatest Show on Ice’ lived up to its reputation last weekend as more than a thousand fishing enthusiasts from across Maine and points beyond descended upon Sebago Lake and the Lakes Region to try their luck and possibly take home a prize in the 2021 Sebago Lake Rotary Ice Fishing Derby.

Participants braved chilly temperatures on the lake for a chance to take home the grand prize, a 2021 ATV from Windham PowerSports. This year’s derby welcomed a new Gold Sponsor, General Dynamics/BIW and official media sponsor, Channel 8 WMTW | Maine’s CW for 2021, according to Sebago Lakes Rotary Club member Cyndy Bell.

A total of 1,071 fishermen registered to compete in this year’s derby with 2,500 fish weighed and processed during the event. more than e Over 2500 fish were processed during the derby.

Approximately 7,500 pounds of fish from the 2,500-plus collected was delivered to Nova Seafood to be processed, flash frozen and will be delivered to food pantries,” Bell said. 

Sebago Lake Rotary Club member Tom Noonan is credited with coming up with the idea to create the Ice Fishing Derby in 2001 in cooperation with the Maine Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Department.  Since that time, the event has grown to become the rotary club’s biggest annual fundraising effort and has supported hundreds of charities over the past two decades, accumulating more than $1 million to donate to local causes during that timeframe. 

“Under the leadership of Sebago Lake Rotarian Toby Pennels, the derby gained additional national notoriety as one of only four fishing derbies in the United States to be featured in a television program filmed for the National Geographic Channel that aired in June 2014,” Bell said.

While many families embraced the annual derby as a chance to get outside during the long winter, participants this year also had to adapt to the reality of 2021 as derby requirements followed the CDC’s COVID-19 protocols, including mask wearing and social distancing to avoid spreading the coronavirus.

According to Bell, proceeds raised from the derby will benefit the Salvation Army, food pantries and other Rotary focused charities and this year the club added an ice shack contest and a 50/50 raffle to benefit wildlife conservation programs.

Here’s a list of winners from the 2021Sebago Lake Rotary Ice Fishing Derby:

Top Prize winners

Grand Prize winner, Chris Grant, ATV from Windham PowerSports

50/50 winner, Josh Sparks, $2,055

5HP Mercury Outboard winner, Dan Stanton


First place, Greg MacIntosh, 10.78 pounds, 32 inches

Second place, David Ferris, 8.36 pounds, 29.5 inches

Third place, Rick Laney, 8.35 pounds, 29 ¼ inches


First place, Jacob Burrows, 1.90 pounds, 14 ¼ inches

Second place, Randall Breton, 1.60 pounds, 14.25 inches

Third place, Christopher Cook, 1.56 pounds, 14 inches


First place, Fran Orcutt, 4.98 pounds, 25 ½ inches

Second place, Wayne Roma, 4.71 pounds, 25 7/8 inches

Third place, Glen Sparks, 4.1 pounds, 25 ½ inches


First place, Ben Carlin, 9.44 pounds, 34 ¾ inches

Second place, Ben Carlin 9.24 pounds, 33 inches

Third place, Billy Groton 8.44 pounds, 32 inches <

Raymond and Windham go green with electric vehicles, cutting costs and contributing to energy efficiency

Many municipalities across Maine and beyond, including
the towns of Raymond and Windham, are incorporating
electric vehicles for town employee use. The cost savings
are vast, benefiting taxpayers in more ways than one. Seen
here is the Town of Raymond's new Chevrolet Bolt.
By Lorraine Glowczak

“Electric, steam and internal combustion engines were all in contention as a means to power early automobiles,” said Raymond Town Manager Don Willard, who enjoys historical trivia. “It was the internal combustion engine that became the preferred power source. Can you imagine where we would be today if the electric option had been selected back then and developed for the past 100 plus years?”

Willard’s discovery seems correct. According to the Federal Department of Energy, the first small-scale electric engine was invented in the 1830s, rising to popularity in the early 20th century “accounting for a third of all vehicles on the road” in the United States. But it was the mass production of the Model T Ford that made the gas-powered internal combustion engine more affordable, causing the attraction to the electric car to wane.

Fast forward 100 years and the tide is turning once again. But this time around, the more affordable mode of transportation is the cost-efficient electric vehicle (EV). Many municipalities across Maine and beyond, including the towns of Raymond and Windham, are incorporating the EV for town employee use. The cost savings are vast, benefitting taxpayers in more ways than one.

The Windham Town Council approved a three-year lease of a 2017 Nissan Leaf on April 25, 2017, purchasing the vehicle on July 16, 2020. 

“This was a project identified in the Town’s Energy Plan adopted in May 2011,” said Windham’s Environmental and Sustainability Coordinator Gretchen Anderson. “The Nissan Leaf utilizes a 30-kWh lithium-ion battery with an estimated mile range average just over 106 MPG, dependent on driving style and outdoor temperature.”

Anderson said that the Town of Windham estimates operating savings ranging from $2,000 to $5,000 annually based on an analysis prepared by the Greater Portland Council of Governments at the time of Council approval. “Actual savings fluctuate within that range based on the cost of gasoline and the number of miles driven,” she said.

While Windham has been utilizing the cost savings of an EV since 2017, Raymond has recently purchased their first EV approximately three weeks ago and are looking forward to the same cost savings.

“We purchased a new 2020 Chevrolet Bolt at the first of February,” said Raymond’s Communication Director, Kaela Gonzalez. “The car will be available to all town employees in any department to take trainings or run town related errands thus reducing our mileage reimbursement costs which is done at the Federal rate. The cost to charge the car is estimated to be roughly $500/year according to the Federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).”

Gonzalez also said the average gas mileage of Raymond’s current fleet of light vehicles is around 12.5 mpg. “If the Bolt were to be driven 3,300 miles per year replacing our current municipal vehicle miles, we would save enough money on fuel alone to offset the operational costs of the Bolt for the entire year.”

Another positive regarding Raymond’s recent purchase is the resale value down the road.

“We have a saying in Raymond that we seek to achieve revenue neutral solutions when providing services,” Willard said. “The Bolt acquisition will actually be revenue positive for us. We were able to purchase the Bolt at a very low cost due to the rebates offered by Efficiency Maine and incentives offered by Chevrolet,” Willard said. “The original MRSP for the vehicle was $39,895 and after incentives the cost was reduced to $16,562.75. After four to five years the residual value will be between $21,000 to $22,000. The town will thereby recover the initial purchase cost and perhaps $4,500 to $5,000 more in addition to benefiting from transportation cost savings.”

The purchase of an EV is beneficial to the residents of both towns, not only monetarily but in terms of environmental sustainability as well.

In Anderson’s research that is based on EPA’s latest fuel economy and emission rate data, a gasoline vehicle emits more than 5 tons of carbon dioxide per year. “That’s four times as much as carbon emissions as an EV using power from the electric grid,” Anderson said, reflecting on her inquiry. She also said that, overall, driving on electricity in Maine produces the global warming emissions equivalent to a gasoline- powered vehicle that gets 102 miles per gallon.

Additionally, both towns are invested in pursuing other environmentally sustainable projects with the incorporation of LED streetlights and the use of solar panels in Windham.

The Windham Town Council considers sustainability and the environment a priority, with the utilization of an electric vehicle being one of many projects the Town has pursued,” Anderson said. “The Town is reviewing additional alternative energy vehicle procurement through Efficiency Maine and factory rebates.”

Willard and Gonzalez are also grateful for the generous incentive provided by Efficiency Maine and see this as a demonstration project to highlight the viability of electric powered vehicles. The longer-term plan is to turn the after-use sale proceeds of the Bolt into the purchase of an EV pickup truck or SUV for full-time use by the Code Enforcement Officer.

Both towns have an electric car charging station at their respective town halls, and they are open to the public. Along with Windham and Raymond, charging locations can be found on Efficiency Maine’s Charging Station Locator.

If Windham residents are interested in the energy efficiency work being completed in Windham, consider volunteering for the Town’s Energy Advisory Committee. Applications can be found on the town website.

If Raymond residents would like to learn more about electric vehicles and the town’s other energy saving projects, Willard invites them to call his office at 207-655-4742 ext. 131.

“We now are at the Model T stage of the electric car,” Willard said. “And it is only going to improve from here, both economically and environmentally.” <

Lonegan joins Spectrum Orthopaedics – Windham as sports medicine physician

Dr. Christopher Lonegan has joined Spectrum
Orthopaedics-Windham as a primary care
sports physician. SUBMITTED PHOTO 
Sports Medicine physician Christopher Lonegan, DO has joined Spectrum Orthopaedics – Windham as a primary care sports medicine physician. Spectrum Orthopaedics, a division of Spectrum Healthcare Partners, which includes Maine Orthopaedics Center and OA Centers for Orthopaedics, is the leading orthopaedic practice in the state of Maine.

Lonegan, DO, is a board-certified and fellowship-trained sports medicine physician who specializes in the treatment of non-surgical sports-related and other musculoskeletal injuries. He grew up in North Yarmouth, graduated Greely High School, and received his Doctorate of Osteopathic Medicine at the University of New England College of Osteopathic Medicine in Biddeford, Maine.

He’s formerly provided professional team coverage for the Connecticut Suns, New England Black Wolves, and Bellator Mixed Martial Arts. He has been affiliated with the Lake Placid Ironman and provided care for Bryant University, Johnson & Wales, Providence College, and the University of Connecticut.

As a Maine native, Lonegan is looking forward to rekindling old relationships and cultivating new ones.

“I joined Spectrum for the opportunity to return to my home state and be involved in the communities and athletics that provided the foundation for my interest in musculoskeletal injuries and medicine itself. I look forward both to working with local sports teams and patients - young and old, athletes and non-athletes,” Lonegan said. “It’s a moving experience to be able to practice as an orthopaedic physician and treat patients in the communities where I grew up actively training and participating in sports. I love Maine and I love Mainers. I simply can't think of a place I'd rather practice.”

The core team at Windham now includes six board-certified, fellowship-trained orthopaedic physicians who bring a broad range of subspecialty care to the community. Collectively, Spectrum Orthopaedics’ comprehensive service offerings provide improved access and convenience to patients.

Their services include:

• Assessment and treatment of all musculoskeletal conditions in children and adults.

• A full range of surgical and nonsurgical treatment options.

• Injury and fracture care to help get patients back to functioning as soon as possible.

• Newly expanded Physical Therapy and Hand Therapy clinics on site.

• OrthoAccess: a walk-in clinic for acute orthopaedic care (no appointment needed).

• Musculoskeletal diagnostics including X-ray, ultrasound, injections, and U/S-based procedures.

Lonegan’s arrival is among many other changes at the Windham practice site. Spectrum Orthopaedics-Windham recently unveiled an expanded physical therapy space and opened OrthoAccess, an orthopaedic walk-in clinic. These new additions will provide greater access to cost-effective orthopaedic care to the Lakes Region area.

The recently enhanced space at 4A Commons Ave. in Windham will better serve patients. The new physical therapy center has state-of-the-art equipment and offers patients more room for exercise and functional movement. For patients that need same-day care, OrthoAccess, an orthopaedic walk-in clinic is onsite and offers immediate assessment and treatment of sprains, strains, minor fractures, dislocations, and other sports and activity-related injuries. No appointment is needed.

All providers in the Windham office are accepting new patients. The office is conveniently located off of Route 302 and can be reached at 207-893-1738 or fax 207-892-2113. The practice site is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. OrthoAccess is open Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Physical Therapy Center is open Monday through Thursday from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Friday from 6 a.m. to  4:30 p.m. For more information, please visit

Spectrum is the largest multispecialty, physician-owned group practice serving the state of Maine. The organization consists of 200 physicians practicing in the areas of anesthesiology, orthopaedics, vascular and interventional radiology, pathology, radiology and radiation oncology.

Spectrum Orthopaedics, a division of Spectrum Healthcare Partners, includes Maine Orthopaedics Center and OA Centers for Orthopaedics. Together, the practice offers enhanced accessibility to services, provide more convenience to their patients, and offer subspecialty expert care to all communities. To learn more, visit <


Top female loan officer in Maine for 2020 works for Windham’s Northstar Mortgage Group

By Ed Pierce

Kate DiBiase of Northstar Mortgage
Group in Windham has been recognized
as the top female loan officer in Maine
for 2020 by the real estate data collection 
agency The Warren Group.

Officially ranked as the top female loan officer in Maine for 2020, Kate DiBiase of Northstar Mortgage Group in Windham says it is quite an honor to be recognized as such but prefers being known as someone who tirelessly goes above and beyond to help her clients complete the home financing experience as smoothly as possible.

DiBiase was recently ranked by The Warren Group as the number one female loan officer in the state and said she’s humbled, however it’s not going to change how she approaches her duties one bit.

“I just like helping people,” DiBiase said. “Those going through the process of buying a home can experience such mixed emotions and some nerves along the way. Sometimes I have to help them overcome the anxiety that can occur. But being there for them at the end of the process makes it all worthwhile.”

As a senior loan officer with Northstar, DiBiase helps homebuyers complete mortgage applications and then works with partners to try and find the best possible fit for them.

Originally from Hollis, DiBiase joined Northstar Mortgage Group because of her best friend, Northstar owner Leigh Gagnon. She attended Bonny Eagle High School and graduated from Thornton Academy before going on to earn a degree in business from Husson University.

She’s been with the company for 10 years now and says she’s constantly reviewing changes that can affect her clients.

“You have to stay up to date on guidance changes because they are always evolving.” DiBiase said.

According to DiBiase, her job occupies most of her time.

“It does seem like all I do is work. I’m always on from the time I wake up until when I go to sleep,” she said. “In my job, there is no shutting off.”

All the hard work and long hours pays off for DiBiase though and she believes it’s been the basis for her being ranked as the number one female loan officer in Maine for 2020.

“I’d say I achieved this rank because I’m passionate about what I do,” DiBiase said. “I have a large referral base of people I have helped and based upon their good experience, they tell others and refer them to me. Word of mouth is so important, and I’m blessed that so many people refer me to their friends and family based on what I’ve been able to do for them.”

Gagnon said that DiBiase is well deserving of this recognition.

“Kate is the hardest working person I know,” she said. “What sets her apart is she is passionate about what she does; this isn’t just a job to her. Her clients become friends and are not treated as transactions, they are treated like family.”

DiBiase said that she truly owes thanks to her team, partners, community, friends and family.

“That’s what’s helped me to reach my goals,” she said. I don’t take that for granted.”      

DiBiase lives in Windham with her three dogs and when she’s not working, she enjoys going to spin class, traveling and spending time with family and friends.

Based in Peabody, Massachusetts, The Warren Group is the premier provider of real estate data in the nation’s housing market. For more than 150 years, The Warren Group has been a trusted collector and distributor of regional real estate data. Our comprehensive approach provides accurate and timely real estate sales information updated weekly to help identify new opportunities to expand your bottom line. Warren Group collects and compiles data on real estate sales and ownership. <

Camping World to acquire Lee’s Family Trailer Sales & Service

National recreation dealer Camping World will
acquire Lee Family Trailer Sales and Service of 
Windham and the facility will become the first 
Camping World location in Maine in April.
Camping World Holdings, Inc., America’s recreation dealer, has announced that an agreement has been signed to acquire Lee’s Family Trailer Sales & Service of Windham. 

Company officials say that the acquisition is anticipated to close in April and will become the company’s first location in the state of Maine.  Camping World continues to march toward establishing a recreation dealer platform in all 48 contiguous states.

“It’s our intention with acquisitions like this to complete our goal of operating our recreational dealer platform in all 48 contiguous states,” said Marcus Lemonis, CEO and Chairman of Camping World Holdings.  “This achievement not only creates more convenience for our nearly 5.5 million unique customers but sets the stage for a web centric process to sell both new and used RVs nationwide completely online.”

The company currently has operating RV dealerships, agreements to acquire existing RV dealerships, is under new construction or has land acquisition pending in all 48 states.

The new Maine facility will transition to the Camping World brand with a target open date of mid-April and be the first of at least two locations in the state.  The SuperCenter will include a wide range of new and used RVs from top manufacturers in addition to a full assortment of RV and outdoor products and accessories.

Camping World Holdings, the nation’s largest network of RV and outdoor lifestyle - centric locations, currently owns and operates over 170 SuperCenters nationwide, specializing in RV sales and service, RV parts and accessories, outdoor lifestyle products and its entire portfolio of Good Sam products and services.  From new strategic acquisitions, new store development and facility upgrades, the Company’s network will continue to expand and evolve while serving its customers' outdoor, RV and camping needs.

Lee Family Trailer Sales & Service is owned by Dan Craffey and has been in business since 1984. It is a Sebago Lakes Region fixture at its expansive 480 Roosevelt Trail location in Windham and sold a record 1,000 RVs in 2020, more than triple the 300 RVs sold at the facility in 2017.

RVs are exploding in popularity because they are affordable and perhaps the safest form of travel offered in America today. They can be customized and driven to remote campsite locations or on interstate highways to vacation spots or even visiting out-of-state relatives.

Camping World is always looking for seasoned and professional RV sales associates, technicians, and retail support to assist with locations across the country. Individuals interested in applying for a position may visit <

Friday, February 19, 2021

Windham awaits closing on sale of former South Windham Fire Station

The Windham Town Council has approved the sale of the old
South Windham Fire Station to Great Falls Construction of 
Gorham. Closing for the building is expected to be finalized
by June with plans calling for the structure to be redeveloped
into a brew house and restaurant. PHOTO BY ED PIERCE    
Developers plan brew house, restaurant for vacant structure

By Ed Pierce

At some point this spring, ownership of the South Windham Fire Station will pass to a Gorham company who plan to redevelop the building and convert it into a new brew house and restaurant.

During the Windham Town Council’s final meeting of 2020 on Dec. 22, councilors unanimously voted to sell the old vacant fire station for $125,000 to Great Falls Construction of Gorham, owned by Jon and Cindy Smith. At the same meeting, the council awarded a contract up to $4.3 million to Great Falls Construction to renovate the Windham Police Department building and to construct a new fire station at 375 Gray Road in Windham. Closing for the sale of the old South Main Fire Station is expected by June.

Located at 8 Main Street on Route 202 near the town line with Gorham, the single-story former South Windham Fire Station sits on 0.3 acres along the Presumpscot River. It features 3,500-square feet of space, four bays, with offices and storage areas in the rear of the structure.

When the town council requested bids for the building and property in September, councilors said that the desired outcome was to redevelop the former fire station “into a vibrant commercial and/or mixed-use property that will act as a catalyst in the revitalization of the South Windham Village.”

Before it was decommissioned in 2017, the South Windham Fire Station was one of four fire stations within the Windham Fire-Rescue Department. The original South Windham Fire Department was founded in 1913 and consisted of a house for storing fire hose near what is now the Little Falls Landing Retirement community. A functional hydrant system for firefighters was created using water pumped from Sebago Lake.

By 1934, the South Windham hose house had been upgraded to a larger dedicated fire house using bricks supplied by the men’s reformatory on River Road in Windham and labor from the U.S. government’s Works Progress Administration. Two years later, in 1936, that structure was heavily damaged by a fire and was reconstructed. In 1966, Windham built the four-bay regional fire station that it shared with Gorham for almost five decades before being deemed too small and unsuitable for expansion.

Great Falls Construction was one of two companies bidding to acquire the old fire station and has successfully redeveloped numerous buildings and structures in Maine, including Station Square in Gorham.

During the Dec. 22 meeting, Windham Town Manager Barry A. Tibbetts told the council that the taxes that would accumulate from this parcel would go into a future TIF to be established and those funds will be used for future sidewalks, road improvements, lighting and general upgrading of infrastructure in the South Windham area. Voters had approved a bond financing the Windham Central Fire Station expansion project earlier in 2020.

In its presentation letter to the Windham Town Council, Great Falls Construction officials said the company is currently in the process of developing an 11-acre parcel in the center of Berwick, at the site of the former Prime Tanning Lot now renamed as “The Edge at Berwick” among several others it is working on in the state.

“If successful with the South Windham Fire Station redevelopment proposal, we will seek to create a suitable space for local residents to enjoy that will act as the stimulator for the revitalization of other spaces in this village center,” the presentation letter reads.

The letter goes on to say that “once the construction is complete, our commitment to quality and community fit does not stop. The same values are carried forward with our property management company, JCS Property Management. We currently own and operate over 100 commercial and residential units throughout Southern Maine.”

The Great Falls Construction presentation to Windham town councilors proposed a renovation and update of the old South Windham Fire Station facility to create a family-friendly neighborhood craft brewery and restaurant combination at that site.

“We see this property as the ideal place for families to enjoy dining and gathering while riverside and are confident in a craft brewery/restaurant’s ability to provide local skilled labor and stimulate the surrounding village’s economy to best prepare it for future vibrancy,” the presentation letter reads. “This unique property located along the river creates a pleasing spot and lends itself perfectly for a nice afternoon out to lunch or dinner with family and friends. Our intention is to create a vibrant commercial property that will anchor and stimulate the development of the South Windham Village as it continues to improve as a community orientated, walkable place to gather.”

Details for the Great Falls property redevelopment plan is to connect with the current footpaths to promote continued foot traffic and allow for maximization of parking onsite and along the adjacent street.

“We have considered the changes in design in this COVID-19 world and are confident in the sustainability of the model which includes extensive outdoor seating and garage doors that open for extensive ventilation. We also intend to display the natural beauty of the river by creating ample gazing opportunities whether inside the craft brewery restaurant or out. The river is a treasure we’re excited to responsibly unveil for patrons and community members to enjoy while dining or gathering with family and friends. The public benefit is top of mind as we developed this concept plan as we only succeed if the community accepts and enjoys the space. We are confident in the positive community benefits this local option will create for the South Windham Village,” the presentation reads. <