
Showing posts with label Windham Town Council. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Windham Town Council. Show all posts

Friday, March 21, 2025

Windham examines sustainable growth while not losing rural feel

By Ed Pierce

For the past decade, a significant question facing Windham residents is how does the town grow at an orderly pace and yet not lose its connection with the past and a more rural way of life that prompted people to move here?

Windham Town Council members says areas of concern
when considering the impacts of growth upon the town 
for the future are how if affects infrastructure, school
enrollment, and an increasing amount of traffic on
Last fall, a Community Survey was conducted by the town for residents and when asked what were perceived to be Windham's challenges in the next five years, the responses were in order; Pace of Community Growth and Expansion 73 percent; Town Services and Taxes 71 percent; and Affordable Housing 50 percent. Reviewing these results leads to a perception among town residents of too much growth too fast, and a significant desire to grow at a sustainable rate.

In January, members of the Windham Town Council conducted a workshop to discuss town growth. Councilors said this is a multifaceted topic and they reviewed results from the 2024 Community Survey, Maine state law, a downtown traffic evaluation, housing data, and other pertinent information as well as others.

Over a five-year span from 2019 to 2024, there were two condominium projects completed in Windham totaling 49 units. From 2018 to 2024, there were six duplexes constructed in Windham totaling 142 units. Between 2021 to 2023, there were three multi-unit complexes opened in Windham featuring 85 units.

Councilors say that areas of concern when discussing growth are its impacts upon infrastructure, school enrollment and increasing traffic in town.

In a press release issued by the Town Manager Barry Tibbetts, he said that Windham is moving forward with critical infrastructure projects and planned developments designed to support economic growth while maintaining responsible community planning.

Tibbetts said that during a recent Windham Town Council meeting, officials outlined key initiatives to address sustainable growth, including the North Windham sewer implementation, developer agreements, traffic impact assessments, school capacity evaluations, and the financial benefits of controlled growth.

Windham is currently only one of six communities in Southern Maine that has adopted an ordinance addressing growth while there are 22 other communities in the region that do not have any limitations or restrictions regarding growth.

Windham Town Attorney Mark Bower of Jensen Baird has reviewed with councilors the town’s existing growth ordinance and explained how state regulations affect municipal growth, saying that municipal growth ordinances must be consistent with a town’s Comprehensive Plan.

He said state rules mandate that Windham’s growth ordinance can be recalculated every three years to review growth rate details and based upon that information, the town’s growth ordinance can be updated or amended accordingly.

Last summer, the Windham Economic Development Corporation held a meeting in which it defined and outlined its objectives in a plan for sustainable growth in the town. Those steps included developing Windham’s niche in the region’s manufacturing clusters, pursuing opportunities in amusement and recreation, attracting more professional and business services to North Windham, and updating and maintaining Windham’s support system for economic development.

Windham’s controlled approach to growth is expected to generate significant financial benefits as cited in the press release in a few key areas such as new taxable valuation from development, and impact fees, permit fees and additional excise taxes all contributing to offsetting municipal costs and growth.

Tibbetts estimated those initiatives would generate $2.4 million toward sewer improvements, $585,000 for Windham Parks and Recreation, $680,000 for open space conservation, $978,000 for public safety initiatives, including a potential new fire station, and $750,000 in yearly excise tax revenue.

He said that without these planned developments for the sewer district, it’s estimated that Windham would face higher residential tax burdens for the sewer implementation. Growth within that TIF district allows 100 percent of the new development tax revenue to be reinvested into infrastructure, avoiding residential tax increases.

There are no credit enhancements or special pay provisions given to any of the developers, Tibbetts said.

According to Tibbetts, the sewer project in North Windham is proceeding as planned and is an infrastructure investment for sustainable growth and a major step toward improving public health and sustainable economic development.

As approved by town voters in 2022, the project was intended to attract commercial, residential, and retail development while protecting the environment. He said a critical component of this plan ensures that funding for the $40 million sewer bond will come from the Tax Increment Financing (TIF) district, avoiding any financial burden on residential taxpayers.

The Windham Town Council also has reviewed two key development agreements with NextGen and Gateway. Tibbetts says together, these projects will add 446 residential units in Windham’s designated growth areas, helping meet the demand for local housing while ensuring infrastructure and municipal services can support expansion.

The majority of the new housing from NexGen and Gateway is one- and two-bedroom units and Tibbetts says that the agreements provide a framework for planned development and ensuring timely project completion while protecting the town’s rural character.

Back in February 2021, Windham town councilors unanimously adopted a new Windham Open Space Master Plan to serve as a guide for the town in identifying high priority properties to protect or acquire, providing land stewardship guidance for existing open space lands, identifying opportunities to expand connectivity between open space assets, neighborhoods, and trails and to outline programs, ordinances, and partners that could be instrumental in securing the future of the identified high priority properties.

In adopting the Open Space Master Plan, town councilors agreed that rural character is crucial to Windham’s identity as a community, and it takes a proactive stance regarding preserving community character and ensuring that Windham’s most cherished open spaces will remain available going forward despite strong residential growth pressures.

Tibbetts says that a comprehensive traffic study projects that development-related increases in vehicle trips will remain within manageable levels, with long-term improvements sustaining road capacity through at least 2042.

Additionally, school enrollment trends show a net decrease of 225 students over the past decade, and the RSU 14 school district has capacity for additional students. The planned residential developments in the growth areas are expected to generate only minor increases in student enrollment, well within the available school capacity, Tibbetts said.

“These projects represent smart, controlled growth that balances the needs of residents, businesses, and the environment,” Tibbetts said. “By focusing on our designated growth areas and using TIF funds strategically, we’re ensuring that Windham remains a vibrant, financially stable, and well-planned community.” <

Friday, January 31, 2025

Council workshop examines growth and its continuing impact upon Windham

By Ed Pierce

Windham Town Council members conducted a three-hour workshop to have an in-depth discussion about the need and impacts of growth for items such as taxes, town services, school enrollments, traffic impacts and more subjects on Jan. 23 and examined how to best address growth in an orderly manner.

Members of the Windham Town Council conducted a 
three-hour workshop on Jan. 23 to examine town growth,
state regulations regarding growth ordinances, and how
to address impacts and issues associated with growth
such as housing, school enrollment and traffic.
During the meeting, town attorney Mark Bower of Jensen Baird reviewed with councilors the town’s existing growth ordinance and how state regulations affect municipal growth.

“For starters, a municipal growth ordinance must be consistent with the town’s Comprehensive Plan,” Bower said. “Many towns don’t have any growth caps.”

According to Bower, Windham is only one of six communities in Southern Maine that has an ordinance on file addressing growth and there are 22 other communities in the area that do not have any limitations regarding growth.

He said state rules mandate that Windham’s growth ordinance can be recalculated every three years to review growth rate details and based upon that information, the town’s growth ordinance can be updated or amended accordingly.

Councilors also heard from RSU 14 Superintendent of schools Chris Howell, who shared with them that RSU 14 schools have experienced a flat rate of growth enrollment over the past decade.

“The greatest overcrowding we have is at Windham Middle School,” Howell said. “The new Windham Raymond Middle School will help and long term we will be able to accommodate needs for the next 10 to 15 years.”

Windham Town Manager Barry Tibbetts presented figures for Howell to discuss how recent housing projects in town impacted local school enrollment.

From 2019 to 2024, there were two condominium projects completed in Windham totaling 49 units. From those condos, RSU 14 gained 14 students, Howell said. From 2018 to 2024, there were six duplexes constructed in Windham totaling 142 units. From those duplexes, RSU 14 gained 68 students. From 2021 to 2023, there were three multi-unit complexes finished with a total of 85 units. From those multi-unit apartments, RSU 14 gained six students.

Howell said the RSU 14 is calculated each year to take growth in Windham into account.

Windham Assistant Town Manager Bob Burns shared with councilors the results of a traffic evaluation conducted by the Gorrill Palmer engineering firm and how future developments could further impact traffic congestion.

“Based on discussions with the town, there are five potential developments within the immediate vicinity of the Route 302 study area,” the survey report detailed. “Trip generation was calculated using ITE Trip Generation Manual or other methods based on discussions with the Town. Trip distribution was based on our knowledge of the area and traffic patterns as identified from traffic counts that were provided in the North Windham Moves study.”

The traffic evaluation examined potential traffic from each of the developments including a proposal to build 172 residential units near Manchester Drive; construction of 80 condos at the end of Turning Leaf Road; additions to be built to the Microtel Inn & Suites; a potential development behind Home Depot with a possible hotel and 300 residential units; and two possible new hotels and 400 units of multifamily housing behind the Ice Cream Dugout on Enterprise Drive.

The survey report indicates that the three highest percentages for increased traffic are located in the densest portion of the downtown area.

“As one moves out of the downtown area the growth rate decreases. The current average growth rate for Route 302 within the study area is approximately 2 percent,” the report says. “This indicates that Windham is currently experiencing a growth higher than what was forecast (0.5 percent) when the North Windham Moves Study was completed. It should be noted that the 0.5-percent yearly growth was consistent up to the design year 2040. If Windham should experience a plateau in growth or a negative growth between now and 2040, the average yearly growth from now to 2040 may decrease from 2 percent closer to the 0.5 percent, or more likely somewhere in between.”

Based upon their evaluation, Gorrill Palmer says that both regional background growth as well as local development growth in Windham appear to be higher than was forecast or assumed in the North Windham Moves Study.

“This means that Route 302 corridor traffic volumes would reach the 2040 design hourly volumes earlier than 2040 if the existing growth trends continue,” the report says. “Even though the traffic volumes are increasing quicker than originally forecast or assumed, the recommended East and West alternatives identified in the North Windham Moves Study are forecast to provide acceptable levels of service. Since the originally forecasted levels of service were relatively high, there appears to be some considerable allowance for increasing traffic volumes and still maintaining acceptable levels of service throughout the corridor. The one exception along the corridor may be Boody’s Corner. This intersection level of service was forecast to be low but acceptable in 2040 with the construction of the East and West Connectors. It should be noted that in addition to the connectors, there were safety recommendations proposed for this intersection which should also improve the operations of the intersection, and the benefits of those safety improvements are not represented in the levels of service results. Based on this evaluation, it is our opinion that even though overall traffic volumes for the corridor are increasing faster than forecast, the recommended connectors should maintain overall acceptable levels of service, and in fact make the recommended connectors even more critical to maintaining the mobility and safety of the corridor than originally envisioned.”

In looking at Windham Fire, Police and EMS totals from 2014 to 2024, Tibbetts said figures show first responder calls only rose 0.02 percent since construction of new developments during that time frame.

Windham Town Council Chair Jarrod Maxfield said the workshop was helpful and he believes reviewing all the presented information will be useful for councilors when looking at potential growth issues or updating the town’s current growth ordinance.

“I think we really need as council to gets the facts out there,” Maxfield said. “The misnomer is that growth is what’s causing your property taxes to go up when it’s the opposite.” <   

Friday, January 17, 2025

MDOT launches repair work on Babb’s Bridge

By Ed Pierce

Repair work on Babb’s Bridge is underway in Windham, and sooner than expected.

Crews have started working on repairing Babb's Bridge in
Windham after a truck exceeding the established weight 
limit crashed through the bridge floor into the Presumpscot
Rover last August. The repair project is expected to take
about six weeks to complete before the wooden bridge
can reopen. PHOTO BY ED PIERCE  
The historic crossing over the Presumpscot River has been closed to traffic since last summer after sustaining damage in an accident and typically carries more than 360 vehicles per day over the wooden queenspost truss structure.

At about 12:45 p.m. Aug. 23, 2024, police say a Ford F750 truck loaded with 36,000 pounds of crushed gravel attempted to cross Babbs Bridge from Gorham east into Windham on Hurricane Road. The truck’s excessive weight caused planks on the wooden bridge floor to collapse and sent the truck crashing into the Presumpscot River below.

The posted weight limit for traveling across the Babbs Bridge span is 3 tons, or 6,000 pounds, and police said the truck weighed roughly six times the legal limit for crossing the bridge. The truck was owned by The Driveway Guys Company of Biddeford and was driven by Joshua Polewarzyk of Limington, 37, who was able to free himself from the truck in the water and sustained minor injuries in the crash. He was cited for excessive truck weight in crossing the bridge and was fined $2,500.

Maine Department of Transportation engineers were tasked with evaluating the structural status of the bridge for public safety and come up with a plan for repairs and restoration of the structure.

A previous wooden covered bridge at the site stood for more than 100 years having reportedly been built by local farmers around 1840. The bridge is said to have been originally named for a family living on property nearby and before its destruction was said to be the oldest covered bridge in Maine.

The original Babbs Bridge was listed on the National Register of Historic Places in America but was burned by unidentified arsonists in 1973. Using donated lumber milled exclusively in Gorham and with work performed by community volunteers, the bridge span was rebuilt as an exact replica of the original Babbs Bridge and reopened to the public in conjunction with America’s Bicentennial celebration in 1976.

It is a single-span queenspost-style truss bridge, with a total structure length of 79 feet and a width of 13 feet, 9 inches. The bridge end portals have a posted height limit of 10 feet and the bridge is covered by a gabled roof, with its side and end walls finished in vertical board siding.

Vandals cut a hole in the bridge’s roof in 2014 which was subsequently repaired but damages that were caused by a snowplow truck in 2015 required the bridge to be closed again temporarily. In 2016, MDOT authorized a near-total $160,000 makeover of Babbs Bridge based upon its original design.

Work performed at that time included the installation of cement stone blocks for the bridge abutment. Other renovations in 2016 featured stripping off the bridge’s roof and replacing it with rough cut boards and plywood before topping it with cedar shingles. Work was also completed on the bridge’s sides and entrances at that time. In 2021, the Windham Town Council announced that the National Register of Historic Places had removed its designation for Babb’s Bridge because it is now a replica of the original historic structure.

A note posted on social media by the Windham Town Manager’s Office on Jan. 10 said the MDOT has launched repairs to Babb’s Bridge about four months ahead of schedule. The department had originally said work could not start on the structure until later this spring to obtain necessary materials and favorable weather conditions for repairs but specially milled lumber from Gorham matching the existing bridge dimensions was now ready for installation.

MDOT estimates it will take about six weeks to complete repairs on the bridge at a cost of $110,000 before it can be reopened to the public. <

Friday, December 13, 2024

WEDC report details TIF activity to Windham Town Council

By Ed Pierce

The Windham Economic Development Corporation has issued a report updating the Windham Town Council about the status of the town’s Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Program and estimated fund balances.

The Windham Town Council has received a
report from the Windham Economic 
Development Corporation updating the  
status of Tax Increment Financing fund
balances at the end of the last fiscal year
and municipal valuations for TIF districts.
By definition, TIFs are flexible finance tools that allow municipalities to use new property taxes to fund public and private projects within a defined geographic district. Any portion of the new taxes may be used to finance public or private projects for a specific period of time.

Both the total acreage and the amount of acreage in individual TIF’s are limited. A single TIF cannot exceed 2 percent of the town’s total municipal acreage, and the total of all acreage, with certain exclusions, cannot exceed 5 percent. Currently, 476.28 acres of the total of 35,572 acres or 1.34 percent of Windham are in TIF Districts. With 5 percent of the total municipal acreage of 1,779 acres, the town could place up to an additional 1,302.72 acres into TIF Districts, provided that, under state law, no more than 711.44 acres are in any one district.

Here are fund balances and valuations from the WEDC report which was issued to the town in November:

Windham’s 2000 Pipeline TIF District runs through June 30, 2030, and was extended in 2015. It is a development program for Route 302 roadway, intersection, sidewalk and sewer engineering and construction, GIS system, environmental study, and economic development administration. As of June 30, 2024, its Fund Balance was $718,344 based upon current municipal valuation of $10 million.

The 2006 Roosevelt Promenade TIF District expires in 2036 following Windham Town Council action and approval of a 15-year extension in March 2021. The district consists of 37.39 acres including the Home Depot and Lowe’s parcels in Windham. It is a development program funding costs for a local transportation study, growth study, public infrastructure study and WEDC staffing as well as infrastructure improvements including roadway and intersection improvements in the district, roadway and intersection improvements on Route 302, wastewater facilities’ engineering and construction in the district, and wastewater facilities engineering and construction on Route 302. As of June 30, 2024, its Fund Balance was $490,502.

The 2014 New Marblehead Manor Affordable Housing Development District expires in 2044. The district consists of 3.7 acres consisting of one phase of New Marblehead Manor. The Development Program consists of a Credit Enhancement Agreement with Avesta New Marblehead. Its unaudited Fund Balance was $0.00, and its Current Municipal Valuation is $2,157,900.

The 2015 Gateway North A TIF District runs through June 30, 2045 after an extension in 2023. The district consists of 99.77 acres of various parcels in the North Windham commercial district. The development program includes making roadway and intersection improvements in the district, roadway and intersection improvements on Route 302, wastewater facilities engineering and construction in the district, and utility services relocation either above or underground in the district. As of June 30, its Fund Balance was $265,666 with current valuation of $19,597,041.

The 2019 Gateway North B TIF District runs through June 30, 2048. The district consists of 42.81 acres of various parcels in the North Windham commercial district. Its development program includes roadway and intersection improvements in the district, roadway and intersection improvements on Route 302, wastewater facilities engineering and construction in the district and streetscape improvements in and/or adjacent to the district and on Route 302. Its Fund Balance as of June 30, 2024 was $359,284, and its current Municipal Valuation is $26,269,900.

Established in 2021, the Boody’s Corner TIF District runs through June 30, 2051. The district consists of 16.31 acres improved as the Cross Insurance/Bangor Savings Bank building and apartments on Dusty Rhoades Lane in Windham. The development program includes making roadway, intersection, and sidewalk improvements in the district, roadway, intersection, and sidewalk improvements in North Windham, wastewater facilities engineering and construction in and serving the district, streetscape improvements in and/or adjacent to the district and on Varney Mill Road, and transit improvements. As of June 30, 2024, its Fund Balance was $368,293 and its Current Municipal Valuation is $13,560,600.

2021’s SWFS Depot Street Apartments TIF District runs through June 30, 2051. The district consists of 0.35 acres so improved as a municipal fire station and 2.08 acres improved as the Depot Street Apartments in the South Windham Village for a total of 2.43 acres. The development Program includes roadway and intersection improvements in South Windham Village, roadway and intersection improvements on River Road, wastewater facilities engineering and construction in SW Village, and streetscape improvements in and/or adjacent to the SW Village and on River Road. As of June 30, 2024, its Fund Balance was $185,061 and its Current Municipal Valuation is $2,548,200.

The 2022 Enterprise Development A TIF District runs through June 30, 2052. The district consists of 67.13 acres improved as commercial buildings and parcels in the Quarry Ridge Business Park and adjacent to Route 302 in Windham. The Development Program includes roadway, intersection, and sidewalk improvements in the district, roadway, intersection, and sidewalk improvements in North Windham, wastewater facilities engineering and construction in and serving the district, streetscape improvements in and/or adjacent to the district and on Route 302 and transit improvements. As of June 30, 2024, its Fund Balance was $65,059 and its Current Municipal Valuation is $4,495,600.

2023 Boody’s Corner B TIF District runs through June 30, 2053. The district consists of 14.06 acres improved as the Badger Run Apartments (1.79 acres), 55 Tandberg Trail Apartments (0.3 acres), commercial land currently improved as a mobile home park on Robin Lane (9.49 acres), and a portion of 718 Roosevelt Trail improved as a municipal fire station (2.48 acres) in Windham. The development program includes roadway, intersection, and sidewalk improvements in the district, wastewater facilities engineering and construction in and serving the district, utility services relocation either above or underground in North Windham, and transit improvements. Its Fund Balance as of June 30, 2024 was $42,110 and its Current Municipal Valuation is $7,904,200.

2023’s South Windham Industrial Zone TIF District runs through June 30, 2053. The district consists of 62.99 acres improved as commercial buildings and parcels on or adjacent to Gambo Road in the South Windham Industrial Zone. The development program includes roadway, intersection, and sidewalk improvements in the district, roadway, intersection, and sidewalk improvements in South Windham, streetscape improvements in and/or adjacent to the district and in South Windham, transit improvements, Windham Economic Development Corporation administration and the design and development of economic development facilities including maker space, co-working space, and shared commercial kitchen space in Windham. As of June 30, 2024, its Fund Balance was $10,568 and Current Municipal Valuation is $2,076,200.

The 2024 Boody’s Corner C TIF District runs through June 30, 2054. The district consists of 72.60 acres of commercial property on Franklin Drive, Tandberg Trail, Turning Leaf Drive, and along Route 302 in Windham. The development program includes roadway, intersection, and sidewalk improvements in the district, roadway, intersection, and sidewalk improvements in North Windham, and wastewater facilities engineering and construction in and serving the district. As of June 30, 2024, its Fund Balance was not available. Its Current Municipal Valuation is $8,275,700.

2024’s Gateway South TIF District runs through June 30, 2054. The district consists of 40.85 acres of commercial property on First Light Drive, and along Route 302 in Windham. The development program includes roadway, intersection, and sidewalk improvements in the district, wastewater facilities engineering and construction connecting to the district, Commercial Façade improvement programming and transit improvements. As of June 30, 2024, its Fund Balance was not available. Its Current Municipal Valuation is $542,200.

For 2025, new TIF Districts in Windham will include 2025 Anglers Road Senior Affordable Housing Development and Tax Increment Financing District and the 2025 Andrew School South Windham TIF District. <

Friday, October 11, 2024

Local elections drawing interest in Windham, Raymond

By Ed Pierce

If you haven’t noticed it by now, local candidates and campaigns are coming down the home stretch as voters across Windham and Raymond will head to the polls on Tuesday, Nov. 5.

A proliferation of candidate signs dot the landscape at 
School Road and Gray Road in Windham. Absentee
ballots are now available at the town clerk offices in
Windham and Raymond for the upcoming election
Ballots will be cast to fill seats in local and state races including State Senate in Windham and Raymond, State Representative in two different Windham districts and one in Raymond. Voters also will cast ballots for two Windham Town Council seats and for RSU Board of Directors positions.

In Windham, there are three individuals running for two Windham Town Council seats. Incumbent William D. Reiner is unopposed in seeking a three-year term representing the town’s West District. Competing for an At-Large council seat for a three-year term are incumbent David Nadeau and former town council chair Clayton Haskell.

Three candidates are vying for two seats in Windham on the RSU 14 Board of Directors for three-year terms. The top two candidates in this race receiving votes will earn seats on the board. Candidates include Frances Etheridge, Virginia Woodman, Jessica Bridges. Kathleen March has announced her candidacy earlier this year but has withdrawn from the race.

As a reminder, all seats on the RSU 14 Board of Directors and the Windham Town Council are non-partisan.

For Maine State Senate District 26 representing Windham, part of Raymond, Casco, Frye Island, and part of Westbrook, incumbent Tim Nangle of Windham, a Democrat, will be opposed by Republican challenger Kenneth J. Cianchette of Windham.

Two candidates are seeking the Maine House of Representatives District 106 seat representing part of Windham. Incumbent Barbara Bagshaw of Windham, a Republican, is running for re-election and is opposed by Democrat challenger Doris Poland of Windham.

Three candidates are running for the Maine House of Representatives District 107 seat representing part of Windham. Incumbent Democrat Jane Pringle of Windham is opposed by Republican challenger Mark Cooper of Windham and Independent challenger and former State Representative Patrick Corey of Windham.

Several candidates are on the ballot in Raymond vying for the Maine House of Representatives District 86 seat, representing part of Raymond, part of Poland, Casco and Frye Island. Longtime incumbent Jessica Fay, a Democrat, is term limited and Republican Rolf A. Olsen is challenged by Democrat Craig Messigner for the position.

Voters will also determine the outcome for five statewide referendum questions in the election.

For Windham residents, there will be a Candidate Forum from 4 to 7 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 20 at the Windham Town Hall gymnasium, 8 School Road in Windham.

This forum will be a moderated event with a 30 minute "meet and greet" session prior to the event.

Windham candidates for State Senate, State Representative, Town Council and RSU 14 Board of Directors have been invited to participate.

Residents seeking to vote absentee may do so at their respective town clerk's office as soon as absentee ballots are available. By law, absentee ballots must be made available at least 30 days before the election at the municipal clerk's office. Voters do not need to complete an absentee application if they vote in person at the clerk's office. The deadline for absentee voting in the presence of the clerk, unless special circumstances exist, is the Thursday before the election, which in this case is Thursday, Oct. 31.

If requesting an absentee ballot, to be counted, ballots must be received by the municipal clerk by 8 p.m. on Election Day. Those seeking to mail an absentee ballot must request a ballot no later than 15 days prior to Election Day and they must be returned no later than seven days prior to Election Day.

In-person voting will be conducted from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 5 at Windham High School for Windham residents and from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 5 at Jordan-Small Middle School for Raymond residents. <

Friday, September 6, 2024

Voters to decide if Windham Town Clerk job remains elected position

By Ed Pierce

Just when residents thought the controversy surrounding the Town Clerk position in Windham was settled, a new development will have voters determine in the November election if the job is to remain an elected one or is appointed by the Windham Town Council.

The Windham Town Council has authorized 
a referendum on the Nov. 5 ballot to let
voters decide if the Windham Town Clerk
position should be elected or by appointment
of the council. Windham Town Clerk Linda
Morrell has served in the position for more
than two decades. SUBMITTED PHOTO 
During the Windham Town Council meeting on Aug. 20, comments were received from the public and a motion was discussed by councilors to place a referendum on General Election ballot for Nov. 5 to change the town clerk position from elected by voters to an appointed position by town councilors. A portion of the proposed referendum would have included language to amend the Windham Town Charter to grant councilors the ability to appoint and remove the Town Clerk on a vote of five members and to remove the Town Clerk position from provisions related to elected officials, essentially making the position by appointment of the council without a residency requirement. Councilor Jarrod Maxfield was not present for a vote about the issue on Aug. 20, and councilors deadlocked, 3-3, effectively killing the issue going to a referendum for the time being.

But per council rules, a councilor can petition the Town Council chair to bring up the issue again if there is a substantive change from the proposed original language. Council Chair Mark Morrison said that this was done, and a special meeting was requested to be held prior to a Sept. 5 deadline to include a referendum on the November ballot.

“All obligations were met, and rules of process followed per Windham Council Rules,” Morrison said. “Ample notice was given to the public and council. All steps taken in support of holding this special meeting were reviewed by Windham counsel and determined to be in full order per attorney Mark Bower of the Jensen, Baird, Law Firm.”

Morrison said the issue has come up upon the recommendation of longtime elected Windham Town Clerk Linda Morrell, who sent a memo to the council detailing why she supports changing the position to one that is appointed.

“The Town Clerk’s position should have someone who has clerk experience and who can be dedicated to this full-time position, including night meetings, and working evenings and weekends during election time. As an appointed position you can advertise and have the ability to choose the best qualified candidate,” Morrell wrote in the memo. “If the clerk is elected, anyone in town is able to run, and you may only have one person running who could absolutely have no experience or have any idea of what goes on in the clerk’s office. You cannot require qualifications when electing a clerk. This position has many responsibilities and involves several different jobs, most of which are state-mandated. Learning these jobs requires going to classes and workshops and repeating those classes due to laws and regulations continually changing. It takes two to three years to feel comfortable and knowledgeable in this position because there are so many things to learn and become familiar with. Elections are one of the most important things a clerk has to oversee, and you need to know what you are doing.”

Morrell has said that she will retire someday and that the job is tremendously challenging, and she only wants to ensure continuity and consistency when she does depart the job.

The council’s special meeting was held on Tuesday, Sept. 3, although Councilor John Henry, who had voted against creating a referendum on Aug. 20, had a prior commitment and was unable to attend the meeting. Both Councilor Bill Reiner and Vice Council Chair Nick Kalogerakis spoke during the special meeting, but each left before a vote to advance the referendum was taken.

At the onset of the special meeting, a public hearing was conducted to allow for public comment regarding the matter.

In all, a total of 14 Windham residents spoke during the public hearing, including three former town councilors, and two current clerk deputies serving under Morrell in the Windham Town Clerk’s office. Of those voicing their opinion, 11 speakers opposed sending the proposed change to a referendum, one said she didn’t like the method used in bringing the issue to another vote, and two spoke in favor of sending it to a referendum. Of the emails received by the town regarding the matter, Kalogerakis said those were overwhelmingly against making the Town Clerk an appointed position.

Because language added to the proposal differed substantially from the one previously voted on that did not include a residency requirement and possible waiver of that by the council, according to the town attorney’s opinion, the issue could be voted on again at the special meeting.

But Reiner disagreed with that assessment.

“The reason I don’t support it is I don’t believe it’s a substantive change,” he said.

Kalogerakis said that he not only opposed the original initiative, but he also believes calling for the special meeting after the issue wasn’t moved forward on Aug. 20 sets a bad precedent for the council.

“This is a strange meeting because we all know the outcome,” he said. “We’re being told the sky is falling and that concerns me because my point of view is very different. The town must be prepared for when department heads leave or retire. I want my vote, and that’s what I’m fighting for. The majority of emails and speakers at both public hearings don’t want this. It’s nuts, it’s embarrassing. I’d like to know how it will be worded on the ballot.”

He said what troubles him is the council voting a second time on something that wasn’t passed the first time.

“What’s got me the most is a council vote is a council vote,” Kalogerakis said. "This stinks and I don’t know how the four voting for this can feel positive about this. When this passes, all I can tell you is fight it at the polls because they’ll have to respect it then.”

Maxfield said he understands the concerns about this, but he believes the voters need to be able to have their say about this issue.

“What’s ironic is that all of us with this group are arguing for literally the exact same thing but on different sides of the coin," he said. "We’ve been presented with logical issues by our current clerk that deserve consideration by more than seven people. The people of Windham should have the best option for whoever comes into the job.”

Morrison said in doing more than 20 hours of research about this issue, he found that 24 of 28 nearby towns in Southern Maine had appointed town clerks and that Morrell had brought this issue to the council’s attention and she supports the possible change.

“This is Linda’s recommendation. Who better knows what’s best for our town and we need to take it seriously.” he said.

Morrison, Maxfield, and Councilors Brett Jones and David Nadeau then voted 4-0 to create a referendum on the Nov. 5 ballot asking voters if they supported keeping the Town Clerk position as elected or taking the step to change the Town Charter to make the position an appointed one. <

Friday, August 2, 2024

Windham Town Manager to chair WMS Repurpose Advisory Committee

By Ed Pierce

With ground about to be broken next month for construction of the new Windham Raymond Middle School, a town committee will undertake the important job of making recommendations to the Windham Town Council about how best the existing Windham Middle School can used once the new school opens in 2027.

Windham Town Manager Barry Tibbetts will lead the 
Windham Middle School Repurpose Advisory Committee
which will make recommendations to the Windham Town
Council about how to best use the school building once
the new Windham Raymond Middle School is opened
in the fall of 2027. PHOTO BY ED PIERCE  
During the July 9 Windham Town Council meeting, councilors took the step of appointing Windham Town Manager Barry Tibbetts as the chair of the Windham Middle School Repurpose Advisory Committee. By unanimous vote, councilors voted to have Tibbetts fulfill that role as a non-voting and impartial and objective member of the committee.

Council David Nadeau had originally proposed having either a town councilor or the town manager or assistant town manager chair the committee but ultimately withdrew having a councilor as a possible chair for the committee in an amended motion.

“We’ve gone through this before and want to make sure this committee has a little bit of structure and stays on task,” Nadeau said.

Councilor Jarrod Maxfield said having Tibbetts chair the committee makes sense because he is not an elected official.

“I don’t want people to say the council is hijacking it,” Maxfield said.

The purpose of the Windham Middle School Repurpose Advisory Committee will be to serve as an advisory body to the Windham Town Council for the analysis of potential re-uses for the Windham Middle School’s renovation design, documentation, construction and its potential benefit as a Community Center for the town.

The committee will provide a comprehensive recommendation to the Windham Town Council for consideration in making a final determination for the school building, which was first opened to students in 1974.

Committee members will use community engagement results from a study conducted in August 2019 which identified the need to create a multigenerational facility for all Windham residents that enhances the quality of life for Windham, provides flexible spaces for a range of activities, and is a self-sustaining site that fosters fun for residents.

It is expected that in repurposing the school building some existing Windham departments, such as the Windham Library, the Windham Parks & Recreation Department, Windham Social Services and Food Pantry and the town’s Medical Loan Closet could be included into new spaces there as well as providing flexible space for the community to engage in various activities.

Currently the Windham Public Library is housed in its own building at 217 Windham Center Road, while the Windham Parks and Recreation offices are at Windham Town Hall on School Road and Windham Social Services is housed in its own building at 377 Gray Road in Windham.

Members of the committee will be asked to evaluate and consider adaptive reuse plans by peer communities as templates when it considers proposing future uses for the facility and develop a conceptual plan using the boundaries of the existing school building. They also will be tasked with reorganizing/repurposing the facility’s space to improve the town employee work experience and customer service experience that encompasses health and safety, access, egress, and security, among other concerns.

The committee will perform a complete review of the condition, strengths and weaknesses of the building and how they relate to current and future town needs, recommend improvements to the building structure as appropriate for initial uses and possible phased uses and provide an operational budget for the facility, including maintenance, manpower, debt structure, and anticipated revenues and expenses.

At the July 9 meeting, three councilors were voted to serve on the Windham Middle School Repurpose Advisory Committee including Maxfield, Councilor Bill Reiner and Councilor Nick Kalogerakis.

Other committee members are appointed by the town council and the town manager (non-voting member); assistant town manager (non-voting member); Parks & Recreation Director (non-voting member); Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee Member; Library Director (non-voting member); Library Board of Trustees Member; Facilities & Grounds Manager (non-voting member); General Assistance Administrator (non-voting member); Age Friendly Windham Coordinator (non-voting member); two prior Community Center Ad Hoc Committee members; and two members of the general public.

Windham Town Council Chair Mark Morrison said that the committee will report regularly to the town council at their meetings during the Committee Reports section.

The Windham Middle School Repurpose Advisory Committee will be disbanded once it makes final recommendations to the Windham Town Council about the repurpose of the school building. <

Friday, October 27, 2023

Windham Town Council approves hire of new Public Works Director with Fortier retirement

By Ed Pierce

A familiar face will be returning to serve the Town of Windham as Jon Earle has been hired as the town’s new Public Works Director, succeeding Doug Fortier, who is retiring in early November.

Jon Earle, left, has been hired by the Town of Windham as
its new Public Works Director. He will succeed Doug Fortier,
right, who is retiring in early November after 31 years
with the department. COURTESY PHOTOS 
Earle emerged as the leading candidate for the job from a field of seven candidates with an interview process held to identify a candidate with the background, skills and experience that would be a good match for the position. The Public Works Director has primary responsibility for the organization, operation, and overall performance of the town’s Public Works Department. Duties include oversight for the department and administration of the departmental budget and the supervision of all department employees.

“Jon worked for the town for a little over two years as Town Engineer,” said Phyllis Moss, the town’s Human Resources Director in a memo to the council. “During that time, I had the opportunity to spend time with Jon and I feel confident he will be successful in the role of Public Works Director. My interaction with him demonstrated that he has the real passion for public works and is a clear communicator, ethical, analytical, and has excellent interpersonal skills. The position of Director of Public Works can be challenging, but I believe he has the background, skills, experience, and personal attributes needed for the position. We would be privileged to have him as part of our team.”

He graduated from the University of Maine with a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering and has completed graduate coursework at the University of Southern Maine in Public Administration. Earle currently serves as the Supervisor of Engineering Services for the Maine Water Company and is responsible for capital project delivery and oversight in 12 public water systems serving more than 32,000 customers across the state. Earle also obtained a graduate certificate in Public Management from the Muskie School of Public Service.

His work history includes more than 22 years of progressively responsible public and private sector experience, including nine years in management roles. During his professional career, Earle has been responsible for budget management, personnel hiring and development, in both union and non-union environments. He is also a member his local planning board and is currently a board member of the Maine Society of Professional Engineers.

Earle will be responsible for Highway Maintenance, which includes winter plowing as well as maintaining all town roads, ditches, shoulders, drainage and other infrastructures; vehicle maintenance, which includes maintenance of all equipment from excavators and backhoes down to chain saws and hand compactors, as well as the police and town office vehicles; and Buildings & Grounds, which includes care of over 20 town cemeteries, nine municipal buildings, and two intersections. His duties will include budgeting, seeking grant money for roads, working on capital equipment replacement plans, getting bids for anything from equipment purchase to buying winter sand and salt. Another part of his job is hiring when there are vacancies.

Fortier has served as Windham’s Public Works Director for the past 20 years and has been a member of the town’s Public Works Department for 31 years overall. He was first hired in 1992 as a member of the grounds crew but was almost immediately moved into a truck driver position. In 1999, he was promoted to Equipment Operator where he gained valuable supervisory experience. In 2001, Fortier was promoted to the role of Deputy Public Works Director and then appointed as the town’s Director of Public Works in May 2004.

Windham Town Manager Barry Tibbetts said Fortier will be missed and what he’s done through the years to help the town is remarkable.

Tibbetts said that Fortier oversaw the construction of the $9.3-million Shared Maintenance Facility which was completed in the fall of 2019 under budget; worked with Gorrill Palmer on the design and bidding and construction for all phases of the Brand Road reconstruction and the Hillcrest Drainage project renewing 28 infiltration bed­ style catch basins; worked with Gorrill Palmer on the design to reconstruct the Route 302 shoulders to create the center turn lane north of the Anglers Road intersection for 7,200 feet and assisted in securing a contractor for the $1.5 million dollar project; secured an additional $50,000 from the Maine Department of Transportation to help with the expense on the Route 302 turn lane; worked with Gorrill Palmer on the design for reconstruction and pedestrian enhancements for Depot Street; and worked with the town engineer in securing a Maine DOT MPI grant of up to $625,000 for the Route 302 North smart signal and intersection improvements, among many projects he has been involved with.

“These accomplishments only touch the surface,” Tibbetts said. “Doug has taken an active role in union negotiations, interviewed, and hired candidates for positions throughout Public Works, provided learning opportunities and encouragement to employees, and let's not forget Merry Christmas Trees, his business located here in Windham. Speaking for the entire town, I would like to thank Doug publicly for his years of dedication and wish him a very merry retirement.” <

Friday, August 25, 2023

Recall ordinance measures provoke differing opinions in Windham

By Ed Pierce

The debate over recalling elected municipal officials before their term is completed and removing them from office has arrived in Windham and two tracks have emerged as to how to best establish procedures for adding this to the town charter. Earlier this summer, a citizen’s group launched a petition drive to create a recall ordinance and collected enough signatures of registered voters to place a referendum on the ballot in town this fall. The Windham Town Council also developed a recall ordinance and will vote to implement it at a council meeting on Tuesday night.

A citizen's petition to create recall procedures for town and
RSU 14 elected officials has received enough signatures to
be on the ballot this fall in Windham, but on Tuesday
evening the Windham Town Council will vote on a more
detailed recall ordinance to be added to the town charter.
While there are common aspects contained in each proposed ordinance, there also are some striking differences and the citizen’s group says that the town council ordinance is nothing more than a way to help protect elected officials subject to recall, which councilors and town administrators deny. Both groups say they are trying to be fair to voters and elected officials but put an ordinance in place in Windham that holds public officials accountable.

“Having a recall ordinance makes sense and provides a check and balance approach to local government,” said Barry Tibbetts, Windham Town Manager. “Ordinances with the least amount of uncertainty and with greatest clarity provide the least costly measures of implementation. I personally have always felt simple government, ordinances, rules etc., whenever possible are the best, this is not easy to achieve. The citizen petition did a good job in bringing this forward so that is a win for all, as with any initiative getting the “T’s” crossed and “I’s” dotted can be challenging.”

Kristen Day of Windham, who is part of the citizen’s group leading the petition drive for the recall ordinance referendum, says that there is nothing questionable or controversial about their proposal from a civic perspective.

“Ours is a non-partisan citizen’s initiative, and as such, we are proposing this language which we believe is in the best interest of every voting resident of Windham,” Day said. “The town has the opportunity to decide the outcome by doing their civic duty. And should it pass, any citizens can follow the process outlined in our Town Charter, as we have, to propose amendments to the ordinance.”

Under the terms of the citizen petition, any elected official may be recalled and removed from office by the qualified voters of the town. According to the petition, recall is intended to be used when, in the opinion of the number of voters hereinafter specified, an elected official, acting as such, has caused a loss of confidence in that official’s judgment or ability to perform the duties and responsibilities of the office.

The citizen’s group petition also specifies that any 25 qualified voters of the town may file with the Windham Town Clerk an affidavit containing the name of the official sought to be recalled and a statement of specific facts to support the grounds of recall. The Town Clerk would then send a copy of the affidavit to the official targeted for recall to the Windham Town Council. A petition would then be issued and must be returned within 30 days signed by registered voters of the town equal to at least 10 percent of the number of votes cast in the town during the last election for governor, but no less than 100 voters.

The Town Clerk would allow five days for the filing of legal challenges to the signatures on the petition. If no such challenges are filed, the Town Clerk would certify and submit the petition to the Town Council. At that point, the Town Council would give written notice to the official named in the recall and, if the official sought to be removed does not resign within five days, councilors would order an election to be held on a day fixed by them not less than 50 nor more than 60 days after the date of the Town Clerk’s certificate that a sufficient petition was filed.

The citizen’s petition also specifies that if any other town election is set to occur within 75 days after the date of said the Town Clerk’s certificate, the Town Council may, at its discretion, postpone the holding of the recall election to the date of such other election. If a vacancy occurs in the office after a recall election has been so ordered, the election shall nevertheless proceed as in this section provided. If the official sought to be recalled so requests, the WindhamTown Council shall make provisions for a public hearing on the matter, said hearing to take place not less than seven days prior to said election.

Petition details also ask that any official being recalled shall not be a candidate in the recall election. The nomination of candidates, the publication of the warrant for recall election, and the conduct of the same shall be in accordance with the provisions of the laws of the State of Maine relating to elections. Nomination petitions for candidates at the recall election shall be filed with the Town Clerk within 15 days after the date of the filing of the certificate of the Town Clerk as to the sufficiency of the recall petition.

Terms in the petition also require that the incumbent official shall continue to perform the duties of the office until the results of the recall election are certified. If the official is not recalled by voters, the official shall continue in office for the remainder of the unexpired term, subject to subsequent recall. However, if a subject is recalled by voters, the official would be removed upon the certification of the election results. In the event the recall petition is passed, the candidate receiving the greatest number of votes shall be deemed elected for the balance of the term of the official recalled.

The citizen recall measure also mandates that no recall petition shall be filed against an official with fewer than 60 days of term remaining or within three months after such official assumed office, nor, in the case of an official subjected to recall election and not removed thereby, until at least three months after that election. It also requires that no person who has been recalled from office or who has resigned from office while recall proceedings are pending shall be appointed to any town office or town board, commission, or committee within two years after such removal by recall.

If the referendum is approved by voters in November, it would replace all prior Town of Windham recall ordinances.

The language in the Windham Town Council’s proposed ordinance is more specific regarding certain provisions.

Under grounds for recall, elected town officials serving as a Town Councilor or a member of the Regional School Unit 14 Board of Directors elected by Windham voters could be recalled when, in the opinion of the number of voters specified an elected official has caused, through actions while in elected office, a loss of confidence in the official’s judgment or ability to perform the duties and responsibilities of the office.

The council’s proposed ordinance differs from the citizen’s petition in that it requires 75 qualified voters of the town to file with the Town Clerk an affidavit containing the name of the official sought to be recalled for actions in office, and a statement of specific facts of up to 200 words to support the grounds of the recall. The Town Clerk would then transmit a copy of the affidavit to the official who is the subject of the affidavit and to the Windham Town Council. The subject of the affidavit may submit a rebuttal statement within four business days of the Town Clerk’s transmission of the affidavit. Within five business days after the date of the filing of the affidavit, the Town Clerk would deliver to the 75 voters a sufficient number of copies of petition blanks for the requested recall.

The recall petition would have to be returned and filed with the Town Clerk within 30 days after issuance of the petition. Once returned, the Town Clerk would be required to determine that at least 15 percent of the number of participating voters in the last preceding gubernatorial election signed the petition. Once that is done, the Town Clerk would then deliver the petition to the Registrar of Voters, and the Registrar of Voters would have 10 business days to certify the number of signatures of qualified voters.

If the petition shall be certified to be sufficient by the Town Clerk and the Registrar of Voters, the Town Clerk shall allow five business days for the filing of legal challenges to the signatures on the petition. If no such challenges are filed, the Town Clerk would then certify and submit the petition to the Town Council. The Town Council would give written notice to the target of the recall and, if the official sought to be removed does not resign within five days, they would order an election to be held on a day fixed by them not less than 50 nor more than 60 days after the date of the Town Clerk’s certificate that a sufficient petition is filed.

Should any other town election occur within 90 days after the date of the certificate, the Town Council could, at its discretion, postpone the holding of the recall election to the date of such other elections. If a vacancy occurs in said office after a recall election has been so ordered, the election shall nevertheless proceed and if the official sought to be recalled so requests, the Town Council shall make provisions for a public hearing on the matter, said hearing to take place not less than seven days prior to such election.

The council’s proposed ordinance also mandates that if a member of the Town Council is recalled, any such vacancy shall be filled in accordance with Article II, Section 2.D of the Town Charter. If a member of the Regional School Unit Board is recalled, the Town Council shall select an interim director for the town to serve until the next annual municipal election. An election shall be held at the next municipal election to elect a director to fill the vacancy.

An incumbent official shall continue to perform the duties of the office under the council’s proposal until the results of the recall election are certified. If not recalled, the official shall continue in office for the remainder of the unexpired term, subject to subsequent recall. If recalled in the recall election, the official shall be removed upon the certification of the election results.

Terms of the town council’s ordinance require that no recall petition shall be filed against an official with fewer than 60 days of a term remaining or within six months after such official assumes office, nor, in the case of an official subjected to recall election and not removed until at least six months after that election.

The councilors’ ordinance specifies that the total number of votes to recall an elected official shall be no less than 25 percent of participating voters of the last preceding gubernatorial election. If the recall fails to meet this total, then the elected official shall not be recalled from office, regardless of the result of the vote on the recall. When a recall fails, the official shall not be subject to another recall petition until at least six months after the failed vote.

Tibbetts said that if the council votes on Tuesday evening to enact its recall ordinance, it would take effect in 30 days or on Sept. 29.

“The citizen petition if voted in the affirmative would take effect in November and replace the council’s action but those sections where the citizen petition is in conflict would be eliminated by a council vote,” Tibbetts said. “Since the citizen petition is an ordinance, the Windham Town Council can amend it at any time. Those amendments most likely would bring it back to the existing council ordinance tentatively approved on Aug. 29.”

If a charter amendment by the council is approved, it would override all the ordinances, replacing them, and according to Tibbetts that language is identical to the council ordinance.

“Another question relates to when this goes to a vote, that by charter states the council has 30 days to set the date, hence the November vote,” Tibbetts said. “The charter amendment would not allow any modifications unless 30 percent of participating voters in the last gubernatorial election approved of them if those changes were sought it could be by Council initiative or citizen initiative.”

Councilors also will vote Tuesday night to protect the integrity of the Windham Town Clerk position from partisanship by changing it from an elected position to an appointment. Linda Morrell has served as Windham Town Clerk for the past 28 years. <

Friday, May 26, 2023

Windham EMT receives prestigious Red Cross honor

By Ed Pierce

Rob Parritt of Windham shares an undeniable bond with Windham Fire Rescue Emergency Medical Technician Dustin Andrews and because of it, Parritt is alive today.

The life of Windham resident Rob Parritt, left, was saved on
Jan. 24 by Windham Fire Rescue EMT Dustin Andrew, who
was off duty at the time. Andrew was presented with a 
Red Cross Certificate of Extraordinary Personal Action
at the Windham Town Council meeting on Tuesday night.
Back on Jan. 24 of this year, Andrews was off duty and traveling home near the Windham and Gorham town line when he observed a vehicle ahead of him driving erratically. Suddenly a bystander appeared in the middle of the road and waved Andrews down, telling him that the erratic driver had accelerated, left the roadway, and crashed into a snowbank.

Parritt says that he was on his way to work that night and remembers very little of that entire day. But what happened to him was he suffered cardiac arrest and passed out, crashing his vehicle.

When Andrews realized what had happened, he radioed for assistance and when approaching the crash scene, he discovered that Parritt was turning different colors inside the vehicle. He realized that Parritt was not breathing and required immediate medical attention. With the help of the bystander, Andrews broke out a window in the vehicle and the two of them pulled Parritt out. Andrews initiated CPR and continued it for about eight to 10 minutes before paramedics arrived at the site to take over and transport Parritt to the hospital.

Because of his training, bravery, ability to perform CPR and quick thinking, Parritt survived the incident and was taken to the hospital, where he spent about a week recovering from the harrowing ordeal. Hospital doctors implanted a defibrillator to monitor his heart rate and put a pacemaker in his chest to stabilize his heartbeat to keep it from beating too slowly and going again into cardiac arrest.

“I got to meet Dustin about two weeks later,” Parritt said. “I know how lucky I am to be here and how thankful I am that Dustin was there that night.”

Parritt is married with three children and eight grandchildren and attended the Windham Town Council meeting on Tuesday night where Andrews was presented with a Red Cross Certificate of Extraordinary Personal Action for his lifesaving efforts by Steve Thomas, Executive Director of the Red Cross of Southern Maine.

Thomas pointed out that a medical emergency can happen at any time and that quick action by a bystander can be the difference sometimes between life and death. He said that performing CPR during the first few minutes of cardiac arrest can double or even triple someone’s likelihood of survival.

In typical situations like this, Thomas said that any one of us could find ourselves as a victim, and any one of us could find ourselves as a bystander.

“Thanks to his training and fortitude, Dustin was able to be the bystander we all hope comes to our aid, and the bystander we should all aspire to be,” Thomas said. “Dustin succeeded in fulfilling the mission of the American Red Cross, to prevent and alleviate human suffering in the face of emergencies. He saved a life, a husband, a father, a grandfather, and his neighbor. May we all possess Dustin’s strength, courage, and lifesaving skills if ever they are needed.”

According to Thomas, it was his great privilege to present Andrews with a lifesaving award.

“His courage, bravery and training are something that we all can aspire to,” Thomas said. “You never know when you may also need to save a life. Dustin’s quick thinking, his bravery and his CPR skills are the reason Rob is with us at this ceremony tonight.”

Four months later, Parritt said he is feeling much better now and that he just can’t say enough good things about Andrews and all the Windham Fire and Rescue paramedics and public safety personnel who came to his rescue that night.

“These are simple outstanding young people,” he said. “And in Dustin’s case, I cannot ever thank him enough. “Not everybody would have stopped to help that night. He did.”

Andrews said that he was humbled to receive the award from the Red Cross and that it was presented with many of Parritt’s family in attendance at the council meeting.

“I’m happy he’s here and happy he made it,” Andrews said. “When you get right down to it, lifesaving is the reason why we do this.” <

Friday, March 24, 2023

Windham third grader’s fundraiser makes big difference for community

By Matt Pascarella

Windham third-grader Eva Doughty really likes helping people. When the Windham Clothes Closet and Food Pantry visited her class, she became inspired. She wanted to help those in need have food and clothes during the cold winter. She decided to organize a fundraiser and created her own Polar Dip event at Sebago Lake on Tuesday, Jan. 24 where about 25 people attended.

Eva Doughty, left, Harper Maxfield and Troy Doughty hold
up the check from Eva's Polar Dip fundraiser from which 
she was able to donate more than $2,200 to the Windham
Food Pantry and the Windham Clothes Closet during the
Windham Town Council meeting on Tuesday, March 21.
At that event, Doughty and several other students from her neighborhood took the plunge into the icy lake waters.

Through determination and persistence, Doughty was able to raise more than $2,200 for the Windham Clothes Closet and Food Pantry at her Polar Dip.

On Tuesday, March 21 during a Windham Town Council meeting, she presented a check to Collette Gagnon, Windham Social Services Administrative Assistant and operator of the Windham Clothes Closet, and Windham’s General Assistance Manager Rene Daniel.

“I decided to do the Polar Dip because I was always curious what it would feel like to jump into the ice-cold water in the winter,” said Doughty. “I thought it was crazy enough that people would donate to me for doing it.”

In creating the event, she distributed flyers around her neighborhood and Doughty and her family also created a flier that was posted to Facebook from which she received additional donations from her friends and family.

When the donations first started coming in, Doughty said that she felt grateful that people were helping and recalled how was happy she was raising money for a good cause.

Eva’s parents, Chris and Sara Doughty, said it was really great to know that their community was so willing to help other families and support the efforts of their daughter to help those experiencing tough times.

Her parents say that they are very proud of Eva and that she took the initiative to come up with the concept and idea for the Polar Dip and followed through to make an impact in the community. They say she is a thoughtful and generous person with a very kind heart.

All the money she raised was donated directly to the Windham Clothes Closet and Food Pantry and will benefit Windham residents in need.

Gagnon said she gets a lot of requests for items such as milk and eggs and the money raised through the Polar Dip fundraiser will make it easier for the Windham Clothes Closet and Food Pantry to provide these necessities as needed.

“I am totally amazed by the generosity of Eva Doughty wanting to organize this fundraiser,” she said. “She’s a wonderful citizen and a great leader. For a third grader to think of and execute a fundraiser like this makes her ahead of her years.”

Windham Town Councilor Jarrod Maxfield agrees.

“It important to recognize Eva and the other kids because they deserve it for stepping up and doing a fairly difficult thing for such a great cause,” Maxfield said. “A third grader inspired a small group to do a big thing which is an example to all of us in town of how to step up and help your community because that’s what it’s all about.”

Eva Doughty said she’s pleased that people donated to her fundraiser and helped it to become a success.

“I felt really happy that my Polar Dip could help less fortunate families have meals and clothes for the winter that they might not have had otherwise,” she said. “I want to help people the same way every year and I want to get the event bigger and bigger so I can help even more people.” <

Friday, January 20, 2023

Windham restructures bonds to save town $45,000

By Ed Pierce

Acting upon advice from a bonding agent, members of the Windham Town Council have voted unanimously to restructure some existing bonds which will save the town $45,000 by the time the bonds are eventually paid off.

The Windham Town Council has voted to restructure a
general obligation bond from 2003 to realize savings of
$45,000 for the town. PHOTO BY KEITH MANK
During a Windham Town Council meeting on Jan. 10, councilors were briefed by Windham Town Manager Barry Tibbetts about the potential for significant savings under a proposed bond restructuring plan.

The original bond of $36,333 million was approved by town councilors in 2003 and was used to pay construction costs for a new addition and renovation project at Windham High School. That general obligation bond was refinanced by the town in 2011 for the purpose of realizing debt service savings to the town at that time.

“When we were going through our current bond approvals, our bonding agent looked at it and we have just two payments left on that bond,” Tibbetts said. “But in refinancing it now, the net effect to us is that we can save $45,000 on this bond.”

The refinanced bond amounts to a total of $3,025 million, according to Moors & Cabot, Inc., the town’s municipal advisor for the issuance of the bond, and an investor has been secured for the restructured bonds.

Municipal bonds are a type of debt security issued by local, county, and state governments. They are commonly offered to pay for capital expenditures such as highway construction or for bridges, or schools. The bonds act like loans, with bondholders becoming creditors of the municipality.

In exchange for the borrowed capital, bondholders and investors are promised interest on the principal balance by being repaid by the municipality by the time of the bond’s maturity date. The bonds are often exempt from most federal and state taxes, which makes them attractive as an investment to those in higher income tax brackets.

Types of municipal bonds include general government obligation and revenue bonds. In Windham’s

case, these specific general obligation bonds were issued by a governmental entity and were not backed by revenue from a specific project, such as from a toll road. Some of Windham’s general obligation bonds are backed by dedicated property taxes, while others are payable from the town’s general funds.

Typically, the interest rate of most municipal bonds is paid at a fixed rate and this rate doesn't change over the life of the bond. However, the underlying price of a particular bond will fluctuate in the secondary market due to market conditions and changes in interest rates and interest rate expectations are generally the primary factors involved in municipal bond secondary market prices.

When interest rates fall, newly issued bonds will pay a lower yield than existing issues, which makes the older bonds more attractive. Investors who want the higher yield may be willing to pay more to get it, and a town such as Windham may weigh refinancing a bond to yield savings, such as for this bond.

All bonds must be approved by the Windham Town Council, and some are voted upon by residents during Windham’s Annual Town Meeting every June.

Windham previously issued $19,045 million in advance refunding general obligations bonds on Dec. 15, 2011, as authorized by the Windham Town Council to refinance the debt owed on the 2003 bonds.

This is fantastic,” said Windham Town Council Chair Mark Morrison. “If we can save $45,000, it’s a no brainer.”

Following a brief discussion, Windham town councilors voted unanimously to approve restructuring the bonds as proposed by the bonding agent to realize the savings.

The restructured bond is expected to be paid in full by Nov. 1, 2033. <

Friday, January 6, 2023

Town hopes sidewalk improvements spur South Windham growth

By Ed Pierce

The revitalization of South Windham is yet another step closer after members of the Windham Town council have endorsed submission of an application for Community Development Block Grant funds to move forward with a concept planning study for sidewalk reconstruction in the area.

A project to rebuild an existing sidewalk along the east side of
Main Street from the Mountain Division Trail to Depot Street
and on the west side from the railroad tracks to Depot Street
is intended to improve safety for pedestrians and help spur
economic growth in South Windham Village.
Town councilors approved the application during a December meeting and the application is expected to be completed and submitted by the end of January. The proposed concept planning study would review the most cost-effective way to reconstruct existing sidewalks and construct new sidewalks running from Depot Street in South Windham to the Mountain Division Trail.

Town Manager Barry Tibbetts told councilors that the proposed sidewalk improvements are intended to improve safety for pedestrians in South Windham and boost economic growth along Main Street there.

According to Tibbetts, the project would rebuild some 1,250 feet of existing sidewalk along the east side of Main Street from the Blue Seal store near the Mountain Division Trail crossing to Depot Street in the center of South Windham Village.

He said other planned improvements would replace old and failing retaining walls along the 1,250-foot section of rebuilt sidewalk on the east side of Main Street and to install pedestrian lighting along that same 1,250-foot section of rebuilt sidewalk.

The project would also create 1,250 feet of new 5-foot-wide paved sidewalk with granite curbing along the west side of Main Street from the Mountain Division Trail crossing to Depot Street in the center of South Windham Village.

During last June’s Annual Town Meeting, Windham voters authorized a $275,000 bond for creation of a sidewalk from Blue Seal Feed on Gray Road to Depot Street in South Windham sometime in 2024 or 2025.

The new sidewalk coincides with a project that was completed last fall that repaved the parking lot at the Cumberland County Soil and Water Conservation District at 35 Main St. in South Windham which shares a driveway with the town’s South Windham Fire Station. Reconfiguring the parking lot was a collaborative effort between Cumberland County, the Soil and Water Conservation District and the Town of Windham.

The town approached the Soil and Water Conservation District several years ago with the idea that a multi-use parking lot could benefit all interests in South Windham. Tenants of the Soil and Water Conservation District building, hikers using nearby trails, individuals using nearby businesses, and the town itself have benefitted from the updated parking lot.

“Back when we first looked at this, we originally looked at entrance issues in that area,” Windham Town Manager Barry Tibbetts said. “We thought we could work a partnership short-term, to fix the entrance problems and repave the driveway for parking but it turned out to be so much more.”

Windham councilors unanimously voted in December 2020 to sell the old vacant South Windham Fire Station at 8 Main St. for $125,000 to Great Falls Construction of Gorham, owned by Jon and Cindy Smith. They plan to turn the property into a brewhouse and restaurant.

South Windham Village itself was once a thriving industrial and commercial location because of its access to Maine Central railroad and situated near the Presumpscot River but today the area is mostly residential and town councilors and the Windham Economic Development Corporation are seeking for ways to spur economic growth there.

Last fall, an agreement was announced to clean up and demolish the old Keddy Mill site at 7 Depot St. in South Windham under an initiative to protect human health and the environment. Officials from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and ITT LLC, the company responsible for the 6.93-acre Keddy Mill site say that the former industrial building on the site will be razed and contaminated materials there will be removed.

In the past year, Windham and Gorham have agreed to collaborate on a master plan focused on developing a community guided vision for the villages of South Windham and Little Falls. <

Friday, December 16, 2022

Can We? Project engages students in dialogue with elected officials

By Lorraine Glowczak

About 20 Windham High School students recently participated in three separate day-long retreats called the "Can We? Project." Building up to the third retreat, students learned the skills of ‘listening to understand’ through a series of story exchanges. Then, using what they learned in the first retreat, students could practice their listening skills by discussing divisive topics at the second retreat where students chose political and social issues that they deemed essential.

Windham Town Councilor Dave Nadeau offers his thoughts
after one of the Can We? Project student group presentations
at Windham High School. PHOTO BY GARY HARRIMAN
On the last day of the Can We? Project retreat, Wednesday, Dec. 7, students practiced civic engagement skills by presenting their perspectives on their areas of concern to elected officials from the Windham Town Council and the RSU 14 School Board.

Students shared concerns from a global and local perspective ranging from various social, political, and environmental topics.

The students only had 1 ½ hours to choose from one of the issues established by the group to develop an argument. After their presentations, the elected officials were offered an opportunity to ask questions or give an opposing viewpoint to consider.

WHS English teacher, and Can We? Project liaison Chelsea Scott said four student groups and one teacher group presented to the officials in about an hour.

"The student’s level of courage was admirable,” Scott said. “They transformed feelings of anxiety into action and used the little time they had to prepare to create insightful presentations."

School board member and chair Kate Brix said that she was impressed with the students and the Can We? Project process, saying that it was a powerful example of the importance of student's voice.

“Student engagement is a core belief of RSU 14’s strategic plan, and the students of this project were extremely articulate and respectful as they presented their viewpoint on a topic important to them,” she said. “The students I met clearly illustrated that they care and think deeply about issues that impact all our lives. I can’t say enough about how impressed I was with them and know that the skills they learned will be put to good use beyond their high school years.”

Windham Town Council chair Mark Morrison said the project was timely and a valuable lesson in learning respectful dialogue between people with differing viewpoints.

“We saw the students apply and follow the program process with their presentations which stressed presenting respectfully, listening, and asking questions in a way that did not make the dialogue personal,” Morrison said. “I hope this program continues so the students learn the skills needed to effectively communicate so the focus is on the ideas where the pros and cons can be discussed and measured, not on the person. I hope I’m invited back to participate in another discussion.”

After the presentations, the students had an opportunity to reflect upon what they learned most.

“I realized I need to do more research about my subject,” said senior Teddy Becker.

Junior Mareena Batsungnern said participating in the Can We? Project helped develop her skills in leadership.

“It has also given me the courage and motivation to voice my beliefs to others,” she said.

Junior Griffin Moreau said the Can We? Project taught him something that many of us try to learn in an attempt at deep listening. “The thing I think that I learned the most is, ‘be comfortable with silence.’ It is something that I have struggled with all my life and have only started to realize the answer to and the Can We? project has helped with that.”

Scott said the Can We? Project was instrumental in empowering the students to truly listen to each other and discuss divisive topics with empathy and a desire to understand rather than to react.

“Participants have expressed that they feel supported, surprised, and inspired by this program and that they now have the tools and knowledge to participate in their own democracy,” she said.

The Can We? Project was developed collaboratively between the Third Thought Initiatives for Civic Engagement from Waynflete School and the Maine Policy Institute. The mission is to allow high school students the opportunity to engage in thoughtful dialogue across different perspectives.

All three retreats were held at WHS and guided by John Holdridge, the Director of the Third Thought Initiatives for Civic Engagement, and Jacob Posik, the Director of Communications from the Maine Policy Institute. The 20 students were self-selected to participate and represented a true cross-section of ages, academic foci, family experiences and interests.

Students will have the opportunity to expand their experiences with other high school students across the state who also participated in the project, taking their experiences and practice of civil conversation and dialogue to the next level. In addition, WHS teachers who participated in the retreats plan to incorporate the project as an initiative for the whole school.

A thank you goes to the following elected officials who gave the gift of listening and allowing students to practice skills of civic engagement and dialogue respectfully including Windham Town Council members Mark Morrison, Dave Nadeau, and Nick Kalogerakis, RSU 14 school board members Kate Brix, Kate Leveille, Char Jewell, and Jessica Bridges, and former State Representative Patrick Corey. <