Microchipping is an effective way for animal control staff members to identify and return lost dogs. The average cost for the service is less than $70 and widely available through local veterinarians. COURTESY PHOTO |
By Daniel Gray
Whether or not you have a fuzzy loved
one at home, many know the heartbreak that happens when a family pet runs off
and aren't able to find their way back home. It isn’t uncommon for dogs to run
out the front door or somehow snap themselves off their leashes, but there are ways
to prevent pets from becoming lost and if they do, to get them back home safely.
Windham resident Myia Canty, a student
currently majoring in mechanical engineering at the University of Maine, knows
exactly what it’s like to have her dog run off unexpectedly. And to make
matters worse, she lives right near River Road in Windham, making it very
dangerous if her dog were to run off.
Her German Shepherd and Lab mix named
Trinity loves to play and will want to play in the front yard right next to the
treacherous road.
“Every once in a while, she’ll see
something move outside like a squirrel or my dad getting home from work, so she
will just book it out the door and once she realizes she’s outside, she’ll get
excited and think it’s time for a walk,” Canty said.
Recently, Trinity has started clicker
training, which is when a pet owner can use a small hand-held device that makes
a soft clicking noise that gains a dog’s attention and, when done properly, the
dog can associate a click meaning they did a good job and get a treat. The
Cantys started the training a year ago and say that it is extremely helpful
with Trinity. She knows to come when the clicker sounds, which is a vast
improvement from without the clicker.
A dog training company called Partners
in Canine, 756 Roosevelt Trail in Windham, has a very confident outlook on
clicker training. Partners in Canine owners and trainers Merri Button and Meg
Terrio believe tremendously in the science behind clickers that dates to the
1890s. A Russian physiologist named Ivan Pavlov created the “classical
conditioning theory,” ring a bell and give a dog food, and they will expect
food every time the bell chimes. The same thing happens with clicker training.
“Once we have established this conditioned
response to the clicker, we have the ability to do tons of things that can make
training your dog easier and more positive,” Button and Terrio said.
Windham’s Lake Region Animal Hospital’s
head veterinary technician, Leah Janus, has a very positive
view on clicker
training as well, but said she would also add professional training into the
“We feel that clicker training can be a
great training tool for dogs. But, if you are a true beginner, it is probably
best to start with a professional trainer,” Janus said. “Without realizing it,
people can give their dogs confusing cues when they are learning how to train a
Partners in Canine offers a few
different programs that can help with dog training if someone can’t do it on their
own. They have the Puppy 101 course for younger dogs and also offer a Partner
Program for dogs 6 months or older. These courses are made to help owners with
dogs who have behavioral issues or goals they would like to achieve.
Janus says she also strongly urges residents
to get their pets a microchip. The chip is injected and the chip itself is the
size of a grain of rice, being placed between a dog's shoulder blades. The
microchip has the dog's registration number along with where the ship was
registered. If your dog is found and their chip is scanned through the skin,
the vet clinic can contact the registry and get your information from there. At
the Lakes Region Animal Hospital, it costs $66 dollars for the “Home Again”
microchip bundle. It includes a microchip implanting chip, registration, 24/7
pet recovery assistance for one year, a medical hotline for pet poison control,
and even a lost pet travel assistance for when dogs end up far away from home.
Jackie Frye is Windham’s personal
animal control officer and for the past three years has logged 40 hours a week
on average to assist with strays or various animals roaming in Windham. The
town’s animal control’s budget for 2019 was a little more than $68,000 with
this year’s budget being slightly more than $67,000.
When Frye is notified of an animal
running loose, she catches them safely and brings them to the Animal Refuge
League of Greater Portland (ARLGP) in Westbrook. She does have happy
stories to tell of when she has examined a lost dog’s collar to reunite them
with their owners.
“Before going to the shelter, I’ll try
to find the owner. If there’s a rabies tag with the number, I’ll also call the
town to get the owner’s name and information,” Frye said. “I’ll definitely try
to find the owner first and I would rather do this every time than go to
Raymond’s animal control officer is
Jessica Jackson who has been serving the public since 2013. Raymond’s lost pet process
is similar to Windham’s with Jackson bringing stray animals to ARLGP or returning
them home if the information is available. In 2019, the budget for Raymond’s
animal control was about $32,000 and 2020’s budget was nearly $35,000.
Jeana Roth of Windham is the director
of community engagement for the Animal Refuge League of Greater Portland and
said the first thing done when a stray animal arrives is to scan for a
microchip or locate other information.
“For pets without any
identification, we hold them for a period of time to try to locate their family
and to observe and treat any medical needs they may have,” Roth said. “We work
with groups like Maine Lost Dog Recovery/Maine Lost Cat Recovery on Facebook to
share that we have a stray pet with the hopes of an owner being identified.”
Typical recovery fees for owners of animals taken
to the shelter is $25 and all dogs are held there for six days.
Both Raymond and Windham mandate that
pet owners register dogs each year. pick them up and they hold all dogs for six
Registration is Dec. 31 and requirements
include proof of a rabies vaccination and veterinarian's name and phone number,
and a neuter certificate if applicable. For neutered animals, the registration fee
is just $6 or $11 for animals not neutered. Registration can be done online at
the town website, by mail or in person at town offices. <